I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 225 - Christmas Day

"Are you hungry?"

He glanced over to the side. The little woman was hanging onto his arm, she raised her head upon hearing his question. Her almond shaped eyes were looking at him.

\'She looked just as adorable as the first time I saw her,\' Kei thought to himself as his heart skipped a beat.

"Not really," Risa answered, "why? Are you?" She snickered at him, "You are hungry, aren\'t you?" And then she burst out in laughter.

Her hands were wrapped in leather gloves and were holding onto his arms. Kei raised his own hand and placed it over her hands. He smiled while feeling a little embarrassed, "Well, a little. Let\'s grab some gyro bowl on the way home?"

Risa felt hesitant for a while. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought against the idea.

"That area was so dark; and even darker on this winter night, though. Why don\'t we get something from the sandwich store down the road?"

He patted her hands again, "En, as you wish. Although, you know we walked past that area many times already, and they\'re fine."

Risa had an ugly feeling in her heart, but she did not want to disappoint him, "I want a sandwich, let\'s have that tonight."

Kei burst into laughs, "Okay, okay, my lady. Your wish is my command."


It was around one or two o\'clock after midnight.

They finally decided to get a foot-long turkey and ham sandwich with multi-grain bread. Risa could not wait for them to go home, so they could eat this and then they could soak in the hot tub. It was a very cold and windy night.

Kei pushed open the door of the sandwich shop and stepped outside, "Can you imagine that our first meal on Christmas day is actually a foot-long sandwich?" Risa was walking behind him and laughed along with him, "Well, we are cultured New Yorker. Just like others, sandwiches are our lives."

The two of them laughed over the jokes; both hearts were so happy and joyful, infected with the Christmas mood that they were having.

She was standing behind him, while trying to adjust the food bags in her hands. After walking for a while, all of a sudden, she bumped her face onto his back because Kei suddenly stopped on his track and stood still.

"Kei?" She tried to peek from behind his broad shoulder.

"Sshh!" He suddenly stopped her from saying further. He whispered at her, "Keep quiet and stay behind me."


In front of them, stood a young man dressed in multiple layers of clothes. He had a dark brown beanie hat, and a dark grey shawl around his neck, covering his jaw and his mouth. He had dark skin, and on this night, he looked even darker than the clothes he was wearing.

Both of his hands were stretched forward, and he was holding a small gun; slightly trembling.

Risa was horrified at the scene. She was not sure if the man was trembling because of the cold temperature or because of the action that he was doing right now.

"I- I don\'t want to do this," He started yelling, "j-just leave you stuff a-and walk away!" He said in panic.

He started to yell at Risa and Kei, "Leave your stuff, and w-walk away! Walk away!"

Risa tugged on Kei\'s black coat, "Darling, let us just walk away. En?"


Kei put up both hands in front of him; palm side out facing the man, "Just calm down, I will leave the stuff, and walk away, alright?"

"D-Do it! Hurry! D-Don\'t test my patience!" The man yelled at them again as he waved his gun.

"Okay, okay, buddy," Kei said as he bent slightly and put down the paper bag he was holding. He raised his hands slowly and opened the lapel of his coat.

The man suddenly screamed back, "What are you doing!! I\'m going to shoot, man! I will shoot you!"

Kei hurriedly said to him, "Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, man. You need my wallet, too, don\'t you?"

Both of his hands were still raised up in front of him; Kei was trying to show the armed man that he was not going to do anything.

The man waved the gun down to Kei\'s feet, "Hurry! Throw them down here."

"Alright, here you go!" He took out his wallet, and threw it to his feet, "now, you\'re good right? I will walk away."

He started to walk backwards, he put down his hands behind him, and started to push Risa to move back with his body.

She slowly stepped backwards following his directions.


"Hold it right there!"

Kei stopped on his track, and thus, Risa was forced to stop as well.

"What do you have there? Behind your back!" The armed man started to yell again and wave his gun around.

"Man, you got what you want. Just let us go on our way, alright?"

The armed man started to walk towards them, prompting Kei to walk backwards again reflexively. Risa was not aware that he suddenly moved, she stumbled on her feet and fell to the ground in the midst of panic.

The armed man was also panicked when he saw there was another person behind the tall guy.

He looked at Kei in horror, while waving his gun around.

"You bastard! Y-you.. you..."

At first, the armed man was lost, and did not know what to do in the middle of his panic, he kept stopping and walking; and then stopping again.

"You! Hand over..."

The armed man walked closer and was about to tell Risa to hand over her stuff. Kei thought he was going to harm her, he swiftly moved in between them to block her from the armed man.

Surprised by the sudden move, the armed man moved his gun towards Kei. He was standing face to face with Kei, with his muzzle was pointed in front of his chest, "Don\'t do anything stupid, man! I\'ll shoot. I\'ll really shoot you!"

Kei stopped and had his hands raised up, "Hey! Hey! Calm down!"

"Don\'t fxxx-ing tell me to calm down!"

He screamed at Kei, and then glanced down quickly, "Hurry, lady, leave your purse, and walk away! Now!!"

With her trembling hands, Risa quickly let go of her purse, and threw it away from her. She was about to get up from the ground, when she heard a loud noise of metal cans crushing against each other, and then a meow of a cat and followed by the flapping sound of bird wings.

But in the middle of this noise, a loud bang of a gunshot was heard.

It was so loud and clear; it was echoing in this narrow alley.

Her surroundings were still bustling with traffic noise and honks of cars every now and then.

But all she could hear was silence.

Her ears were ringing so badly. Her heart was pounding so fast. She blinked her eyes over and over again; her throat was choking.

She was breathing from her mouth. Cold air of breath came out of her pale lips.

Risa slowly turned her head and saw the armed man was looking horrified at his own hands; smoke was still coming out of the muzzle.

And what happened next was like a slow motion and a blur in her memories.