I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1006: Advantage

Catherine gave Song Jian a strange look. Of the three camps, the human camp was the weakest. Why could her lord laugh? If it were her, I'm afraid I would die now.

"The dungeon camp is said to have occupied a recruiting site for the Bemon monster. So, what is going on with the element camp?" Song Jian said to himself: "Do they also have a high-ranking unit? The recruitment site, can even compete with Beamon? "

"If this is the case, then they should show strong attack power before the battle mode, instead of exerting force until the battle mode is turned on for two days." Song Jian whispered, "So, they can have this. The performance, I am afraid, is only the task rewards obtained in the assessment world. "

Song Jian remembered that when he entered the assessment world, he got the task from the flower fairy Luna, but this task was very difficult for other appraisers, but for Song Jian, there was almost no difficulty, just killing a boss That's it.

But the mission reward is very good. In addition to the treasure of lucky gem, there are a series of other improvements.

Fortunately, the treasure is a treasure. In this world, it is not weaker than the effect of artifacts. For the lords of this world, how to maintain morale is the most troublesome thing. You must know that not every faction can only Recruit the troops of this camp. When you meet the troops of other camps, don't you be indifferent at all, but recruit the troops of other camps and mix them with your own camps. The morale is falling too fast.

In this case, you can only recruit as many heroes as possible, and let the hero lead a camp's arms to solve this problem temporarily.

In addition, in the battle, if you encounter high-ranking arms, morale will drop very quickly. The lucky gem will solve this problem and always keep the soldiers in a "high morale" state.

"The quest rewards for the Elemental Faction are either a powerful spell-casting magic, or a building that recruits Level 7 troops!"

"So, the sudden rise of the element camp, and the human camp that has always been weak, but the personal strength of the strong, which one is the biggest threat to you, the appraisers of the dungeon camp, this is not an easy task to make Choice. "Song Jian looked at the distance, full of expectations.

At this time, the appraisers of the dungeon camp also found this problem. Their guess was almost the same as that of Song Jian, and they also sent a hero to investigate.

"Titan giants, the appraisers of this group of elements, have a large group of Titan giants!" Said an appraiser with an ugly face.

"Damn, with this arm, why not take it out early and release it after the assessment is almost over? Doesn't he know that if the only camp is not decided within seven days, will everyone fail?"

"How did they recruit so many Titan giants in just a few days? Could it be that they have occupied more than one Titan Giant recruiting site, how is this possible?"

"I heard that the Titan Giant is a powerful fighting puppet. As long as the resources are sufficient, energy can be continuously produced. Yes, you heard it right. It is production, not recruitment!"

Everyone heard that the Titan Giant was actually produced, and there was a brief silence in the conference room. After a moment, a voice sounded: "The elemental camp cannot be expanded, otherwise they will occupy more and more resource points. As more and more Titan giants are produced, by then, I am afraid we will gather the power of all people and not their opponents ... "85

"But, wasn't the strategy we set out earlier that the assessor who was attacking the human camp?" Someone hesitated.

"What are you afraid of? He has only one person. There is still a day left. As long as we can eliminate the elemental camp, even if we can only recruit two Titan giants, we can eliminate the guy in that human camp. The moment is making the Titan Giant. Time is now on our opposite side, and we must hurry up! "

"Yes, we can't let the elemental camp continue to make the Titan giant. We must gather everyone's strength to destroy the elemental camp!"

Su Ming didn't say a word. He had a ecstasy about the appearance of the Titan Giant in the element camp. After losing external threats, even if he had the most behemoth in the entire camp, his status was lowered again. Previous edge position.

With the appearance of the powerful hostile unit of the Titan Giant in the element camp, Su Ming, who has the most behemoths, naturally returned to the core position again.

Although it is impossible for other appraisers to return him to Bemon, but everyone acts together and does not care whether the bemon is concentrated in his own hands.

In the element camp, there was also a discussion of which camp to fight first, but the content of the discussion was similar to that of the appraisers of the dungeon camp, and they all put the human camp in a weaker position.

"Even if the human appraiser is as powerful as it is, can it be more powerful than a 50-level dominance BOSS? As long as we defeat the dungeon camp and create two or three Titan giants, we can win that one steadily. Examiner of the human camp! "The same words echoed again in the conference room of the element camp.

Almost immediately after the two camps made their decision, the spheres of influence of the dungeon camp and elemental camp on the map began to quickly border up.

In the marginal zone, a battle between the seven ranks of arms quickly started. Everyone knows that this is the final battle that determines whether the assessment can pass, and everyone is doing their best.

"Very good. There are only 17 Titan giants in the other party, which is two less than our behemoths of Bemon ~ www.novelhall.com ~ We have a great advantage." A dungeons assessor with reconnaissance was observing After the mighty element camp forces, a slight sigh of relief.

You know, the seventh-level armies are so powerful, even if there is only one more, it will be a great advantage, not to mention the fact that there are now two Behemoth monsters in the dungeon camp.

"Except for the army, everyone is participating in the battle. People and heroes with divine healing are trying their best to add blood to the Beimon monster. The others rushed with me and reminded you once again that the assessment of the world will not die. Even if it is temporarily eliminated, as long as our camp can win the final victory, then the eliminated will pass the assessment! All, if you have any cards, show them all at once, don't leave regrets! "Dungeon The leader of the camp's appraisers glanced at the crowd, and the first one rode on the war horse and rushed out of the army of the elemental camp. Behind him, a hero wearing a full body armor and a large group of hungry wolf knights. The giant beast growled and followed closely.

"Kill, the ultimate victory must belong to us!" The appraisers of the dungeon roared together, led their respective troops, and launched a collective charge against the army of the elemental camp.


PS: Thanks for the 100 starting coins for "Happy"