I Give Up World For You

Chapter 14

Pei Changyuan takes great steps to help Pei Ming up in person, and then sees the severely injured Feng family, whose face is like ice, "what's the matter?"

Wang wants to explain, but Pei Ming takes the lead. She immediately rushed to her father's arms, crying very sad.

Miss Pei has inherited the general's style since she was a child. She is resolute and never shed tears. This time, however, it's not normal. Instead, Pei Changyuan doesn't feel proud of her, but realizes that something has happened.

Feng's body to endure the injury kneel to admit, "I dereliction of duty, did not protect miss." I told Pei Changyuan about it on May 10.

Wang's face became whiter than lightning, and he could not care about the heavy rain. He had to explain when he stepped down the stairs.

But when I thought about it, I denied it.

After all, there is no evidence. Pei Ming is useless even if he complains. Besides, the Wang family has been kind to Pei Changyuan. He can't do anything about himself.

Pei Ming choked at the right time and looked very aggrieved. "Father, forget it..."

Just at this time, the silver plate is only on the front, saying, "Lord, your Highness the sixth Prince has come."

Xue tingji comes with a lot of gifts to make amends for Pei Ming.

Before the people came, he secretly anticipated the words for a while, but he turned his head, and unexpectedly, general Pei came with a murderous face.

Pei Ming followed him, his eyes were red, and he was all wet. Rao was in front of the general. Xue tingji couldn't help but concern himself, "what's the matter?"

His action made Pei Changyuan's brow jump and salute him, "I don't know why his highness six came here?"

Pei Ming took the initiative to explain the reason, while the silver plate chimed in. "Last time, the sixth highness found a doctor to diagnose the young lady's pulse. When the eldest lady saw it, she said that our young lady seduced her highness."

Pei Changyuan's face can't be more ugly. He bites his teeth and asks Xue tingji if there's something wrong with it. Xue tingji looks at Pei Ming secretly. Pei Ming nods innocently. Then he denounces Wang's insidiousness.

"If I hadn't noticed, your daughter would have died long ago, and she didn't dare to let outsiders know. Was she threatened by your main room?"

Even the sixth prince said so. Pei Changyuan's forehead was about to burst. He took a deep breath, lifted his robe and knelt down to Xue tingji. "Your Highness's help to my little girl will be remembered in my heart." Then he knocked three heads.

Although Xue tingji is the prince, Pei Changyuan doesn't have to salute him as a second-class general guarding the border, which shows his love for Pei Ming.

Kowtow, he did not talk nonsense, directly turned to find Wang. Xue Ting didn't dare to say a word by staring at the bleeding on his forehead. He didn't breathe until Pei Changyuan walked away.

"General Pei It's really brave. "

Suddenly Pei Ming sneezes, which reminds him that the girl's house is still wet and standing here. He subconsciously unties his coat and is about to put it on her. Unfortunately, the silver plate is already available.

Pei Ming took leave with his collar folded. Xue Ting repeatedly told him to change his clothes and come, "I'm waiting for you here. You must come."

Pei Ming, who turns his back, stealthily raises his lips.

I don't know if it was her intention to tease or what. Xue Ting waited for her for an hour. "Your Highness, please forgive me for the delay."

Without waiting for her to explain, Xue tingji first ordered someone to present the gift, "you look bad again, I bought you a lot of tonics."

Pei Ming thanks. Seeing that he still has something to say, he waits quietly. Xue tingji talked about yesterday after much deliberation.

"In fact, I'm not a violent person. I just see that you have been bullied and resent the prince all the time -"

as soon as I said this, my lips suddenly covered with a slight chill. Pei Ming covered his mouth, "Your Highness, how dare you say this!"

The royal brothers are the cruelest. It would be fatal to let others know which Prince complained about the prince.

Xue tingji can't bear to let her take it away. She thinks of her mother's words again. The Pei family supports the prince. The Pei family's daughter and his prince are doomed to have no fate.

I couldn't help but hold her hand tightly.

"Do you say it for the prince or for me?"

Pei Ming blinked and connived at his frivolous behavior. "Of course, it's for your Highness's sake."

Xue tingji is very satisfied and kisses her palm. Pei Ming pulled back his hand like a fish, turned his head red and looked at the backyard.

My father is back. Some things can't be so blatant.

Her carefulness undoubtedly gave Xue Ting great encouragement and restrained his ecstasy, "then you are no longer afraid of me."

Pei Ming said: "Your Highness is the prince. Shouldn't you be afraid of me?"

greatly disappointed, as like as two peas, she was just like the last one. "I will never frighten you anymore, but you must not be afraid of me."

Pei Ming fanned his long eyelashes, tilted his head and looked at him with a smile. At last, he only vomited: "I really want to be afraid of you. Can you stop me?"

After that, he pushed away Xue tingji and asked the silver plate to collect the tonic for dinner.

Touching the chest she had just touched, Xue tingji felt hot all over."Come on, if there are any good things in the world, please find them for the prince!"

After two days and one night's heavy rain, it finally stopped in the evening. Under the eaves, there was a special charm. In the air, there was the smell of fresh grass. Everything was so pleasant.

As Pei Ming expected, the Lord gave an order. From now on, the Feng family will be Bi Ping's wife and will be in charge of all the affairs of the house. The Wang family will not be allowed to step into Jinwei garden and Linjie garden, and will not interfere in food and daily life.

This is completely overhead Wang, but also to the status of Feng.

Pei Ming, contented with ginger soup, leans on his father's arms.

Once under Pei's long-term protection, she was very happy and stable. Unfortunately After he went to the battlefield, he never came back. Since then, she lost her dependence, and Wang had the courage to harm her.

She didn't believe that her father died in the war, and she suspected that it was Xue tingji, but later she thought that the prince was the most likely one.

But she can't control the battlefield. She doesn't know who the traitor was. It seems that she can go to the barracks in person. Of course, it's not urgent right now.