I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 224 - You Are Very Lucky

The room was very bright and cheerful.

Colorful paintings were hung on the wall and soft, jazz music was playing in the background. A cabinet filled with books was standing on one side of the wall next to a window and a comfortable lounge chair was placed beside it.

In a glance, this looked like a normal room where people would enjoy some light reading and conversation by the window.

Risa was standing by the bedside and her hand was gently brushing his hair; a soft smile appeared on her face and eyes full of love were tracing his face longingly.

Shao Yan, her eyebrows raised in surprise and her big, round eyes were looking speechlessly at the figure on the bed. She exchanged looks with Li Xiqing, but she did not say anything. One by one, they decided to step into the room, with Li Xiqing following closely behind her.

"Darling," Risa started to say in a soft voice, "I want you to meet my cousin, Yan Yan. And also her boyfriend, Xiqing."


The room was very quiet.

Other than the soft, jazz music, the other noise that was heard was the beeping sound coming from the machine that was installed next to the bed.

A tall, young man was laying on the bed. IV lines and tubes were injected on his right arms and connected to a machine that was showing all of his vital signs. A clear, breathing mask was covering his mouth.

Although he was surrounded with all this complicated stuff around him, the man on the bed still looked as handsome as before.

Shao Yan could see that Kei Yamaguchi was a very fine man.

Dark, brownish hair was covering his forehead. His eyes were closed, but his face was calm and peaceful; as if he was only sleeping, and all of these people were coming to disturb his beauty sleep.

He had high cheekbones, and manly square jaws that Shao Yan assumed had become slightly thinner due to his condition. He was wearing soft blue pajamas. An unfamiliar woman, wearing white uniform from head to toe, was sitting at the foot of the bed; she was massaging both of his legs.

The woman lifted up one leg, and then slowly massaged it from thigh down to his ankle and foot. And then she would pick up the other and do the same exercise. And she kept doing that, without looking at the guests that her lady boss had just invited to the room.


"Sis... T-this...," Shao Yan started to say, but she paused as she was unsure what to say. Li Xiqing stood silent by her side; he circled one arm around her waist to show his support for her.

He had had his suspicions for a while, but he never thought that Kei Yamaguchi would be in this condition.

When they entered the apartment just now, although the house seemed warm with pictures of the couple all over the house, yet it also felt cold at the same time. But he could not figure out why.

He realized it now. Because other than music and beeping sound, the whole house was too quiet and Li Xiqing could vaguely smell disinfectant when he was walking around the living room.

Risa looked up to glance at them and let out a weak smile. She sat next to Kei with one arm hung over his head; while leaning on the headboard, her fingers kept playing with his hair absentmindedly.

"I\'m fine, I am used to your kind of reactions now," Risa started to say, "it\'s been a few years now, and we are doing fine."

Shao Yan walked closer, "So, what uh.. What happened?"

Risa scanned his face tenderly before she slowly got up from the bed and walked to the window. With her back against Shao Yan and Li Xiqing, she started to say.


The crowd today was exceptionally high since it was Christmas Eve after all.

Risa had just come back from the office function, and Kei had just completed his meeting with an antique dealer. Both of them agreed to meet up at Rockefeller Center to enjoy the lit up Christmas tree.

They sat by the ice skating rink and the huge Christmas tree was standing proudly behind them. The husband and wife just spent the whole night snuggling next to each other, with cups of hot chocolate in their hands, and watched the people around them.

Just after midnight, they decided to go home.

He got up from his seat, "Are you ready? Did you get everything?"

Her head was bent down as both of her hands were shuffling through her purse, "Yeah," she paused, "I can\'t find my keys though."

She raised her head and looked at the man in front of her, "I think I must have left them in the office," she put on a helpless face while biting her lower lips in guilt. Lightly shrugging her shoulder, Risa continued, "We may have to walk back."

He raised his hand to ruffle his own hair. Burying his fingers in his short, slightly wavy brown hair, he feigned a scolding, "You!" and then he sighed, "are very lucky that I love you."

Kei Yamaguchi approached her and circled his arm around her waist and then together, they walked out again, "It\'s zero degrees outside, and it\'s very windy. How can you be this careless," he said as he raised up his other hand and flicked her forehead.

Risa laughed. This had been their practice lately. Whenever she made mistakes, he would always say, "You are very lucky that I love you," and then he would nag at her non-stop.

Kei was still nagging at her even when they had stepped inside the subway station. He took the paper bags from her hands and adjusted his stance to cover her body from the wind.

With her head slightly tilted to the side, Risa glanced up at this man who she called \'Husband\'.

The weather outside was so cold to the bone, but her whole heart was warm.


"You found your keys?"

Kei was standing in the lobby downstairs, while Risa went up to look for her keys. She came down to see Kei was typing on his phone; holding a paper bag in his hand and standing next to a Christmas tree that the building management had put up in the lobby area to brighten the Christmas spirit.

She stood still while watching the handsome man. Kei had put on black and white suit with no tie; and a long, black overcoat.

\'En! Her husband was definitely the best looking man in the whole world!\' Risa thought to herself.

Hearing the sound of her boots coming closer to him, he lifted up his head to see Risa was happily skipping towards him.

"En," she said with a huge grin, "they were on my desk. I remember I took them out when I was trying to rearrange the stuff inside my purse before I left the office."

Risa linked her arm around his, "Let\'s go now, hubby, I\'m cold, and I am in need of a hot shower so bad."

Kei raised his broad palm and ruffled his fingers on her hair, "Let\'s go, wifey!"