I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1062: Spellmaster

The latest website: Song Jian stared at Tuguman expressionlessly. This is a strong man who has stepped into the third-order strength, but Song Jian faintly felt another power from the other side. This power is strong and Secret and very secretive, Song Jian even noticed a familiar taste.

"This brother, since we are trapped here, we need to help each other ..." Tu Guman said with a smile on his face, and began to persuade Song Jian to let go of his prejudices and work with everyone to eliminate this flame rhino as the main attacker. .

Song Jian looked at the flaming rhinoceros in the distance, and this BOSS seemed to realize that the strength of the adventurers was not weak, and he was hesitating whether to rush up and desperately.

Although under the light curtain of killing, all the monsters in the scorching canyon became violent, but the basic judgment and perception were not weakened, and they knew that they would still be provoked to death, and such monsters could not live long. time.

"All of you are higher than me, and the main attacker can't make it to me ..." Song Jian sneered: "Finally, if there is any superb equipment, it will be seen in the eyes, when it will be Trouble again? "

"You can rest assured that we are now a team. We have previously suffered. All the monsters’ explosive items are distributed according to their contributions. The guy hit you before and was killed by you. No one of us said anything. ... "

"My weapon is damaged ..." Song Jian interrupted Tu Guman's words and showed a broken dark gold quality sword in his hand.

"This ..." Tu Guman frowned, he didn't know that this was just a spare long sword of Song Jian. You know, most adventurers now have the most golden weapons in their hands, most of which are Silver and blue, a sword of dark gold quality, is definitely the only existence of these adventurers, as the main weapons are a bit extravagant, how could anyone use it as a spare weapon?

At this moment, the flame rhinoceros suddenly growled loudly, like a train, rushing towards the crowd.

Banging ~

The earthquake shuddered, and some gravel on the ground was directly bounced. The faces of all adventurers changed a lot, and some people even had the ability to accelerate and ran around.

Maybe one person seeks death in the hot canyon, but it must be faster to stay in place, and soon, more than a dozen adventurers have left the team and ran towards the depths of the hot canyon.

"I want everyone to go deep into the scorching canyon, but not in this way ..." Tu Guman secretly said, a faint look on his face could not help but a hint of blackness bloomed from him, but soon It disappeared and disappeared.

No one else noticed, but Song Jian, who was closest to him, moved in his heart. Although there was no strange color on his face, his heart sank slightly: "The breath of the abyss ..."

Tu Guman glanced at Song Jian, sneered, and stepped on the ground fiercely. The figure flew into the air like a cannonball. A curse resounded in the air like Hong Zhongda Lu, and golden runes appeared in the void. These runes erupted from Tuguman's mouth. They were originally the size of a fingernail, but when they came out, they grew up in the wind, and quickly expanded in the air. The big golden runes smashed towards the flame rhinoceros, and the skin was fleshy and screamed. Again and again.

Boom, boom, boom!

From the flame rhinoceros body, a circle of hot flames bloomed and spread to a range of more than ten meters. This flame, like the sacrum of the cheekbones, once it has contaminated the skin, it will burn into the bone while burning, no matter Nothing can be extinguished. If you want to get rid of it, you can only wipe away all the flesh and blood around you.

For a while, the adventurers evaded, and three or five flame-contaminated adventurers screamed and screamed at others around them, but they were chopped directly to the ground. They did not die under the attack of the fire rhinoceros, but died in the company of their companions. Under the sword.

At this time, Song Jian had long been silently hiding in a long distance. He could feel that the heavenly sword in Dantian was beating continuously, and it had become a metallic liquid heavenly sword. At this moment it was like an egg that was about to hatch, with a slight tremor from time to time.

"Should the integration be completed soon?" Song Jian guessed in his heart.

At this time, Song Jiancai felt the importance of a good weapon to him. Without a sword, his strength dropped by more than half. Honglian Sword Formation could not be released. Almost half of the adventurers present could defeat him, but With Jiantian sword in hand, Song Jian is confident to kill all the adventurers present.

Hum ~

A golden light bloomed from the Song fitness body. This light appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly, and few adventurers found it.

Song Jian froze, then looked up, with a smile on his face.

The previous king-level BOSS has been swallowed up, and Wan Jianjue has been directly upgraded to the eleventh level.

After the tenth level, every time you upgrade, the attributes will be greatly improved. This time, the number of spirit swords will increase from 60 to 350 handles to 80 to 500 handles, plus additional karma. Fire damage, the damage of each sword can reach more than 5,000 points, even if the karma fire red lotus sword array, 500 swords, can cause more than 2.5 million damage.

Such a damage, no monster of the same level can bear it, it will be spiked directly. Even if the BOSS in the hot valley exceeds the level of Song Jian's 20-30, as long as it is locked and attacked, it will be seriously injured even if it is not dead. Triggered the fire of the Red Lotus Sword Formation, Song Jian is confident that as long as it is below the legendary level, it cannot threaten him at all.

"The premise of achieving this effect is to have a long sword of very high quality; otherwise, Wan Jianjue cannot do his best!" Song Jian secretly said.


A golden bell-shaped spirit enveloped the flame rhinoceros, and Tuguman in the air shouted, "I can only trap it for thirty seconds, and everyone will attack with all their strength ..."

Tu Guman's voice was hoarse and with a touch of weakness. It seemed that the use of this trick was also a great drain on him.

"Is the magic curse master?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes, staring at Tuguman in the air, secretly in his heart.

A mantra is a profession that turns language into a mantra as a means of attack. This profession can only be used as a supporting profession at the beginning, but the more powerful the mantra can be, it can attack, defend, and sleep. It can add a variety of buff effects to teammates. It can be called a universal job. In addition to a slightly weaker accident, the occupation attributes far exceed other occupations.

In addition to the weak viability of the magic curse ~ www.novelhall.com ~, there is a more fatal weakness, that is, the powerful magic curse. It is not the spiritual or magic power that needs to be consumed, but the magic curse. Vitality, life!

Therefore, many powerful magic spells, under normal circumstances, the magic curse will not be able to cast, unless the critical moment, will not cast this type of magic spell.

At present, Tuguman's sleepy curse like a bell jar is obviously such a type of spiritual spell that needs to consume life force, otherwise there is no way to trap the fire rhinoceros.

After the flame rhinoceros was trapped, it was struggling hard. The bell-shaped vitality shield raised a large piece from time to time, and then quickly recovered. The flame rhinoceros had powerful power attributes, far exceeding the monsters of the same level, but it still couldn't escape the restraint. The effect of the magic spell is powerful.

Other adventurers saw the flame rhinoceros being trapped and immediately felt relieved. They started to attack the flame rhinoceros. The bell-shaped spirit trapped the rhinoceros, but it did not prevent others from attacking. For a time, the flame rhinoceros was trapped. In a situation where he could only be beaten but couldn't fight back, he suddenly became even more irritable, struggling hard, and hit the bell-shaped spirit vigorously.
