I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 21:

At the same time, except for the eight core members who had awakened the three-color arrogance, the rest of the core subordinates also felt that their arrogance was stronger than before.

Especially Hancock, at this moment, she felt that she was already very domineering, and seemed to have reached a more advanced state.

"Okay, these powers are given to you for the time being, now let\'s talk about my next arrangement."

Now that he has accepted his power, Bai Ye is not afraid of their betrayal.

Because accepting his power is essentially agreeing with him, otherwise it would be impossible to accept it.

And he can take back the power at any time.

It can even directly draw out all their power.

"Lu Qi, you continue to stay in CP9, and the design of Pluto is on Franky, you should know who he is?"


A gleam flashed in Lu Qi\'s eyes, he didn\'t expect that the design of Pluto was not on Bingshan.

Take it back when you go back.

"He\'s a robot. The map is in his body. You can scan it with the color of knowledge and knowledge. Otherwise, get this and give it to me. Then I will design the Hades. By the way, don\'t you want the Hades? It\'s time for you to try."

Bai Ye looked at Crocodile with a smile.

If you haven\'t forgotten, this guy\'s dream is Pluto.

"You want to give me Hades?"

"Why not? But I don\'t want you to use it to kill innocent people."


Crocodile took a deep breath, and he agreed more with Bai Ye.

The courage of this man...

Pluto said he would give it to himself.

Bai Ye was quite satisfied with his attitude.

Because he still has to pretend in front of Yixiao.

He is a man of justice.

I can\'t condone Crocodile to kill at will.

"In addition, Enel, you are going to fight to become Shichibukai, and after a smile, I will plan a big battle.

After the war between the navy and Whitebeard, the core combat power of the navy will retire.

At that time, there will be world conscription to deal with this rampant era.

You can be an admiral if you go directly. As for Crocodile, you should know something about the underground world, right? "

I don\'t know if the war on the top will start.

After all, the plot is already messed up.

Just got the news that Blackbeard left without eating the dark fruit.

This directly made Bai Ye\'s jaw drop.

But he wouldn\'t allow it unless it was a war.


Crocodile nodded.

As Doflamingo\'s former partner, he naturally knew about the underground world.

"Master Bai Ye, what about us?"

Hancock looked at Bai Ye nervously.

After he finished speaking, he didn\'t say anything about himself.

Could it be that there are no arrangements?

Or... Master Bai Ye wants to stay by himself, and then complete a major event in life.

have a baby? !

"Of course you will continue to be Shichibukai. By the way, you bring Nami and Robin, the three of you together, Bucky, you follow Enel, Crocodile, then go find all your old parts, and then go underground World, I want you to replace Doflamingo as the king of the underground world!

Yamato, do you want to go back to Wano Country or do you have your own ideas? "

Bai Ye had already thought about the arrangements for the rest of the people.

Now only Yamato.

She chose to return to Wano Country to continue lurking.

Or roam the sea by yourself.

"I want to walk alone on the sea."

Yamato doesn\'t want to go back to Wano Country for the time being.

She finally came out and wanted to see the sea too.

What\'s more, with her current strength, it is not impossible for her to walk on the sea.

"Okay, then Yamato, you can walk on the sea by yourself. These are for you. It is a space device. It will automatically sense when there is danger. You can ask other people for help. Then everyone... the action has begun... ...."

Bai Ye arranged everything.

He wants to put people in CP, the navy and the underground world.

When it\'s time to fight on the top, go to Advance City to find some people.

When the plan starts, he wants to let the whole world see how powerful their organization is.

"By the way, let\'s call it the Xiao organization, dawn dawn."

Bai Ye rubbed his chin, thinking to himself that he was very kind to Nagato, and helped him expand the pirate branch of Akatsuki organization.

As a reward, I will take Xiao Nanguai away next time!

Chapter 28 - White Beard: The Pirate World is in Chaos!

"Become Qibukai..."

Enil touched his chin and thought for a while.

Then he had an idea.

"Heh, take my place?"

A sneer flashed across Crocodile\'s face.

Right now, there is a vacancy in Qiwuhai.

This is after I was defeated before, I was deprived of it.

"Well, you can go first, and then go according to the plan. By the way, don\'t make any contact for now, unless you are exposed or you are about to die."

"it is good."

Everyone leaves.

Only a few people from Kusnake Island were left, as well as Nami and Robin who were going back to Jiusnake Island together.

"Robin, Nami, I hope the two of you can quickly awaken your fruit ability in the future, and the battle after that will be very serious."


They also knew that what Bai Ye wanted to do was to make an enemy of the whole world.

The improvement of strength is very important.

"Master Bai Ye, are you going to Nine Snake Island?"

The empress looked at Bai Ye softly, with that look, it seemed that if Bai Ye couldn\'t say it, she might cry.

"Let\'s go there first, and then I will plan a war between the Navy and Whitebeard."

Today, the dark fruit has not been taken away by Tiki, and Ace has not chased Blackbeard.

Naturally, there is no such thing as saying that Ace was arrested, and the top war started.

Now, Ace is the key figure that is necessary to start the top war.

Catching Luffy and giving it to the navy probably won\'t be able to start a war.

Luffy is Garp\'s grandson, and his father is not the One Piece, so there is no need for public execution.

The significance of executing Ace is to combat the morale of the increasingly rampant pirates and eliminate the Whitebeard Pirates.

But Luffy guessed that Garp would definitely not be able to sit still, and hitting Luffy would not be good for the Navy, and an unknown little pirate was no match for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Therefore, this war must have Ace.

Nine Snake Island.

until late at night.

Bai Ye was thinking about how to fool Ace.

Or rather, put things back where they started.

Hancock came behind Bai Ye, wrapped his arms around Bai Ye\'s neck, leaned his face, and murmured softly: "Master Bai Ye, why don\'t you go to bed early, it\'s too late, thinking about tomorrow?"

She had been waiting for a long time, but she didn\'t see Bai Ye coming to look for her.

can not wait anymore.

She also took the initiative to look for Bai Ye.

"Wait first..."

Bai Ye frowned, he would never rest until he had thought clearly.

Hancock pouted, but didn\'t say anything, and sat directly beside Bai Ye, waiting for him quietly.

His character Hancock is still clear.

Never get distracted when thinking about things.

"If the news that Luffy was caught by Blackbeard is known to Ace, he will definitely go to save Luffy, but Tiki, who has not eaten the dark fruit..."

Tiki, who ate the dark fruit back then, was barely able to draw with Ace.

If he didn\'t eat, he might not be Ace\'s opponent.

This path doesn\'t work either.

Could it be that he should directly take Ace and give him to the navy?

"Forget it, let Blackbeard try again, if it doesn\'t work, I\'ll let Enilo catch Ace as a bargaining chip to become Shichibukai!"

After figuring this out, Bai Ye no longer struggled.

Maybe he won in the end?

The strength of Blackbeard, who had just obtained the dark fruit, hadn\'t improved much.

His own strength was not weak at all.


Five days later, Pirate World.

White Beard: 【My world has also changed. Enilo forced Tianlongren to hand over the position of Qiwuhai to him by robbing Tianshangjin. However, the Warring States said that this is the last time. Threat, the Navy will take action directly! 】

Qiu Zixi: [Anilu came to the sea? 】

Just kidding!

Isn\'t he going to the infinite land?

As a result, he walked to the sea?

Uchiha Madara: [Haha, old man with a white beard, you said before that my world collapsed, now you can see whose world collapsed? 】

Crocodile was not captured by the navy, and his place was replaced by Enilo from Sky Island.