I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 65

Just as Lin Xiao opened his mouth, Ling Luo spoke first: “Take care! Be cautious all the way!” He wanted to tell Lin Xiao about the up-coming assembly, but since Murong Tian had forbidden, he didn’t say it.

When the time comes, when Lin Xiao returns with the spirit grass, he’ll happily find out then.

Lin Xiao, not expecting Ling Luo to speak first, regarded him a little startled. Stumped for words, it took Lin Xiao a moment to respond. Finally he nodded and said, “Right! You take care too!” He patted Ling Luo’s shoulder and stepped outside.

Feeling Lin Xiao’s hand leave his body, Ling Luo turned his head to stare at Lin Xiao’s back. Ling Luo squeezed one fist in the other. The day Lin Xiao returned, that day Ling Luo will show him his heart!


Before he had traveled far, Lin Xiao received the promised sample of heaven spirit grass sent by Murong Tian.

Looking at the grass in his palm, Lin Xiao scratched his chin. The grass’ appearance was indeed very rare. He’d have to work hard in the next three months.

All his daily necessities properly stored, Lin Xiao decided to waste no time in heading for Xuan Huang.

That medicine-refining country was said to have large areas of spirit grass. Thinking as he walked, Lin Xiao felt confident he could find, at the very least, vestiges of the grass.

Reaching the border of Nebula country wasn’t difficult for a cultivator, just required a little effort. The sky dimmed dark, when Lin Xiao arrived at the boundary. There a forest loomed between him and his destination.

But it was almost nightfall, not a wise time to cross a forest. Lin Xiao wandered around and found an inn close by. The proprietor, a handsome young man, seeing Lin Xiao approaching, enthusiastically welcomed him.

“Accommodation for the night?” The proprietor asked Lin Xiao.

“Yes,” Lin Xiao affirmed, “But could I get something to eat first?”

“Of course,” and the proprietor went off to fetch some food.

Lin Xiao surveyed the inn. Only one other person, about the same age as the proprietor, was sitting at a table drinking tea. Feeling Lin Xiao’s appraisal, the drinker raised his head and gave Lin Xiao a polite smile.

Lin Xiao returned in kind, and found a seat to wait for his food.

He was in no mood for conversation. After all he was only staying one night and leaving in the morning. As soon as he’s finished eating, he will go to his room.

No need to talk to anyone.

The food came quickly. The proprietor put a few dishes in front of Lin Xiao, and picking up his chopsticks, Lin Xiao promptly ate.

He noticed the proprietor sitting next to the tea drinker, though. The two men conversed in low voices.

So they knew each other. Just as Lin Xiao was about to concentrate fully on his dinner, he saw the tea drinker very gently touch the proprietor’s cheek.

His eyes widening, Lin Xiao almost chocked on his mouthful of food.

Seeing the two men together, Lin Xiao guessed. Between those two…Could it be…

Lin Xiao’s gossipy heart sped up. He observed the couple under hooded eyes. Watching the two respond to each other, every move seemed romantically loaded. Lin Xiao even clearly saw them holding hands under the table.

Lin Xiao was certain of his conjecture then.

He quickly paid for his supper and went upstairs to the room arranged for him.

Lying on the bed, Lin Xiao couldn’t stop thinking of the two men downstairs, and their behavior. He’s known two men together plenty, working or traveling, but it is the first time he’s seen two men being a couple.

Lin Xiao couldn’t help frowning.

In this life, even he and Ling Luo had done intimate things.

How badly had he altered the original trajectory of the plot? Lin Xiao pulled at his hair.

“…I’ve seen such things plenty.” Huangfu Shan’s voice lightly sounded. “I have lived for so many years, I’ve seen more than you.”

Lin Xiao stopped yanking at his hair, asking Huangfu Shan, “Is it common? Two men as a pair?”

“It’s not common, but it’s not that rare either,” Huangfu Shan said. “After all cultivators can live for hundreds, or thousands of years. If they reach the highest level, they’ll live forever. Eventually they might find love with another man.”

Lin Xiao clamped his mouth shut. Wondering about the two men downstairs, now he had the image of Ling Luo floating before him.

Ling Luo was the mortal enemy of his last life, he can’t forget that. Yet in this life, Ling Luo was interwoven into every part. They practiced together, went through difficulties together. Their bond had grown greater than ordinary.

