I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1088: Source sea

The latest website: "Has the city of Doom already been occupied?" Song Jian froze, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The price was as long as he expected. Since the city's largest abyss copy was cleared by him alone, the city of Doomsday. There is no longer any obstacle that can prevent the unification of the war alliance. It is only a matter of time to occupy the entire city of Doom.

But now the occupation is at least half a month ahead of Song Jian's expected time. It seems that he is not in the city of hope, and Wang Qi and others have not relaxed, and are working hard to develop the city of hope.

The main seal of the city was taken out. At this time, the entire main seal of the city was exuding a strong purple and golden light. The legendary quality of the main seal of the city gave Song Jian the ability to control the city of hope anytime, anywhere. This is also unique to the fifth-level city of the city. right.

In the past, the use of the seal of the city to deal with urban things must be within the scope of the city of hope. Therefore, once Song Jian left the city of hope and ventured out, the city of hope would backlog a large number of things that required the city ’s consent to proceed, which was a delay. Now that Song Jian can handle things in the city of hope thousands of miles away, even in the scorching canyon, it is much more convenient.

Through the main seal of the city, Song Jian appeared in front of a translucent light curtain, which was filled with things to be processed during this time, most of them are applications for shops and infrastructure construction. After careful inspection, Song Jian passed them one by one. These applications that can appear in front of him are all applications approved by the municipal government. If there are any violations, the staff of the municipal government will decline the first time and will not appear in front of Song Jian.

Seeing that Song Jian suddenly took out a Zijin quality seal, the robot's eyes suddenly flashed again, staring at the seal in Song Jian's hands, scanning continuously.

For Song Jian, the robot Nafiboya is just an NPC in an **** mission. Seeing it is curious about the main seal of the city, it doesn't matter. The main seal of the city is a bound item, and there is no way for other people to **** and use it.

After dealing with a large amount of backlog of city official duties, Song Jian collected the seal of the city owner again.

"Fifth-level cities, the level is also considered to be middle-to-high. If you try hard, you may be promoted to a seventh-level, eighth-level high-level city ..." Song Jian secretly touched his chin: "But if you want to advance, you must first invade in the abyss Just stand firm in the middle! "

The abyss invasion will start at any time, which is why Wang Qi hastened the unification of the territories of Doomsday City. Only a complete and unified city can resist the invasion of the abyss army.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a master of the city!" The voice of the robot Nafiboya suddenly turned into a soft female voice, and said to Song Jian.

Song Jian smiled and didn't speak, and continued to follow the route provided by the robot Nafiboja.

"By the way, do you know what is Nefaya?" Song Jian asked suddenly.

The doomsday city was completely unified and became a fifth-tier city. It became a stronghold in the continent of Nafiyaa. This information made Song Jian's two monks confused.

"The world we live in is divided into three continents, Nefaya, Ahn'Qiraj, and Sawyer!" Said the robot Nafiboya after a moment of silence. "Three continents were originally a unified continent, but ten thousand years ago The battle of the gods began, and the war bombarded the entire continent into three parts. The war continued for thousands of years. Many gods fell in succession, and the three continents gradually became far away. Now each continent has been separated by thousands of miles. Far away ... the continent we are on is one of them, the continent of Nafaya! "

"In fact, the veins of each continent have been broken. The entire continent is floating on the endless sea, and it will collapse at any time. The stronghold is the fulcrum that supports the continent. The more strongholds, the more stable the continent and the city that becomes the stronghold. You can borrow the power of the ground vein, whether it is defense or production, it will be greatly improved, and at the same time it can be incorporated into the ground vein network to improve the transmission capacity between cities ... "

After the robot Nafiboya explained it in detail, Song Jian nodded. Now he has not noticed any difference. It is estimated that the effect of the city change will not be discovered until he returns to the city of hope.

While chatting, they were walking in the underground lava channel, and after a while, they came to a large lava lake.

Looking at the magma lake that was beyond sight, Song Jian was stunned. He never thought that under this hell, there was such a vast magma lake. No, this can no longer be called a lake. It is called a magma sea. It's almost the same.

The most important thing is that there is no way to get here. Even if Song Jian has the ability to fly, it is impossible to cross such a large magmatic sea.

"Are you taking the wrong way?" Song Jianwang couldn't help asking, looking at the tumbling lava sea in front of him.

"This is the only way to leave the underground area ..." the robot Nafiboya whispered, walked to the edge of the magma sea, bent over and picked up a gear-like metal part from the ground, with a sad look in his eyes: " Just leave here to enter the edge of the scorching canyon ... "

"What the **** is this place?" Song Jian could not help asking.

"This is the source of many volcanic eruptions, and the most dangerous place in the entire volcanic area ..." Nafiboya turned her head and looked at Song Jian. "This is also the old nest of the King of Flames, the source sea!"

"What, the nest of the king of flames?" Song Jian shuddered. You must know that the king of flames has existed for thousands of years. The 120-level king peak BOSS is higher than the ordinary king-level boss. A big part, Song Jian may be able to use a variety of hole cards to kill a boss who has just stepped into the king class, but half-foot like the King of Fire has already stepped into the legendary boss, Song Jian can't deal with it alone.

Wanting to hunt the king of flames ~ www.novelhall.com ~ requires at least a large team of hundreds of people, and each of the team has reached at least the 120 level three peak combat power to have the opportunity.

"You mean, we have to cross this source sea to kill the flame king before we can leave?" Song Jian opened his eyes wide and said, "Why not pass from the ground at the beginning? At least pass from the ground at a speed It will be faster! "

Along the way, Song Jian has already discovered that not only is the underground passageway narrow and difficult to walk, but the number of monsters is several times larger than that on the ground. Since sooner or later the King of Flames is to be encountered, it is better to pass directly through the volcano group on the ground. It can be faster.

"On the ground, every step you take will be attacked by the King of Fire. I am afraid that if you do not walk a thousand meters, you will be killed by the King of Fire. Its body is hidden in this source sea. On the ground, we are basically There is no way to take it, and here ... "The robot Nafiboya glanced around and said," It's not as scary as you think! "


PS: Thanks for the "Book Friends 20200221155143624" for the 100 starting coins.