I Give Up World For You

Chapter 13

The next morning, Pei Ming was reading a book when his maid reported that the second lady had returned. Not long after that, a gentle woman in her early thirties came to the door.

Before waiting for her to say hello to the young lady, Pei Ming opened the door on his own initiative, and his eyes were filled with tears.

"Little mother..."

This is Pei Ming's first time to call her like this.

Feng's family was general Pei's concubine. When he entered the house, Pei Ming was just born. Unfortunately, when Pei Ming was one year old, her biological mother, Mrs. Liu, died of illness, and then there was Wang's sequel.

In Wang's eyes, there is only her own daughter. How can she care more about her front children? Thanks to Feng's virtuous, she takes good care of Pei Shuo and Pei Ming, especially Pei Ming, who is supposed to be the eldest daughter, so she is very considerate.

But in my last life Pei Ming didn't take Feng seriously until she died.

Not to mention the Feng family, even the Jinzhan and Yinpan were quite surprised. The young lady always called the second lady "a Feng". When So close?

Feng's heart, aware of her haggard and abnormal intimacy, "Miss?"

Pei Ming tried to endure tears, and his heart was even more sore. Such a good little mother was really poor in her last life. If she can live a few more years, when Pei's family pushes herself into the fire pit, at least there will be someone for her.

A while ago, Feng's old mother passed away. Wang authorized her to go home for her funeral, so she came back today.

Of course, Wang's move is just for the convenience of poisoning Pei Ming.

Pei Ming took Feng's hand and took her to the room. "My little mother should call me mingniang. Come and sit inside."

Feng had never been given such preferential treatment. For a moment, he was at a loss and had to ask her carefully what had happened.

Pei Minggang is ready to answer, and suddenly he has a plan. In the blink of an eye, they think of a good game, not complex, only win in the good time. Other people can't predict, but she has the best chance.

We have to seize this opportunity to suppress Wang's arrogance, otherwise we will not be able to exercise our muscles and bones in the future.

Only wronged little mother, right and when a horse before death.

"Little mother, I'm afraid..." Pei Ming was lying in her arms, with tears in his eyes. "After you left, the eldest lady poisoned me. I don't know what to do."

Feng's heart is very distressed. No matter how gentle and modest she is, if the eldest lady starts Pei Ming, she can go out and fight for understanding. She immediately turns around and rushes to qingfengyuan.

Everything is as Pei Ming expected.

Feng rushed to Mrs. Wang and asked why she wanted to poison the eldest daughter of the general's house.

When did Wang see this concubine so bold and aggressive? She was so angry and flustered that she was tied up by someone.

Feng is a brave man. Even if he is not a quarrelsome person, he refuses to bow down. It is dereliction of duty to say that the eldest lady, as her own mother, does not take good care of her children. Not only that, she also wants to harm her eldest daughter, which is a further crime.

Wang can not, when immediately ordered to Feng family punishment.

The family style of generals in the general's mansion is fierce, and their family skills are more fierce than those of ordinary people. They are not beaten with sticks, but with iron whip.

Looking at the cold iron whip, Feng couldn't be afraid, but she didn't compromise, "if you beat me to death today, it's your own crime! When the Lord comes back, I will ask you

Wang hated Feng the most, but he was respected by general Pei. He didn't say a word. The whip really hit Feng on the back.

Poor Feng was screamed by the iron whip and drowned in the thunder.

Pei Ming came and cried, "little mother!" He fell on Feng's back.

At that time, the iron whip was about to fall again. Seeing that it was going to crack Pei Ming's skin and flesh, the Feng family instinctively protected her. Just as the end of the whip fell on the back of her thin hand, the skin and flesh turned out, and the bones showed.

Pei Ming immediately blushed and angrily denounced Wang: "are you going to kill people? You have to kill me before you give up!"

Wang Shi is also not polite, "if you don't speak disorderly, this cheap concubine also doesn't need to suffer, want to blame to blame yourself!"

So she was stupid. She didn't see Pei Ming's show off at all. The play was not finished yet. At this time, there was a second thunder in the sky. I think that person must have arrived at the door of qingfengyuan.

Pei Ming protected Feng with tears in his eyes. "You are not my biological mother, but my father is not here. You cover up the sky like this. Who else can I talk to! Why don't you poison me all at once! "

The thunder came down for the third time, and the rainstorm came down. Thank you for the curtain.

Wang could see clearly that from outside the gate of the garden, he walked into a big figure. Under the electric light, he was majestic and dignified.

The real head of the family, general Pei, is back.

Pei Changyuan, a senior general of the second grade auxiliary country, is always away from home. His habit on the battlefield is never to let people know where he is, because he can't predict every time he goes back to his home.

One advantage of this is that you can see the most real situation in your home, rather than the illusion that you made early to meet him.From this we can see that general Pei did not trust his wife Wang very much.

So it happened that general Pei saw Wang's fight against Feng's family, and he had a posture of death.

At this time, Pei Ming just knelt in the rain in a thin shirt, showing a lot of emaciation.

For the appearance of the Lord, Wang was so stunned that he didn't know what to do. Pei Ming followed her eyes and was "surprised" to find that his father came back.