I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1091: Tentacle

Latest website: Song Jian was shocked when he saw the huge eye in the magma. The eyes are so huge, so how big should the body of this Fire King be?

Before thinking too much, Song Jianshun waved a sword towards the lake. At this time Wan Jianjue was still in the cool-down time. Song Jian's sword was just ordinary sword gas, but it also had the effect of sword gasification. .

A giant platinum tiger roared and rushed towards the surface of the magma lake, roaring and hitting this huge eye, a crit damage of more than 10,000 points, floating from the surface of the magma sea, within a range of several hundred meters. It was as if countless deep-water bombs had been thrown in, and a roar broke out.

A huge figure slowly floated from the magma. Song Jian trembled and fled out of the shadowy area under his feet.

Banging ~

A sturdy flame tornado rose from the source sea level. This flame tornado exceeded 50 meters in diameter and more than 100 meters in height. It stood like Song Jiang in front of Song Jian.

On the surface of this flame tornado, countless dark brown tentacles are constantly stretching, dense and dense, making people look a little disgusting.

The King of Flames has completely awoken, blocking Song Jian's way forward. One eye looks slightly red and swollen, and stares angrily at Song Jian in midair. The strong coercion makes the surrounding air freeze. Song Jian felt like a small bug wrapped in pine oil. The pressure from around him made him feel unable to struggle.

"This is the peak of the third-order combat power, is the strength of the 120th-level King BOSS?" Song Jian's face showed a bit of bitterness, but at this time it was too early to say that he would give up, a thought, a crisp Dragon Yin The sound sounded.

A phantom of the oriental dragon emerged on the surface of Song Jian's body, and Zhang Ya's dancing claws enveloped Song Jian's entire body.

Withered blue dragon sword body!

This is Song Jian's ability to press the bottom of the box. It will not be cast until the critical moment. Qinglong's virtual shadow floats around Song Jian's body and dances constantly. He glances at it and thinks it is a real Qinglong. Song Jian's Ontology is a bit small at this time.

Qi and blood value increased sharply by a small amount, at the same time Song Jian's Qi and blood value recovery speed also improved a lot, the most important thing is that Song Jian mastered the power of withering.

A finger toward the Lord of Flames, a gray energy resembles a thin arrow, hitting the huge body of the Lord of Flames, the hot red flames, suddenly cast a layer of grayish breath, the speed of the Lord of Flames Suddenly dropped a lot;

In fact, the body of the King of Flame is huge, revealing the flame whirlwind of the source sea. Obviously it is not its entire body. From the bottom of the source sea, a tentacle is still kept out, and its movement speed is not fast. But with too many arms, these tentacles occupied an area of ​​hundreds of meters, and Song Jian, who was about to escape to the other side, had no chance. Only by reducing the speed of these tentacles, he had the opportunity to wear them out of these dense tentacles. past.

Looking at the arms whose dancing speed suddenly dropped, Song Jian glanced at the sky-breaking sword in his right hand, and his thoughts turned sharply: "If I fly with the royal sword, can I fly over these arms?"

You must know that the Royal Sword flies extremely fast, much faster than the steel wings or flame wing, but it also has a disadvantage that it is very fast in straight flight, but it is not good at moving in a small range. The King ’s arm uses a royal sword to fly, and the most likely scenario is a head hitting an arm.

But after these arm dancing speeds dropped by 35%, Song Jian was more careful and should be able to avoid this situation, except that when Jian Jian was flying, Song Jian would be completely incapable of attacking. After all, he only had one sword.

"Damn, after this mission is complete, I must look for a flying sword!" Song Jian gritted his teeth and said, "I swear!"

The effect of the withering force is only one minute, and Song Jian only thought about it for less than a second, and decided to fight it!

The sky-breaking sword automatically flew to Song Jian's feet, and Song Jian rushed forward as if stepping on a jet skateboard.

One arm grabbed toward Song Jian, but at this time the speed of these arms dropped a lot, it looks like the elderly old man raised his hand to drive away the flying insects in front of him, a look of weakness. .

"Fifteen degrees forward left, be careful to avoid the arm next to ..."

"Fly ten meters up thirty degrees and pass through the two front arms ..."

When Song Jian rushed into these arms, a robot named Nafiboya, who was holding in his left hand, suddenly spoke, and it also found something strange. Through a lot of calculations, he instructed Song Jian to avoid the arm in front.

Each time Nafiboya was able to predict the movement of the front arm about three seconds in advance, which gave Song Jian sufficient reaction time, which made it easier to cross these arms.

300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters ...

Song Jian is getting closer and closer to the source sea, and the eyes of the robot Nafiboya's head are getting more and more shining. In its eyes, a number is constantly beating, this number represents the success of crossing the source sea. Probability, this probability is constantly increasing.

Eighty meters, fifty meters, thirty meters ...

Song Jian ’s sword strength continued to be consumed, and the figure was changing direction slightly in an arm burning with flames. The flying speed of the royal sword was too fast. If the angle of rotation direction was too large during flight, it would be easy to plant it into the source. The sea of ​​quality may hit the arm next to it.

These surfaces are covered with folds and **** tentacles, and there are palm-sized suction cups on the surface. Once they hit them, they will be tightly absorbed by these suction cups, and they will not run away if you want to run.

Twenty meters, ten meters, five meters ...

The source of the opposite side of the source sea was close at hand. At this moment, the tentacles of the three adult arms suddenly popped out from the bottom of the source sea. The speed was extremely fast.

The three small tentacles did not seem to be affected by the withering force. Even Song Jian didn't respond, he wrapped his right leg tightly and dragged it towards the bottom of the sea.

Song Jian sank in his heart ~ www.novelhall.com ~ With his left hand slamming forward, he threw the remaining skull of the robot Nafiboya to the opposite shore, watching the machine's skull slammed on the rock on the opposite shore, risking After coming out of a large group of Mars, he rolled forward five or six meters before stopping, and Song Jian suddenly felt relieved.

But soon, Song Jian's attention was attracted by the three tentacles that were constantly pulling him. The strength of these three tentacles was not great. At least he could not have a crushing effect on Song Jian and dragged him directly into the lava of the source sea. In.

"If this is the tentacle of the king of flames, then I would never have the power to resist ..." Song Jian's thoughts fluttered in his mind, and he immediately understood that although this source of sea is the old nest of the king of flames, but inside it Definitely not only the boss of the fire king.

Song Jian slashed and chopped on these three tentacles, but these three tentacles are like rubber, which is difficult to cut off quickly. At this time, the duration of the withering force is very low. Although these three tentacles have no way to drag Song Jian Into the source sea, but Song Jian could not escape for a while.

Thinking of this, Song Jian gritted his teeth and even waved the flame wing, and rushed down towards the source sea. Soon, his figure was drowned by the magma of the source sea.
