I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 183:

"Xiao Ren, what\'s wrong?"

Butterfly Kanae looked at Butterfly Shinobu, and seeing the expression on her face, she also asked a little strangely.

"Sister, who was the person who saved you before?"

She hadn\'t asked before.

The main reason is that my sister doesn\'t seem to have anything to say.

So, just don\'t ask anything.

But now after joining the chat skirt, after learning about the other party\'s affairs, Butterfly Ninja feels that it is impossible for him to bear it.

"You probably don\'t know what he said."

In fact, even Butterfly Kanae doesn\'t know what the other party does now.

However, she has always kept in mind the grace of saving her life.

At the same time, after signing the contract, the strength has been greatly strengthened.

For Bai Ye, she was actually very grateful from the bottom of her heart.

Whether it\'s the grace of saving your life, or the grace that gave you strength before.

"I don\'t know you. You can introduce me. How about you take me to meet him?"

"You seem to care about him, Shinobu?"

Butterfly Kanae looked at Butterfly Shinobu with a strange expression.

She always felt that her sister seemed to care a little too much about each other.

Speaking of it, she was a little helpless. She didn\'t say it earlier, but now she suddenly became very interested.

"Of course, after all, she is your savior, so of course I want to thank him very much!"

Butterfly endured seeing this and said hastily.

"Well, next time I have a chance, I will take you to meet him."

Butterfly Kanae thought about it, and felt that since Butterfly Shinobu was so caring, she agreed.

Besides, she had an idea.

At this time Butterfly Ninja joined the Ghost Killing Squad.

It will definitely be dangerous in the future.

It is impossible for me to protect Butterfly Shinobu all the time.

So, according to this, if Butterfly Ninja and Bai Ye can sign a contract, she will have a chance to be resurrected.

At least this will give her a chance to make mistakes!


After getting her sister\'s answer, Die Ren was also looking forward to it.


The chat skirt has never seen the man behind the scenes himself.

I didn\'t expect that I could still get acquainted with the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Sister, is that person who saved you human?"

"It\'s not a human, is it a ghost?"

Butterfly Kanae gave her a blank look, then raised her hand and knocked on Butterfly Shinobu\'s little head.

Let her think about it.


Big Big Wolf: [Everyone, I have almost finished watching my video, I want to ask, is it because I have no sheep to eat in my life? 】

He\'s done.

But it\'s also the most desperate.

It never occurred to him that at the end of the day, he still didn\'t eat a single sheep.

The more I think about it, the more hopeless I feel.

Qiu Zixi: [Yes, in your world, you seem to have never eaten a sheep...]

Speaking of which, in Big Big Wolf\'s world, not only is he invincible, but everyone else is also invincible.

Basically none of these main characters will die.

In the funny show, I guess it is the strongest.

After all, the characters in it are immortal.

Tony: [No, I just finished reading it, and I seem to find something that is not quite right. Is the number one scientist in my chat skirt gone? 】


How can I compare my invention ability with Big Big Wolf.

Does it develop technology that can be developed by humans?

He felt that he would never be able to do it!

too strong! .

Chapter 204 - Shame Mai Shiranui, Orochi lifts the seal!

Uchiha Madara: [When is it your turn to be the number one scientist in the chat skirt? 】

Qiu Zixi: [My old man Luke hasn\'t even spoken yet, so you snatched the number one scientist in the chat skirt? 】

According to the ranking of science and technology.

Grandpa Luke seems to be tall too.

Speaking of which, these core energies and mechanical transformations were also played by him.

In Luke\'s eyes, the armor of Iron Man seems like a child\'s toy.

But speaking of it, if the scientific level of the two is really to be compared, it is somewhat difficult to compare.

But after Big Big Wolf came.

This first spot.

It must have made Big Big Wolf sit still~.

Orochi: [I seem to be resurrected...-]

Orochi felt a summoning breath here.

Unexpectedly, he would finally be resurrected.

Already sensed a breath of calling.

Qiu Zixi: [I\'ll go, then what are you going to do with this wave? 】

Judging from the plot, the resurrection of the big snake this time does not seem to be in its heyday.

Orochi: [Chris of Flame is used as a carrier, and if there are not many sacrifices, I guess it is only less than one-tenth of the strength]

Although he has seen the strength shown in the original book.

But I have no direct experience, so I can only give a rough idea.

He has been sealed for a long time.

How powerful this power is, even he himself has forgotten a little bit.

So, summoning myself out this time is actually tantamount to practicing hands.

However, even with such a little strength, Orochi crushed the audience at the time.

If it weren\'t for the rampage of Iori Temple.

He guessed that all of them would be wiped out by him.

This time, what I need to pay attention to is Iori Temple.

As for the others, he feels that there is no threat at all at present.


Fighting tournament.

Andy was talking excitedly beside Mai Shiranui at the moment.

As he spoke, he also noticed something was wrong.

"Xiao Wu, why do I feel that you seem to be a little different from before?"

I don\'t know if it was his illusion.

I always feel that Mai Shiranui seems to have something wrong with her temperament.

And even the personality has changed.

It wasn\'t like this before.

Could it be that I went to practice before, so I haven\'t seen each other for a long time, so the two are unfamiliar?

That was all Andy could think of.

"What\'s the difference?"

Mai Shiranui rolled her eyes.

She had no idea what Andy was talking about.

He hesitated for a long time.

He didn\'t even say why.

Seeing him like this, Mai Shiranui didn\'t want to talk anymore.

On the other hand, Kagura Chizuru looked at Andy meaningfully.

At first, she was the last one to leave.

Before leaving, she saw Mai Shiranui going to learn knowledge with Bai Ye.

I believe Mai Shiranui learned a lot of knowledge back then.

Looking at Andy\'s head, she felt that she should be able to herd sheep. After all, this is a big ranch.

"Well...Xiao Wu, I heard from Master that you ate a very delicious spicy bar before, so what...where did you buy it? I want to buy some too... ...."

Andy really didn\'t know what to talk to Mai Shiranui.

Originally, my character was a bit dull.

Except for cultivation, I don\'t like to talk at all at other times.

But now, with a trace of uneasiness in his heart, he also feels that Mai Shiranui seems to be getting farther and farther away from him.


He wanted to grab it to keep Mai Shiranui from staying away from him.


Mai Shiranui glared at Andy.

At the same time, the old man Shiranui Hanzo was scolded **** in his heart.

This **** really dares to say anything.

Fortunately, I didn\'t tell the truth before.

But she won\'t tell Shiranui Hanzo about this kind of thing.

"Andy, it\'s useless for you to do this. How can you chase girls like this?"

Terry also quickly pulled Andy at this moment, and then whispered.