I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 22:

Blackbeard didn\'t eat the dark fruit, Sage didn\'t die, and Ace was still safe on the boat.

The world of One Piece is even more chaotic than the world of Naruto.

The whole pirate world has become a mess.

White Beard: [Fuck, I\'m not feeling well now, and the whole world is in chaos. 】

It has developed into a form of chaos.

Whitebeard really didn\'t expect this to happen.

Whitebeard: [And recently I read the information about the Straw Hat Pirates. The navigator is not Nami, and Robin is not on the ship. What the **** am I...]

Yakumo Zi: [? ? ? ? ? 】

Qiu Zixi: [It has nothing to do with me, let me say yes first, what I posted must be correct! }


It must be clarified.

Otherwise it will definitely make them think that they are uploading videos indiscriminately.

Aizen: [I suggest you draw all the points, the plot is useless now, see if you can draw something to make yourself stronger, so as to face the current chaotic situation! 】

Uchiha Madara: [Yeah, hurry up and smoke it, it’s useless to keep it, I want points, and I’m going to smoke it now, and the world will really mess up if it’s not resurrected! 】

White Beard: [Of course I know this, but it\'s really too strange, I just changed a little, but the world has become so weird, I\'m really speechless! 】

Chapter 29 - Who wouldn\'t be confused by this?

Qiu Zixi: [Buy some scratch-offs to save the child, the child is too hungry to let go! 】

Now, Qiu Zixi\'s goal is to trick White Beard into having some scratching fun.

On the one hand, you can earn points yourself.

And Whitebeard himself can have the opportunity to improve his strength.

Isn\'t that great?

White Beard: [Buy three scratch cards, and see the rest later. 】

Whitebeard has a lot of points.

But he was in no hurry.

If there is no good one, I will stop for the time being.

Wait for your luck to open again.

Anyway, the situation at sea will not affect him for a while.

【Ding! Whitebeard bought three scratch cards. 】

Scrape one first.

White Beard was not in a hurry.

【Ding! Whitebeard used a scraper to get: Customized doll]

[Customized doll]: It is specially customized for Whitebeard, which can relieve the boring time at sea.

White beard:【? ? ? ? ? 】

What the hell!

He is still under the watchful eye.

"Father, what is this thing?"

When Ace and the others saw the thing in Whitebeard\'s hand, they were stunned instantly.

He still has this?

"Ahem... Dad is also a normal man, we have to understand..."

"Marco, is Dad okay at this age?"

"Ahem, according to the medical skills I have learned over the years, Dad\'s body..."

Marco wasn\'t sure either.

But the eyes of everyone looking at White Beard are not right.


You are still such a father!

"A friend of mine gave this to me!"

Whitebeard\'s face was flushed, he had never experienced such a social death scene.

"Father, the friend you mentioned...couldn\'t be yourself?"

"Don\'t worry, we won\'t discriminate against you!"

Marco said quickly when he saw this.

This is normal!

They can understand!


Uchiha Madara: [Haha, this old man is really dishonest! 】

Tony: [Then what, I can customize some for you, how about you? 】

Yakumo Zi: [Disgusting! 】

White Beard: [Get lost! 】

What the hell!

Too bad!

Qiu Zixi: [I\'m starting one, I believe the next one will be very good! 】

There was a whimper in her heart.

Is this scratch-off game so bad?

【Ding! White Beard used a piece of Scratch to get: Huiren Kidney Treasure Piece]

[Huiren Kidney Treasure Tablet]: Baby: He\'s fine, so am I!

A box of medicine fell from the sky, and Marco, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, took it.

After looking at it, he handed it to Whitebeard and said, "Father, be careful...Your body can\'t take medicine at will!"

"I said nothing!"

White Beard wants to kill Qiu Zixi now.

This cheating skirt master.

I no longer have any majesty in front of my sons.

Damn it!

Do you want to be so cheating!

Uchiha Madara: [Hey, I think it\'s better to open another one, so that you can change it! 】

Tony: [Master Madara is really too bad! 】

There was a joke in the skirt at the moment, how could White Beard bear it.

But luck is too bad.

I always feel that it is almost the same as Uchiha Madara.

But there is one last one.

Whitebeard took a deep breath, and he swore that if he didn\'t come out with something good this time, he would never buy scratch-offs in his life.

【Ding! Whitebeard used a piece of Scratch to get: Immortal Body (Enhanced version of Qianshou Zhujian\'s recovery power)]

[Immortal Body] (Thousand-Handed Pillar Room Version): Inherited a strong recovery ability, and will no longer be disturbed by age, and can always maintain the combat effectiveness of the peak period, because there is no Yang Dun and the blood of the Thousand-Shou Clan, Therefore, the wooden escape will not be awakened.

A powerful recovery force appeared in his body,

Then Whitebeard felt that the old wounds on his body were being repaired constantly.

And the vitality is also recovering.

The face that was still a little old is now much younger.

Resilience Plus!

The resilience is strengthened, and then the vitality is also restored, and the hidden wounds are also repaired.

Uchiha Madara: [Damn! 】

Tony: [What the hell... is this okay? 】

In the end, the fairy body of the Thousand Hands Bamboo Room was drawn.

Who can stand this.

White Beard: [Gu la la la la la, I feel like I\'m back to my peak! 】

came back!

The old body is back!

Whitebeard laughed, and then directly tore off all the needles on his body and threw them all away.

Then he punched the air directly.

The force of the vibration continued to spread.

Then Whitebeard\'s arrogance surged out.

The reaction force, arrogance, etc. that were originally restricted by the body were all restored because of this fairy body.

Whitebeard in his prime is back!


"Gu la la la la la, my sons, let the world see the horror of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, his body has recovered, and the world will continue to witness the prestige of his Whitebeard Pirates in the future!


the other end.

Bai Ye left here after completing the layout of One Piece World.

Back to the original world.

As soon as Bai Ye came back, he was directly blocked by Yang Nai.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right. Every time you come back, the time you leave is almost exactly the same as the time you left. Am I ready to go together?"

Yang Nai has already changed into the clothes she bought recently.

Black silk with a small skirt, who is not confused?

Today she came prepared!

See if she won\'t take Bai Ye down?

Chapter 30 - The Child I Picked Up, Kang Na!

"You look like this... how do I feel like you are going to eat me..."

I don\'t know if it\'s Bai Ye\'s illusion.

I always feel that the way Yang Nai looks at him has changed.

More aggressive than before.