But something had been amiss with Ling Luo lately, and Lin Xiao had welcomed the opportunity for a little time away from him. Ling Luo’s abnormal stickiness had been disconcerting. Then again the mind of the main protagonist is truly different from others.

Who knew what went on in that skull?

Lin Xiao thought of Sun Xue and her lovely dimples. He had departed without saying goodbye, however his father would tell her where he had went.

Marrying Sun Xue eventually would be a wonderful thing, she was so cute and optimistic. But…putting a hand over his heart, Lin Xiao thought that Sun Xue should make it beat faster. Yet when he was with Sun Xue, his chest stayed calm. When he looked at Sun Xue, it was like looking at…looking at Lin Wan.

His heartbeat only raced when he saw Ling Luo’s face!

Lin Xiao had to ask Huangfu Shan, “What does it mean when you see a person and your heart starts pounding?”

Huangfu Shan took a moment to respond. Finally he said: “First, that person is your enemy. The desire to kill between you both increases your pulse. The second…is you like that person. Because you’re fond, you’re moved. Your heart races toward them.”

“Oh…” Lin Xiao muttered. His feelings towards Ling Luo? It can’t be the second option. It must be that since Ling Luo was the nemesis of his last life, that’s why his heart…It could only be that. It’s impossible that he would be in love with Ling Luo.

Lin Xiao comforted himself with that thought, closed his eyes, and readied for sleep.

Huangfu Shan sighed faintly to himself.

It’s not that people are necessarily slow, they just don’t want to confront the hidden things of their own heart. They will blindly try to escape. Not until they can’t evade anymore, will they admit their emotion.


In the early morning, rays of light fell on Lin Xiao’s face. He promptly rose out of bed. Although he still had three months to find the spirt grass, no point in dawdling.

If you can find it faster, do so.

Lin Xiao was afraid of some unforeseen circumstances delaying him. If that came about…he’d be weeping.

Walking downstairs, Lin Xiao didn’t see the tea drinking-man of last night. Only the proprietor standing at the counter greeted him. Lin Xiao replied back and paid his account. Then he hurriedly set to traversing across the forest.

Maybe Lin Xiao’s luck wasn’t very good, because he was barely in the trees when he encountered a bestial spirit. The monstrous animal rumbled with ferocious light, fur stiff, altogether a high appearance.

But quickly pulling out his sword, Lin Xiao rushed to attack. Using his experience, he easily dispatched the creature.

“You’re making rapid progress,” Huangfu Shan sounded surprised.

Lin Xiao replied, “Yes! And I will keep on!”

Traveling through the forest quickly, Lin Xiao planned to either block, kill, or run from what he might encounter. Soon, though he crossed the border.

He hadn’t entered the core of the forest, perhaps that why he didn’t have to battle more. The outer rims of forest were mostly populated with low-level animals.

Now in the spirit grass country, Lin Xaio went straight for an inn, wanting to drink tea and rest for a bit.

Relaxing in his seat, Lin Xiao overheard others discussing the death of Yin Ziju, son of the Yin family.

Perking his ears up, Lin Xiao paid careful attention.

“Hey, ever since that Yin Ziju died, that family patriarch is going crazy. He’s sending people everywhere to patrol. He’s even gone and made noise at Yunqi Academy several times. And they’ve sent people out. Still no one has been caught.”

“You can’t tell me it’s not a good thing that Yin Ziju is dead. It’s well-known he murdered the prostitute Huang Ying…”


“I heard it, that’s all. How many bad things did Yin Ziju do? Who isn’t happy he’s dead now…”

“But the Yin family’s been searching for anyone with a grudge against them. And if those poor souls have no power behind them, the Yin family is taking them, and torturing them….don’t even what to know how.”


Hearing all this, Lin Xiao scowled. He hadn’t expected that, after so long, the Yin family was still probing into Yin Ziju’s death. And that people with past complaints were being forcibly taken.

The conflict between Yin Ziju and himself, presumably Yunqi College must have investigated.

And now he’s showing his own face around. Lin Xiao lowered his head, knowing he could be noticed by Yin family people any minute.

That ruthless, unscrupulous, and lying Lin Ziju, his family was likely equally awful. To be caught by them, one would undoubtedly suffer.

And to leave out the Yin family door alive would be a difficult task.