I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 64

Lin Xiao, inexperienced, lay there shamed by Ling Luo’s provocation. After cumming, his mind went blank. When he came back to his senses, he just wanted to hide his face. Finishing so fast, even before Ling Luo…

Lin Xiao’s cheeks flushed charmingly, a weakened body, his hand on Ling Luo’s member gone limp too. Seeing Lin Xiao like this, Ling Luo wanted to turn wolf and eat Lin Xiao right up.

But…he can’t.

Ling Luo bemoaned in his heart. Stroking each other seemed acceptable to Lin Xiao. But if he completely took Lin Xiao’s body, Lin Xiao might hate him even more than the last time.

However, Ling Luo can still get a little satisfaction.

Arrogantly looking down at Lin Xiao pressed beneath him, Ling Luo said: “You already released, and I haven’t. I’m still suffering.” He pointed down at his erection, even bigger than before.

Slightly confused, Lin Xiao looked at Ling Luo’s face, then down lower. Being reminded, Lin Xiao immediately sobered up. Thinning his lips, he regained his grip on Ling Luo and started rubbing again.

Ling Luo moaned comfortably, pressing into Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao’s hand moved up and down, but only after a long time did Ling Luo’s endurance finally give. He groaned deeply and spilled out.

Then Lin Xiao, with taut face, quickly pushed Ling Luo away and jumped off the bed. After straightening his clothes, Lin Xiao fled the room.

Ling Luo, still reclining on the bed, watched Lin Xiao escape like a gust of wind. He sighed. When will he be able to hold Lin Xiao the whole night?


Back in his own room, and after changing his clothes, Lin Xiao lay on the bed. His heart palpitating wildly, he pressed his palms over it. Telling himself it was nothing, just brothers mutually helping each other.

It wasn’t a big deal. Not a big deal.

Thinking that to himself for a long time, Lin Xiao finally fell asleep.


Lin Xiao got out of bed early the next morning…Because his father informed him that Sun Xue had come to see him.

Lin Xiao focused on thoughts of cute Sun Xue, improving his mood. Determinedly forgetting last night’s events, he opened his bedroom door and headed for the hall.

He found Lin Yue drinking tea while Sun Xue chatted away with him. Seeing Lin Xiao enter the room, Lin Yue waved him over.

“Lin Xiao, you arrived at the right time. Sun Xue was just talking to me about you…” Lin Yue smiled, gesturing Lin Xiao to sit beside Sun Xue.

Lin Xiao, sitting down, laughed: “Father, what is being said about me?”

“Sun Xue has been telling me that you are very good…” Lin Yue was pleased. What father didn’t like his child being praised?

“Oh?” Lin Xiao’s face brightened while Sun Xue’s face blushed.

“Ha, ha…Come, come, let’s eat. And after eating together, you can go shopping again.” Lin Yue waved for food to be brought.

When Ling Luo entered, he immediately saw Lin Xiao and Sun Xue together. He frowned. Why had this girl come again? Ling Luo greeted Lin Yue, and then sat on Lin Xiao’s other side, gracing Lin Xiao and Sun Xue with a smile.

Although he despised Sun Xue being close to Lin Xiao, Ling Luo knew to maintain a pleasant demeanor.

Upon seeing Ling Luo, Lin Xiao couldn’t help feeling embarrassed. But Sun Xue was beside him, so he tried to act normal and said hello to Ling Luo.

Both Lin Xaio and Sun Xue ate quickly. Before Ling Luo had finished his breakfast, they absconded together for ‘shopping.’

Ling Luo, left behind, regarded their retreat thoughtfully.

He put a bite of food in his mouth, his eyes gleaming under lowered lids. It seems he needs to hurry. In a few days, he’ll tell Lin Xiao his heart. When the time comes…even if Lin Xiao wants to escape, escape won’t be allowed.

Over the next few days, whenever Lin Xiao and Sun Xue went shopping together, they encountered Ling Luo. Ling Luo would make a bashful request to join them, Sun Xue would agree, and Lin Xiao could only helplessly tolerate.

Lin Xiao did keep wondering why hadn’t Murong Xue or Cheng Yan scooped up Ling Luo for themselves? Couldn’t they hurriedly take him away?

