I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1089: 1 closest to success

The latest website: From time to time, a magma like Tongtianzhu will spew out from the source sea, and it will rush out from the rock wall channel above. It will take a long time to collapse and disappear, setting off waves in the source sea.

"This is the most dangerous dense volcanic group in this volcanic area. Volcanoes erupt almost every few minutes. There are no other creatures except lava beasts to survive ..." Robot Nafiboya looked at Song Jian said at a glance: "Even by flying, there is no way to get past, and this is the only way to get through!"

"What can we do now?" Song Jian could not help asking.

"Wait!" Said Robot Nafiboya. "Wait until the night, the source sea will have a three-hour incubation period, and we will be able to pass here safely ..."

Talking, the robot Nafiboya squeezed the picked up gear part in her hands, and her face showed a dark look.

The two waited patiently, and didn't know how long after that, the rolling magma in the source sea gradually subsided, and no more magma fire pillars poured out of the sea, and the entire lava sea surface seemed to be slowly falling.

"Ready, the incubation period is approaching, remember not to fly ..." said Robot Nafiboya, turning her head and staring at Song Jian.

"Can't fly" Then how to get over? "Song Jian could not help asking.

Just when Song Jian was puzzled, the sea level of the source sea had begun to accelerate, and stone pillars more than ten meters in diameter were exposed, like small islands in the sea.

The robot Nafiboya jumped first towards the nearest "island". The hot lava had not completely dissipated. The feet of the robot Nafiboya's feet suddenly burst into smoke, but it didn't care. , Continue to jump towards the nearest "island".

System: You are too far from the **** target, please return to it as soon as possible, otherwise the mission will fail!


With a frown on his face, Song Jian could only follow Nafiboya's footsteps and jumped towards the islands in the source sea.

I don't know how long it took to jump. Looking back, Song Jian can't see the shore where he was originally. Looking around, all are thick stone pillars, and under the pillars, there is boiling magma.

"Well, what's that?" Song Jian suddenly saw, in front of the left side, seventeen or eighteen stone pillars away, there was a treasure chest with a purplish red light, and this treasure chest stayed there quietly. On a stone pillar, waiting for someone to open it.

"Epic treasure chest ..." Song Jian moved in his heart and was about to open the treasure chest, but the robot Nafiboya suddenly turned back and said to him, "If you go to open that treasure chest, we will both die here, time is not enough! "

Song Jian froze, watching the robot Nafiboya turned his head and continued to jump forward. He sighed and continued to follow behind him.

The epic treasure chest needs at least fifteen minutes to open. This is still not locked. If it is locked, even if it can be opened with a forgotten key, it will take at least twenty minutes or even half an hour. The incubation period of the sea is only three hours, and they cannot afford to delay.

He continued to jump forward, and after a while, Song Jian saw more and more items, so it was scattered on the surrounding stone pillars, there were all kinds of precious ore, and there was dark gold. For the equipment of fuchsia light, none of these items are far from Song Jian, and these items are inlaid on various stone pillars, showing only one third or less, tempting people who see them.

Song Jian knows that these items are real, but he also knows that as long as he obtains one item in the past, he will definitely think of the second and third one, and then in the fantasy of "this is the last one", forever Stay in this sea of ​​source matter.

Soon, the front robot Nafiboya stopped suddenly, and Song Jian jumped over in two steps and asked, "Why don't you go?"

The robot Nafiboya stood still, staring straight ahead, Song Jian followed its gaze, and at the very edge of this "island", a broken robot was lying there, the body surface The humanoid structure has long been burned to ashes, revealing the metal skeletons inside.

In fact, this broken robot has only left some relatively hard metal skeletons, the others have been burned in the magma, and solidified lava still remains on the metal skeletons. It seems that it has been here for a long time .

"This, this is ..." Song Jian frowned slightly, he remembered the wreckage of the robot he saw when he first entered the passage.

"This is Nafiboya 207. It should be the robot that walked the farthest ..." The robot Nafiboya looked up at Song Jian and said, "For hundreds of years, I have always entered Three hundred and seventy-eight people in the trial tower posted an **** mission, but none of them completed, they were the number one adventurers on the killing list ... "

Song Jian froze in his heart. In fact, this answer already existed in his heart. He was not the first to take the **** task, but hoped to be the last one.

"Come on, there's not much time left ..." The robot Nafiboya glanced at the wreckage at her feet again, and jumped to the island opposite.

I do n’t know how long, Song Jian suddenly discovered that a thin line appeared in front of it, just like the edge of the coastline, and a surprise smile suddenly appeared on his face, pointing at the front and shouting: "Nafia Boya, look at the front Have you reached the other side? "

Nafiboya didn't reply, but the jumping speed became faster. At this time, Song Jian suddenly heard the sound of magma rolling under the stone pillar seemed to be getting closer and closer. Looking down, it was ten meters away from the surface of the stone pillar. The magma started to rise slowly.

"Is it about three hours so soon?" Song Jian was startled ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The incubation period was over, and the island on which he stood was about to be covered by magma.

"How could it be so fast!" Song Jian was anxious, and he could not help speeding up a bit, but they were still moving faster than the magma surged. Seeing that the opposite bank was in front of him, the magma had already poured into the edge area As magma continued to spread on the surface of the stone pillars, each time they jumped, they could only run forward on the magma.

Song Jian's blood value began to slowly decline, and he would jump out a five or six hundred injuries each time, and the feet of the robot Nafiboya exposed the metal skeleton, all the sensors similar to the mechanical nerves were destroyed, Nafi Boya's speed dropped a lot, and he limped slowly in the magma. At this time, they were less than 500 meters away from the opposite bank.

"This should be the closest I have been to success ..." the robot Nafiboya murmured to himself, with Mars constantly exploding at the joints of the two legs, the speed was getting slower and slower, and finally, it lost all its power, He knelt down sharply toward the magma.


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Bread84"