I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1005: 3 feet standing

The reason why Su Ming can have the core position in the camp today is precisely because he controls the recruiting points of the Bemon monster. Eighteen Bemon monsters are invincible at this stage, even if they occupy five. There are more than enough castles, not to mention, the highest castle level that appraisers can master now is no more than three.

Two days later, Su Ming captured eighty-nine main cities, almost all of them were his main force, so his martial arts was also his big head. In the past two days, people continued to compliment Su Ming and get closer to him. Su Ming did not I felt something wrong, but now I'm alarmingly aware that in the past two days, I seem to have revealed too much information about myself to others.

Now, others finally showed his fangs.

"Hum, it turns out that you played with the idea of ​​my behemoth ..." Su Ming sneered, stood up, and walked out. Without these people, he could still eliminate all the appraisers from other camps. But the war damage will be greater.

Even Su Ming had already thought of joining forces with other camp appraisers to eliminate all these guys in the dungeon camp.

"Su Ming, you are just a small third-level mercenary in the Sin City. Are you really unwilling to cooperate with us?" An appraiser said slowly.

Su Ming was shocked and stopped. The appraiser knew him and was the second son of a Viscount of the Sin City. His name was Jia Yiman. For Su Ming, this is a big man. I usually see him. You can't even look at yourself.

"Su Ming, you have to think clearly, even if you are the first in this assessment, what's so great about it? It's just a mercenary with second-tier combat power. Above you, there is third-tier combat power ... ... "the other sneered.

Su Ming glanced at him. Although he was not a person of the Sin City, he was indeed a disciple of a large family in the City of Light. His business was found in many cities. His father was an agent of the family business in the Sin City. With a high weight, there are two bodyguards with third-order combat power next to his father. If it was not because he wanted to enter the special assessment world, he would not be dragged into the second-tier combat capability until now.

"Su Ming, to put it bluntly, almost all the powerful people in this room are here. We are here to give you the opportunity to be friends with us and help you, and you will be able to fight less for twenty years, at least Will not be a small mercenary of the mercenary union. "A slightly fat assessor said with a smile.

"Damn, I leaked too much information about myself in the past two days." Su Ming regretted it at this time, but in fact, some of the appraisers of the dungeon camp recognized him, the mercenary union's servant The soldiers are divided into five levels, from the first level to the fifth level. The third level is already considered elite and not as uncomfortable as other populations, so it is not strange to be recognized.

After groaning for a long time, Su Ming finally nodded slowly and said, "Yes, I can give you the Bemon monster, but you need to trade for things, you need to sign a contract, and I can only sell ten more than Behemoth ... "

Everyone laughed when they saw Su Mingsong's mouth. This was a win-win situation in their eyes. Before that, they were working for Su Ming alone.

One of you and two of you bought the Beamon giants provided by Su Ming. The price of each one is about 5 million. Dooms have obtained about 50 million assets. Leaving the assessment world, it can be said that The part of the person who has become a small asset has no need to blow the wind and sun every day, and takes up tasks in the mercenary union to discuss life.

It's just that this compulsive transaction still made Su Ming's heart unhappy, and the relationship with other people gradually faded.

Other dungeon appraisers wouldn't care about the mood of a small third-level mercenary. With the Bemon monster, after adding the army they originally owned, they began to act alone and quickly spread to the surrounding camps. Come.

At this time, Song Jian had already captured the seven or eight camp castles closest to him. The tower camp had only three main cities left unconquered, and the barrier camp was bordered by Song Jian and the underground city at the same time. The remaining main city persisted.

Three days passed quickly, and those who did not have the main city were kicked out. I am afraid that there are only three or four of those who are now in the battle mode.

"Well, in addition to the dungeon camp, the area occupied by the elemental camp is not small!" Song Jian accidentally glanced at the map and suddenly found that in addition to the dungeon camp, the number of main cities occupied by the elemental camp also began to increase rapidly. With.

It ’s just that compared to the dungeon camp, the elemental camp is still a little slower, but it is still several times faster than his own human camp.

After another two days, four or five camp appraisers have been completely driven out. In the devil's castle, the only main city in the **** camp, Prince Sara screamed angrily. He almost used tough methods. All the warriors in the hands of the appraisers were gathered in their own team.

However, in the face of a dozen Titan giants who were more than six meters tall and holding a lightning rod in their hands, capable of releasing lightning attacks across tens of meters, all his troops could not bear even one opponent's move, and were directly hit by lightning Ashes.

"Damn, why would there be so many seventh-level units in the element camp, why!" Prince Sarah's eyes were red, and she felt as if she had been abandoned by the entire world, staring at her third-level castle. Under the bombardment of siege vehicles and lightning, the surrounding wall slowly collapsed and collapsed. The angry Prince Sara gathered all the forces and launched a suicide attack directly on the Titan Giant.

Leaving the protection of the city walls, the soldiers recruited by Prince Sarah died faster, and before they rushed to the Titan giant, they were already dead.

"Even if it fails ~ www.novelhall.com ~ I will let you lose a Titan Giant!" Prince Sara stared with red eyes and stared at her few remaining troops. They had rushed into the Titan Giant and surrounded them. Only the front one was attacking wildly.

What surprised him, however, was that after all his forces were exhausted, even the armor defense of the Titan giant had not been broken.

In the mood of unwillingness, anger, and depression, Prince Sara directly withdrew from the assessment. The rank of the unit was too low to break the defense of the Titan giant of the seventh rank. This made everything he did useless.

On the sixth day of the battle mode, the entire battle map consisted of only three camps: the human camp, the element camp, and the dungeon camp. There were fewer than twenty assessors.

The dungeon camp captured the largest area, followed by the elemental camp, while the human camp captured only one-tenth of the area on the map, forming a three-legged situation.

"In this case, they can't possibly hit me together, right?" Song Jian glanced at the map with a smile on his face.
