I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 83-Part 1

Ling Luo claimed his parents were alive. Lin Xiao felt extremely doubtful, but he also knew Ling Luo wouldn’t have believed that without having done some investigation. Plus, Lin Xiao couldn’t help mulling over Huangfu Shan, who had disappeared at the same time.

After some thought, Lin Xiao decided to search for Huangfu Jiquan, to inquire about the situation.

First though, Lin Xiao went back to the Nebula country and visited his father. His father could tell Lin Xiao about Huangfu Jiquan’s reaction after learning Lin Xiao and Ling Luo had left together.

Discovering that Lin Xiao had cultivation again, Lin Yue exclaimed in shock: “Your dantian was repaired?”

Lin Xiao explained it only briefly to Lin Yue, then pressed on to topic of Huangfu Jiquan. “Father, has anyone come to see me in the past few days?”

Lin Yue nodded. “Yes, the young man who brought you that day, he came back looking for you. When I told him Ling Luo took you away, he immediately left.”

Departed quickly? Presumably, Huangfu Jiquan would have gone back to Xuan Huang country.

Lin Xiao visited a little while longer, then bid Lin Yue farewell.

Lin Xiao set out for Xuan Huang. Arriving after some time on the road, Lin Xiao observed the other pedestrians. Lin Xiao hadn’t ever really visited Xuan Huang, except for the refining assembly. And he didn’t know where in Xuan Huang the Huangfu family was located.

If Lin Xiao used his cultivation to mentally search, he risked offending the local Xuan Huang masters. Lin Xiao chose to wander around a bit, and his decision paid off. He happened to see Huangfu Jiquan standing a short distance away.

Huangfu Jiquan still cut a tall and handsome figure. Lin Xiao hurried forward and called his name.

Upon seeing Lin Xiao, Huangfu Jiquan looked shocked, then befuddled. “Lin Xiao! That day Ling Luo took you away, nothing happened? I searched all over and I couldn’t find you.”

Lin Xiao equivocated, shaking his head and saying: “I’m fine.” Everything that Ling Luo had done to him, and all that had happened in the secret realm, how could Lin Xiao tell it? Lin Xiao shrugged the memories away and asked: “Huangfu Jiquan, can I ask you something? It may involve hidden things about your family.”

Hesitating after hearing this, Huangfu Jiquan finally said, “Go ahead and ask. If I can tell you, I will.”

The two men went to a quieter spot, and Lin Xiao posed his question. “In your family…Is there a senior name Huangfu Shan?”

Huangfu Shan? Huangfu Jiquan nodded. “Yes, how did you know? Huangfu Shan is an elder of my family who went missing for a long time. But, out of nowhere, she returned a few years past. I don’t know much about it though. I just heard about it not long ago.

So Huangfu Shan had been restored to her family!

Lin Xiao’s heart beat happily.

Lin Xiao wanted to ask if Huangfu Shan had brought two people with her, when she had come back. But he guessed that Huangfu Jiquan wouldn’t have those details. Instead he requested: “Could you see if Huangfu Jiquan is willing to meet with me?”

“Yes.” Huangfu Jiquan nodded. “I can’t guarantee that the senior will see me, but I’ll try.”

Lin Xiao thanked Huangfu Jiquan. To tell the truth, Huangfu Jiquan really had helped Lin Xiao a lot along the way. But Huangfu Jiquan just smiled, saying: “You’re welcome.” And then went back to his family’s house.

Lin Xiao followed him and stood at the Huangfu gate.

Seeing that Lin Xiao could keep up with his speed, Huangfu Jiquan had been puzzled. Lin Xiao told about his dantian and like Lin Yue, Huangfu Jiquan was surprised that it had recovered.

Pacing outside the doors, waiting for Huangfu Jiquan, Lin Xiao’s couldn’t help feeling nervous. What if Huangfu Shan didn’t want to see him? Lin Xiao recalled Huangfu Shan’s original negative attitude towards Ling Luo. Even if, later on Lin Xiao no longer detected that malice, he still worried now.

After all, two lives were at stake.

Finally hearing that Ling Luo’s parents weren’t dead, Lin Xiao could only hope it wasn’t an empty dream.

Fortunately, Huangfu Jiquan didn’t keep Lin Xiao waiting for long.