I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1073: Siege

Song Jian has a silent inside view of this little Skybreaker Sword Sword Pill. After integrating the sword spirit, Skybreaker Sword moves a lot, but the character feels like a naughty child, curious about everything, and always wants to be with each other Try it out, who is sharper and harder.

Fortunately, Moon Precision Wheel is only a skill, and it can be reunited after being destroyed. Otherwise, Song Jian may cry.

Nafiboya, the towering brain, has disappeared. There is only a light blue light door and a motionless robot beside him.

"Hello, can you understand me?" Song Jian waved in front of the robot and asked loudly.

"Hello, Song Jian, you can call me Nafiboya, **** me away, it's hard for you!" The robot's head crooked, and a standard smile was revealed to Song Jian.

"Nafia Boya? Wouldn't you be an avatar of this towering spirit?" Song Jian guessed.

"Sorry, this is highly confidential. I don't have permission to tell you." Nafiboja said with a standard smile.

"Okay, we're leaving here now, can you keep up?" Song Jian asked.

"As long as you keep moving within 100 meters per second, I can lock in and keep up with your speed!" Nafiboja said.

"One hundred meters per second, you said it was flying ..." Song Jian nodded, nodded, and walked towards the light blue light gate, while Nafiboya followed him closely.

The two entered the portal, one after the other, and the light disappeared. Soon, the room was silent, and the portal gradually disappeared.

After a while, the silver metal walls and floors in the room slowly began to change, as if they had gone through thousands of years. The metal walls and floors quickly rusted and corroded at a rate visible to the naked eye. A few seconds later, The whole room was filled with the smell of death, there was a dilapidated appearance everywhere, and nothing has changed since then, as if all of this is the original appearance of this killing tower.

Song Jian and the robot Nafiboya came to an open field. Song Jian opened the map and glanced at it, and found that the map seemed to be covered with a layer of fog and could see nothing.

Looking up, there is a dense jungle in the distance, there are many tall dark red plants, which look a bit creepy, and I do n’t know what it is. Some of them seem to have attack power. Song Jian saw it with his own eyes. , A thick, dark red plant, pierced the body of a small animal with a branch, and then slowly pulled it to its own root.

"What the **** is this place? How should we get out of here?" Song Jian felt a little depressed.

"This is the south part of the hot canyon. It belongs to the eighty-level monster area. From here we should leave the hot canyon. The best route is to go through the forest of death mines in front, into the golden desert, and then enter the golden desert and continue to go northeast. Five hundred kilometers, through a volcanic area, you can reach the edge of the scorching canyon ... "The robot Nafiboya's eyes flickered with a faint light, and it seemed to be fetching data, telling Song Jian the route slowly.

"Yes, your presence has made the **** mission a lot more difficult ..." Song Jian smiled and nodded. "But before that, I will condense the moon fine wheel, wait a moment!"

After speaking, Song Jian began to mobilize all the sword qi, condensing the moon fine wheel. After a moment, a half silver and gold crocheted moon appeared on Song Jian's chest. All the sword qi was consumed, and Song Jian felt a emptiness. His complexion was slightly pale, and after standing for a while and rested, his complexion returned to ruddy.

Sword energy is also an energy in the Song fitness body, just like physical strength and mental strength. If it is exhausted, it will cause some discomfort to the body, and the sword energy value is not the same as mental strength, physical strength, and blood value. It can be supplemented with elixir and can only recover on its own, but fortunately, the recovery of sword energy value is extremely fast, and it can recover more than ten or twenty points in one second. It is far from mental strength and energy value. of.

"Follow me!" Song Jian whispered, running towards the distant jungle. He was a little worried that the robot Nafiboya couldn't keep up with his speed, but soon he realized that even if he was running with all his strength, Nafiboya can always follow her two or three meters behind. As for the speed limit of Nafiboya, Song Jian can't test it. Obviously, in terms of speed, Nafiboya is much higher than Songjian. .

In this forest, there is a monster called the flame demon, level 80, and the peak of second-order strength. This is a humanoid monster. It is more than two meters tall. It is full of flames and is good at flame magic, regardless of whether it encounters an enemy. In their palms, they always held a blazing flame.

After Song Jian and the robot Nafiboya entered the woods, the nearby flame demon seemed to be attracted. Their attack target was not Song Jian, but Nafiboya immediately following Song fitness.

Boom ~

A blaze of flames flew over to Nafiboya, and Nafiboya flashed sensitively. The flame slammed heavily on a big tree behind it, and immediately turned the big tree into one. A huge torch.

"Warning, warning, I am under attack, please **** to protect my safety, otherwise the **** mission will soon fail!"

"Warning, warning, I am under attack, please **** to protect my safety, otherwise the **** mission will soon fail!"


Nafiboya repeated the mechanical warning sound as she dodged the fire attack.

"I know, I know, I'm destroying them!" Song Jian said, like his right hand, the Skybreaker sword appeared in his palm. At this time, the Skybreaker sword has evolved into a legendary purple gold weapon. Attack damage has been greatly increased.

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Song Jianying turned into a streamer, rushing towards the flame demon closest to him, and the sky-breaking sword in his hand severely chopped on it, suddenly a more than 6,000 points of critical damage, from the flame demon Floated over his head.

Yue Jinglun also began to show power, as if it was controlled by another arm. uukanshu.com constantly inflicts cutting damage on the Fire Demon in front of it.

A scream screamed loudly. The flame demon lost control of his body and slowly floated into the air. After a dazzling sword light flashed, a series of damage figures quickly floated above his head, directly directing the flame demon. Human health is emptied.

Then, Song Jian didn't stop, didn't even glance at its falling objects, and rushed towards another flame demon.

Although these flame demon levels are 30 levels higher than Song Jian, regardless of their own attributes or defensive damage, Song Jian completely crushes them. The blood value of tens of thousands of points is quite high in the eyes of other adventurers, but In the eyes of Song Jian, he could not bear his set of skills at all. Even with ordinary damage, he could kill a flame demon in a few seconds.

After just a few minutes, the forest suddenly became quiet. Nafiboja stood in front of a few scorched trees and looked around. There were five or six fiendish corpses burning with flames, and some of them were bursting beside them. Song Jianzheng bent over to pick up the spoils, and a corner of Nafiboya's mouth suddenly appeared a smile, and then quickly returned to the former rigid appearance.
