I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 82

“If one of you kills the other, I’ll give that one a chance to live.” The secret master continued: “Of course, if neither of you wants to do anything to the other…” The master ceased talking, instead attacking with overwhelming pressure.

Under the master’s assault, Ling Luo didn’t have time to protect Lin Xiao, who started breathing heavily, then almost fainted.

There was an obvious difference in power between the secret master and the two men.

Thankfully, the pressure was only momentary. The master withdrew it after a few minutes.

Lin Xiao’s face was downcast, hearing that master’s cold voice was disheartening. And Lin Xiao feared there was no chance of escape for him and Ling Luo. As the master had already proved, he could kill them both in a blink of an eye, if he wanted.

“Ling Luo, kill me.” Lin Xiao, having reflected and decided.

If Ling Luo killed Lin Xiao, Ling Luo would be let out by this secret master. And Lin Xiao’s debt to Ling Luo would be paid. Still, remembering his elderly father’s pained visage, Lin Xiao added: “But before you kill me, I would ask one thing. I hope…after I die, you would take care of my family for me?”

Lin Xiao regarded Ling Luo expectantly.

In this secret realm, Ling Luo was the only person Lin Xiao could ask.

Ling Luo tried to contain his anger. So in Lin Xiao’s heart, Ling Luo was the kind of person who could kill him just to save his own life? Ling Luo shook his head.

Lin Xiao’s expression turned bleak.

Of course. How could he ask Ling Luo to watch over the Lin family? When the Lin family had been chasing Ling Luo down, trying to kill him. Ling Luo not decimating the Lin family was already good enough.

“I won’t let you die here,” said Ling Luo. In his mind, he added that if anyone died, it would be him. But his pride would not allow him to admit defeat to the master of this realm. He spoke to the air: “I want to make a bet with you, what do you say? If I win, you let us go. If I lose…do what you want.”

“Why should I make a bet with you?” The voice asked back.

Ling Luo did not respond. His resolve was firm. If the master didn’t accept his proposal, Ling Luo would ensure they both perished in mutual destruction.

However, then the master agreed, saying: “I can accept betting with you, but I get to decide the game.”

“Alright,” replied Ling Luo simply. As long as the master agreed, it was fine.

“I’m going to send a monster right now. If you beat him, you’ve won. If…if you can’t, I have won.”

“What if the fight is tied?”

The master’s voice sounded mildly mocking, “It’ll be counted as your win.”

Ling Luo took a deep breath. “Good!” He turned to Lin Xiao. “You wait here for me. I will definitely get you out of here alive!” The look in Ling Luo’s eyes turned affectionate.

Unable to stop himself, Ling Luo softly kissed Lin Xiao’s cheek, as he whispered: “Wait for me.” Lin Xiao faintly smiled at him, as Ling Luo disappeared in a flash.

Lin Xiao touched his cheek. The feel of Ling Luo’s slightly cold lips was still there, with a hint of moisture.

Lin Xiao could have never predicted all of this.

He hadn’t expected that Ling Luo would make a bet with the unseen master. Ling Luo could have undoubtedly taken out his qi, ran it across Lin Xiao’s neck, and freely left the realm.

However, when Lin Xiao offered to let Ling Luo kill him, Ling Luo refused.

Instead, Ling Luo offered himself up, asking Lin Xiao to wait for him.

And…kissing Lin Xiao? Lin Xiao heaved his chest, undeniably confused. The kiss made Lin Xiao rethink all his conclusions about Ling Luo. It had been too tender, like a feather gently sweeping through Lin Xiao’s heart.

Lin Xiao clenched his fists. All around him birds were chirping and flowers swaying in the sunlight, but he was in turmoil. He didn’t know where the master had taken Ling Luo, maybe to never be seen again. In the realm around Lin Xiao, it was like only he existed…

He didn’t know how long it took, but finally Lin Xiao heard the voice of the master.

“You can go.” The voice sounded almost wistful.

“Where is Ling Luo?” Lin Xiao asked quickly. If the master is going to let Lin Xiao go, that should mean Ling Luo won. But Ling Luo was nowhere to be seen.

“That man?” The secret master paused, as if recalling something. “He and my monster went together. I didn’t expect that that boy would be so ferocious. To take the beast out with him, leaving no retreat. He was determined for you to be set free. He left a few words for me to give you…”

Lin Xiao was stupified, but opened his mouth. “What words?”

There was silence for a moment, then Ling Luo’s voice sounded in the air.

“Lin Xiao…My parents are not dead. After you leave the realm, help me, follow their trail, and investigate the Huangfu family thoroughly.” There was a pause. “And, Lin Xiao…Don’t hate me for what I did to you. I like you. I’ve liked you since a long time ago.”

Ling Luo’s voice ended abruptly.

The secret master spoke again. “Well, your companion gave his life so you could leave. I will fulfill my promise. You go.”

Lin Xiao blinked, and found himself at the entrance of the realm.

Flashing light again, and Lin Xiao had exited. He turned around, searching, but it was if the secret realm had never appeared.

There were no traces.

Lin Xiao stared blankly ahead in disbelief.

Ling Luo, dead? Isn’t destiny teasing him? The one with the protagonist’s halo couldn’t end like this. Lin Xiao gave a strangled laugh. How could Ling Luo die?

As the protagonist, Ling Luo should be immortal.

Lin Xiao plonked down on the ground, crossing his legs.

He knew the master of the secret realm wouldn’t let Lin Xiao find the entrance again. Still, he sat there, unbelieving. Ling Luo wasn’t dead! So Lin Xiao would stay still and wait for Ling Luo to show up. For Lin Xiao didn’t want to owe Ling Luo anything anymore.

Ling Luo’s last words said his parents were still alive, and that clues led to the Huangfu family, causing Lin Xiao to pensively recall Huangfu Shan. He would wait for Ling Luo, then together they would go the Huangfu family home.

Lin Xiao couldn’t even rejoice at finally learning he hadn’t actually killed Ling Luo’s parents.

He just wants to ask Ling Luo…

Why had Ling Luo kissed him? Why had Ling Luo said he liked him? Weren’t they brothers?

Staying where he was, Lin Xiao rolled these questions over and over in his head.

The sun rose, the stars came out repeatedly, many times.

Ling Luo still did not appear.

Instead, Lin Xiao had cultivated back to his previous level.

And finally recognized a fact.

Maybe Ling Luo truly was dead. He had died in battle with some monster. It left a bitter taste.

Although he had not wanted to be involved with Ling Luo any further, Ling Luo’s death changed things. Lin Xiao couldn’t rid himself of the sad feeling in his heart.

It was like when Lin Xiao had once lost his father, but…different.

Heartache and an unwillingness to part…

Lin Xiao wished he had been the one to die in the secret realm.

Finally, he stumbled up from the ground.

Lin Xiao firmly decided, Ling Luo could not be dead! …Even though so many days had passed. Lin Xiao would go to the Huangfu house, to see if Huangfu Shan was there. Maybe if he found Huangfu Shan, Ling Luo’s parents wouldn’t be far behind.

Walking away, he glanced back at place he had been sitting.

“Ling Luo…don’t you dare die. You told me to wait for you, and I’m waiting for you. Why aren’t you coming back?”

“I’m really waiting. You saved me again, and out of nowhere, tell me you like me? If you don’t explain yourself, I can’t rest.”

Lin Xiao lowered his eyes and left.

The sun was setting, a cool breeze blowing and the plain was completely quiet.