I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 182:

It can be said that this jump has become the highest combat power in the whole skirt!

Upload all the videos of everyone.

Qiu Zixi: 【Everyone, this is your video of the world. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask directly, and if there is any discrepancy, you can directly say it. 】

Because there is a black hand behind the scenes.

Therefore, the plot that would have had no mistakes before could not be determined at this time.

Qiu Zixi didn\'t want her friends to think that there was something wrong with the video she uploaded.

Aizen: 【That is to say, there is no behind-the-scenes joiner this time? 】

It seems that there should be no more.

After all, if there was, Qiu Zixi wouldn\'t say that.

Qiu Zixi: 【That\'s right, this time there is no one, but this time seven newcomers have joined. Speaking of which, if you want to buy scratch-offs, you can try it! 】

The inappropriateness of this sentence is to imply Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara said it before.

As long as newcomers are added to the chat skirt.

Then he\'s going to buy scratch-offs.

Each newcomer will be rewarded with 2,000 points.

In other words, this time there are 14,000 points that can be provided to Uchiha Madara.

Six cards.

Uchiha Madara: [I bought it first! 】

He has nothing to do now.

If he didn\'t draw any more cards, he might really be eliminated.

Buy six Scratch Tickets.

As for the 20,000 tickets, Uchiha Madara thinks it is unnecessary, mainly because there are no points.

【Ding! Uchiha Madara bought six scratch cards and got: F12 Tiger Tank, Shining Fruit, a Thunder Fighter, Skeleton Meridian, Melatonin, Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and a 100% increase in ninjutsu ability. 】


what\'s the effect?

Except for the shiny fruit, Uchiha Madara feels that these abilities seem to have no effect at all.

and many more!

Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

He suddenly thought of something.

Uchiha Madara: [I seem to be able to open the eyes of reincarnation again...]

There is no one who has opened the eyes of reincarnation twice.

Earlier, he thought that this eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan was useless at all.

But later I realized that it seemed that what I thought was too simple.

Qiu Zixi: [What do you mean? 】

Uchiha Madara: [The one who was drawn is considered to be opened by myself. I already have Indra and Asura\'s Chakra. If you say to open the eyes of reincarnation, I have all the preconditions. Can I still not open it? no? 】

He already suffered from the lack of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And if Sasuke grabs it, he may not be able to awaken.

Because this is not his Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

But it\'s different now.

All the conditions are met.

Then it is not impossible to awaken the eyes of reincarnation.

Tony: [I\'ll go, can you open another one? But don\'t you seem to be Nagato\'s opponent? 】

White Beard: [Gu la la la la la, that shiny fruit can run away, not to mention elementalization... Although it is not invincible, at least it can be used before this attack hits itself. With elementalization to disperse himself, maybe he can survive. 】

Ye Kai\'s ability even distorted the space.

Whitebeard can\'t guarantee that elementalization can block it.

But in essence, this trick is still a physical technique.

In the world of Pirates, if there is no domineering and Hailou stone, elementalization is to restrain physical skills to death.

Uchiha Madara: [The feeling of awakening the eyes of reincarnation, although I really don\'t want to do it again, but... it seems that there is no way...]

For my own plan, I must let myself continue to wander between life and death.

He was able to awaken the Eye of Samsara back then because he was about to die.

And now, Uchiha Madara also knows what to do, just put himself between life and death.

Turning on the wooden clone, Uchiha Madara began to kill himself.

The eye of reincarnation can only be awakened when it is close to life and death.

Because the eyes of reincarnation have been opened once.

Naturally, there is also experience,


Qiu Zixi: [Speaking of which, is this product offline? 】

Good guy.

It is said to go to awaken the eyes of reincarnation.

Then the person disappeared directly, which is really swift and resolute.

Moon Worship Leader: [Excuse me, is the video uploaded by the previous skirt owner real? 】

He is still polite.


After watching the plot of his own world, he suddenly discovered something was not quite right.

Qiu Zixi: 【Is there any discrepancy? 】

Moon Worship Leader: [Probably not, if you look at it according to the plot, I haven\'t even started the plot yet...]

This is still a long time before the plot begins.

But when he saw the end, his heart was a little heavy.

Moon Worship Leader: [If it is true, am I wrong in saying that the earth is round? 】

Moon Worship Leader: [I told Li Xiaoyao that the earth is round, but he didn\'t believe it! Hit me again! ? They said I was crazy and beat me with swords, I just believed in science, told them the earth is round, they didn\'t believe it, they asked me what love is, how do I know what love is when I\'m a single dog, then they started beating me! 】

Something is wrong, right?

Now he\'s on the verge of crying.

The earth is really round! especially.

Chapter 203 - I am looking for a relationship to meet the mastermind behind the scenes!

Qiu Zixi: [em...]

If this is the case, I don\'t know how to say it for a while.

Qiu Zixi: [Speaking of which, has the plot started on your side? 】

She felt that if the plot started at this time, it seemed that there was still a chance to make amends.

After all, as long as Zhao Linger\'s mother was not killed.

And does not trigger a series of things.

After that, those things will not happen.

Moon Worship Leader: [I haven\'t done anything yet, but I\'ve already caught him. 】

It can be said that it was decades before the start of the plot.

After all, Zhao Ling\'er\'s mother was caught by him just now.

This is not done yet.

Then he was invited to join the chat skirt.

Qiu Zixi: [That is to say, if you don\'t kill her, the plot here will all change. 】

Yakumo Zi: [It mainly depends on what you think. 】

In fact, if we look at it according to the current situation.

Although they can make comments.

But the most important thing is to see what the Moon Worshiper thinks.

Moon Worship Leader: [Let me think about it again, after all, this is also a matter of great importance. 】

Speaking up.

I was also a little hesitant to do anything to Zhao Linger\'s mother.

After all, in the end, he actually saw his own ending.

Although, as long as I know how to solve 093, I can avoid many things from happening.


He is also a little hesitant at the moment.

After all, the final outcome, all the things that happened, seemed to be completely different from what I was pursuing before.


He didn\'t know what to do either.

Butterfly Shinobi: [Then what is the host of the skirt? I want to ask, is this plot authentic? 】

No matter how you look at this plot, it seems a little strange.

Qiu Zixi: [Could it be that your world has changed? 】

Butterfly Shinobi: [It\'s different, it\'s completely different. According to the plot, my sister should die in the decisive battle with Tong Mo, but...my sister didn\'t die...]

That time, when I passed by, I happened to see bloodstains on the ground.

(aeda) At first I thought it belonged to my sister.

But as I searched, I also found that my sister was safe and sound.

But what happens in the plot is completely different.

Qiu Zixi: [Could it be that the black hands behind the scenes have passed your world? 】

Butterfly Ninja: [Who is behind the scenes? 】

From when I first entered the chat skirt.

Butterfly Ninja has been listening to them talking about the mastermind behind the scenes.

But I just don\'t know who is behind this scene.

Following Qiu Zixi\'s explanation sentence by sentence, she also understood who it was.

Butterfly Shinobi: [If that\'s the case, then I think the other party seems pretty good! 】

At least he saved his sister.

So in the bottom of Butterfly Shinobi\'s heart, she was still a little moved by this behind-the-scenes man who hadn\'t met.

But she was very curious, and she wanted to ask her sister about this person.