I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1092: The other side

The latest website: Source magma rolls under the sea, Song Jian's perception is suppressed to the limit, and he can only see the surrounding area of ​​two or three meters. Being in the magma, Song Jian loses more than one hundred points of blood value per second. This is also his good fire, ordinary second-level combat players, I am afraid that if they fall into the magma, they will not be able to persist for more than ten seconds and will hang up. hurt.

Actively entering the magma, Song Jiancai found that below the source sea, not only is the king of flames, but also countless lava magpies similar in size to octopus. These lava maggots range from 60 to 80 There are six tentacles that resemble the arms of the King of Flames. Their tentacles are soft like whips, but they can also instantly condense into a bone-blade-like organizational structure and perform hacking and cutting attacks on the target.

Song Jian was caught by a 60th-level lava maggot, beside him, there were two other 60th-level lava maggots, and he flew towards Song Jian quickly.

Song Jian is very difficult to exert his strength in the magma. He can only hold the tentacles of the lava magma with his left hand, and chopped the sky sword with his right hand, and at the same time, he feels that a figure exactly like him appears in the magma. With two other lava puppets coming over, Wan Jianjue was cast.

Although Song Jian ’s avatar has been level 4, it is not possible to kill two monsters at level 60. Song Jian only hopes that it can delay for a few seconds. In addition, the magma damage of Jian avatar ’s avatar is more serious. Each time, the blood value of seven or eight hundred points must be jumped out, and the blood value of the avatar can only persist for a maximum of thirty seconds.

Song Jian only chopped two or three times, and the lava scourge that bound him made a scream. He quickly took back the three tentacles. In the magma, a stream of dark red blood flowed out. After contacting the magma, Suddenly turned into a gas, it became a bubble "gudu" floating up.

This lava maggot also seemed to have suffered great damage, constantly struggling and rolling in the magma, and after a moment, he actively abandoned the chopped tentacle, like a gecko with a tail.

Song Jian suddenly understood that the lava magma also belongs to the biological category in the final analysis. Unlike the Lord of Flames, the Lord of Flames has evolved into a half flesh and half elemental creature. In fact, its body and elemental organization are more than flesh and blood tissue. More, once it is completely transformed into an elemental creature, Song Jian estimates that it can break through the realm of level 120 and third-tier combat power and break into the legendary realm.

Lava magpies are still flesh and blood creatures. Although they have high fire resistance and can survive in magma, if they are injured, blood will flow out and they will still be damaged by magma.

At this time, actively cutting off a tentacle of lava maggots was very jealous of Song Jian. To be more precise, it was jealous of Song Jian's hands that could break its defense. He swam slowly in front of Song Jian. After moving for two seconds, he turned his head and fled away. Obviously, he did not intend to continue fighting with Song Jian.

Song Jian glanced at the figure of the lava magpie, and suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He felt that this lava maggot seemed to have the wisdom of no less than ordinary human beings. You know, ordinary monsters did not escape at all. Once a battle occurs, it is a deadly battle. Only some powerful bosses or humanoid monsters will trigger the escape mechanism when the blood value drops below one tenth. As now, it can be estimated at the beginning of the battle. Out of the enemy's strength, and then quickly escaped the monster, Song Jian has never seen a few.

The two lava maggots on the other side seem to be very different from the one facing Song Jian. Although there is only one Wan Jianjue released as a split, dozens of swords have been cut, which also makes these two lava maggots. Several tentacles caused a lot of injuries. A large amount of boiling steam spewed out one by one, and the damage figures came out from the tops of the two lava maggots. After the injury, the damage of the magma to them even exceeded The damage that Wan Jianjue cast on them as a pair.

However, the two lava maggots did not escape, but rushed up desperately to fight with the shadow of the sword, and the surrounding magma was constantly stirred up.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly saw a dim shadow in the distance, and rushed towards him quickly, looking carefully. This turned out to be a tentacle of the Fire King, apparently, before he fell into the source mass After the sea, the king of flames did not give up his attack, and the source of the sea is the true home of the king of flames.

Song Jian's heart sank. Once entangled by this tentacle, there will be a continuous stream of tentacles in the follow-up. The tentacles of the king of flames are not comparable to lava maggots. One is equivalent to a dominance boss .

Hum ~

With a light noise, the flame wing flapped, and Song Jianying flew upwards like an arrow. He suddenly discovered that in the magma, the flame wing seemed to be able to absorb the flame energy in the magma, almost twice as fast. For Song Jian, it was totally unexpected joy.

In the third person's eyes, Song Jian seemed to be pulled into the source sea, and after ten seconds, he rushed up at a faster speed.

At this point, Song Jian was less than ten meters away from the opposite shore, and the speed of the flame wing blessing doubled behind him. In the blink of an eye, he caught the rock on the opposite shore and dropped the robot Nafiboya's With a scratched head, Song Jian rushed forward without turning back.

At this moment, there was a sound of "banging" behind, dozens of tentacles of the King of Fire slammed on the rock wall severely, and the crushed stones smashed by the rock wall on the other side flew, and the ground seemed to crack. There are usually huge cracks everywhere.

As if there was any restraint, the King of Flames immediately lost interest in Song Jian after he was far away from the Source Sea. Yao Wu Yangwei snarled and roared constantly in the Source Sea, with countless arms flying across the sky, looking extremely terrifying.

Song Jian glanced backward with a regret ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You know, this is a king-level boss with a rank of 120 and the peak of the third-order combat power. Once you kill it, Song Jian is sure that there must be There is a great chance that there will be more than one epic-level equipment, and it is more likely that there will be legendary equipment second only to the artifact. When you think of this, Song Jian has itchy heart. You must know that the king-level boss can kill Yes.

"Unfortunately, the King of Fire is too powerful, and Yuan Zhi Hai is its old nest. It is unwise to fight against it here. Even if you want to hunt it, you must find a way to leave it from Yuan Zhi Hai ... ... "Song Jian's expression of regret appeared, shook his head, and hurriedly ran towards the distance.

"You did it ..." One side of the robot Nafiboya's head was sunk into a large piece, and some of the skull joints were still bubbling Mars. Even the artificial skin on the cheek was broken. It seems that the previous throw by Song Jian caused a lot of damage to it, but all Nafiboya is acceptable. After all, it has tried more than 300 times, but it has not succeeded in crossing the source. Quality sea.

"Remember to prepare the mission rewards. We should not be far from the edge of the scorching canyon ..." Song Jian glanced at Nafiboya's mechanical head and laughed, and walked forward.