Thinking this way, the very next day, Lin Xiao overheard Ling Luo refuse Cheng Yan. Lin Xaio was walking in the Medicine Pavilion when he heard voices in front of him. Looking up, he saw Ling Luo and Cheng Yan.

“Brother Ling, I want to buy a spirit sword. I’m just afraid I won’t be able to choose well. Could you accompany me?” Cheng Yan looked worshipfully at Ling Luo, whom he already considered as his big brother…

Hearing Cheng Yan’s words, Ling Luo frowned imperceptibly. If he went with Cheng Yan, wasn’t that giving Sun Xue and Lin Xiao opportunity?

Indeed. So Ling Luo refused Cheng Yan’s request, saying: “I’m sorry, I’ve already got something I’ve got to do.”

Disappointment flashed across Cheng Yan’s face. “Well then, Big Brother, attend to that. I’ll leave first.”

Eavesdropping Lin Xiao, after hearing Cheng Yan’s request, his heart shouted for Ling Luo to agree. Agree! If Ling Luo went with Cheng Yan, Lin Xiao could immediately search out Sun Xue. When Ling Luo declined, Lin Xiao’s mood sank. Yet now Murong Xue appeared before Ling Luo.

With a smiling face, Murong Xue asked Ling Luo: “Ling Luo, are you free to go shopping with me?”

Ah, Lin Xiao thought, perhaps Ling Luo wouldn’t refuse her?

He thought wrong. Ling Luo once again used the excuse of having some task to do right away. After Murong Xue withdrew dejectedly, Ling Luo looked back over his shoulder, “Lin Xiao, you’ve been listening so long, isn’t it time to come out?”

Lin Xiao blinked. Well, he should have known Ling Luo would catch him. He slowly walked up to Ling Luo.

Gazing at Lin Xiao, Ling Luo’s heart thumped. May be this was the opportunity to tell Lin Xiao his feelings?

He could take Lin Xiao somewhere private, tell Lin Xiao he liked him. And then…he could pursue Lin Xiao openly.

Ling Luo’s eyes brightened at these thoughts. Grabbing Lin Xiao, Ling Luo started dragging him out of the Medicine Pavilion.

Being pulled, Lin Xiao couldn’t imagine what Ling Luo wanted. Still he went along with it.

Suddenly, the tones of Murong Tian intruded, “Ling Luo, Lin Xiao, come here to me.” Murong Tian’s power enables them to clearly hear his voice across the distance. But only those he wants to hear, can hear…

Why would Murong Tian want to see the two of them? Lin Xiao and Ling Luo glanced confusedly at each other. Ling Luo endured his frustration. Finally he had found the courage to confess, only to be blocked by Murong Tian.

But since Murong Tian called them, they could not disobey. Ling Luo hoped whatever Murong Tian wanted would go fast. And that he might still have an opportunity to continue his declaration to Lin Xiao.

When they came to where Murong Tian was, he was seated in a chair, looking genial. Seeing Ling Luo and Lin Xiao appear, he waved to them, “Come, sit down.”

Ling Luo and Lin Xiao nodded, not saying a damn thing. The pair of them sat down in front of Murong Tian.

Murong Tian quietly observed the two people in front of him. After a lengthy silence, he asked: “Do you know why I wanted to see you?”

Ling Luo and Lin Xiao shook their heads.

“Lin Xiao, I have a task for you.” Murong Tian regarded him pleasantly.

Task? A mission? Lin Xiao blinked and continued to wait on Murong Tian’s words.

Murong Tian continued: “You are to go to the refining country Xuan Huang to find the spirit grass called the heaven herb. If you find this spirit grass within three months and pass the task, I will promote you to level four.”

Hearing that, Lin Xiao’s eyes lit up. “Is there more specific information about this heaven grass?”

“Later, more will be passed on to you. This specific spirit grass is hard to find, but not impossible. You look carefully, you will find it within three months.”

Lin Xiao agreed, “I will try my best to accomplish this task.” Finding the heaven spirit grass raising him to level four. That is rare in the Medicine Pavilion. Some struggle in the medicine court for a long time and never elevate.

Murong Tian nodded in satisfaction.

To Ling Luo it was unexpected, Murong Tian handing this mission to Lin Xiao. He quickly spoke: “Master…I…” He yearned to go with Lin Xiao.

To his surprise, Murong Tian immediately interrupted his words. “Lin Xiao, go home to prepare, and then go. As for you, Ling Luo…” Murong Tian tilted his head at Ling Luo, “I have a different task for you. Stay here.”

‘Yes!’ Lin Xiao slid a glance at Ling Luo, thinking elatedly that it might be three months before they meet again. There was furtive melancholy too, but he couldn’t help but think it would be good for them not to see each other for a while. Currently seeing Ling Luo every day was…awkward. Lin Xiao sighed to himself, said goodbye to Ling Luo, and left the Medicine Pavilion.

Ling Luo turned to watch Lin Xiao leave, thinking ‘three months’? He couldn’t predict what might change in three months. Looking back at Murong Tian, he said: “Master, I also want to go on Lin Xiao’s mission.”

Murong Tian calmly refused, however. “Ling Luo, I kept you behind. Naturally, I have a different task for you.”

Ling Luo asked: “What mission?”

Murong Tian’s face grew somber, saying, “Three months from now, there will an assembly of refiners in Xuan Huang. This assembly is a very important test for a refiner. And our Nebula Country’s Medicine Pavilion will, of course, send refiners to go. Ten spots are reserved for us. But the levels of our refiners, in competition, they’ll be eliminated in minutes. So this time I plan to send you and Murong Xue together.”

After a pause, Murong Tian continued: “Lin Xiao’s qualifications are also high, so I sent him to find the heaven spirit grass. When he returns, I will also send him to participate. Then he can ascend to level four without gossip.”

Ling Luo silently thought on Murong Tian’s words. Naturally, he knew how important this refiners’ assembly was. If someone could reach the seventh level of refining in Xuan Huang, that person’s future achievements would dazzle.

He still wants to go with Lin Xiao to hunt for the spirit grass. If not for Murong Tian’s plan, he wouldn’t allow Lin Xiao to separate from him. Nonetheless, he couldn’t delay Lin Xiao’s cultivation and his own too.

Bowing his head, Ling Luo took a breath, “I understand. I will practice well these three months.”

Murong Tian, pleased, said, “This assembly of refiners, tell no one. Not even Lin Xiao! Understood?”

“I know.” Ling Luo nodded.

Satisfied, Murong Tian told him, “Go on. I have finished what I have to say.”

Ling Luo politely made his farewell. He had lost his chance to confess to Lin Xiao. If he bared his heart to Lin Xiao now, Lin Xiao would be confused or distracted, take a long time to return, and then be distraught at missing the refining assembly.

When that time comes…Lin Xiao should exhibit his true strength.

Ling Luo tried suppressing his thoughts. But, in three months, just three months, he would be participating in a refining test. He will win triumphs. Then it will be the time to confess to Lin Xiao!

Thinking like this, Ling Luo cheered up.

Even if he couldn’t see Lin Xiao for three months, he would put everything into his cultivation.

Three months to the assembly! Ling Luo contemplated the shining sun in the sky, the corners of his mouth slightly rising.


When he returned home, Lin Xiao explained to Lin Yue his quest for the spirit grass.

Lin Yue heard and understood clearly, but still frowned: “You’ve barely been back, and now you’re going again?” He begrudged his son leaving once more.

Lin Xiao felt helpless. For a cultivator, spending nine to ten years traveling is normal. Trying to downplay, he said, “Don’t worry, Father. I’ll be back safe before you know it.”

Reluctantly, Lin Yue patted Lin Xiao’s shoulder. “Right! You go and prepare.” He turned away. He really couldn’t bear seeing his son…The grief of Lin Xiao being gone for two years the last time lingered, and Lin Yue feared it happening again.

He’s old…he can’t hardly stand the worry anymore.

Lin Xiao considering his father’s back, twisted his face. Going to his room, he told himself he will become strong, only then…

After packing his supplies, Lin Xiao walked to the gate and found Ling Luo idling there.

So Ling Luo had finished discussing with Murong Tian, and in the twinkling of an eye, come back. Lin Xiao wished Murong Tian had delayed Ling Luo longer. That way…he wouldn’t have to say goodbye to Ling Luo.

Because…he really doesn’t know what to say.