I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 221 - The Day After

When Shao Yan walked out of the bedroom about two hours later, she saw that Li Xiqing had prepared breakfast for her.

A paper was placed on top of the dining table.

\'Grandma called this morning, give her a call back. If you are going out, try to at least eat something first. I will be back before dinner.\'

She placed the paper back after reading it two more times.

Shao Yan saw that Li Xiqing had cooked some porridge with minced pork, with boiled eggs on the side. She walked to the kitchen, carrying the bowl of porridge with her and placed it inside the microwave and reheated it.

While waiting, she fished out her mobile phone from her pocket and looked for Grandma\'s phone number.

"En? Grandma? This is Yan Yan," she quickly said after she heard the call was picked up at the second ring.

Shao Yan heard Grandma mumble on the other side of the phone, as if she was talking to another person; so Shao Yan decided to wait for her.

"Oh, Yan Yan, is that you?" After a while, Grandma Wu finally came back to the phone and talked to her.

"I was just calling this morning to tell you that we have to cancel our lunch," Grandma Wu heaved a soft sigh, and then she continued, "Shaoying fainted last night, and was rushed to the hospital."

Right when she heard that, Shao Yan was about to walk out and grab her car keys, but she heard Grandma Wu hurriedly continue to say, "Don\'t panic, Yan Yan, I am with her right now. Everything is fine. Doctor just said she was too exhausted, and that\'s why her blood pressure dropped and she fainted."

Shao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "Have you eaten, Grandma? Do you need me to bring you anything? Which hospital is this?"

"En, Hospital M, room 2408 and I called you this morning, but Xiqing told me that you were still sleeping. Xiqing already came here just now, and he also brought some warm food with him. So, you don\'t have to worry about us."

Shao Yan turned around, and swiftly shutted down the microwave, "Okay, I am going there now. Please wait for me," and then she quickly walked out to the foyer with her purse in her hands.

"Alright, drive safe, no need to rush, alright?" Grandma said before receiving an assurance from Shao Yan and then she hung up the call.


The traffic was light for the second day of New Year. It seemed that everyone was too drunk to wake up early, leaving the road almost to herself.

Just within thirty minutes, Shao Yan had arrived at the hospital. She had no issue in finding the ward that Risa was staying at.

When Shao Yan opened the door, she saw Grandma Wu was peeling an orange and Risa was sitting on the hospital bed and chewing slowly.

Both women turned their heads towards the door upon hearing it being opened.

"Oh! Yan Yan!" Grandma Wu flashed a warm smile at her, "You\'ve arrived. Come here, sit down here."

Risa, also sent a smile to her. Looking at her pale face, Shao Yan could not help but worry. She walked closer briskly while saying her greetings, "Grandma, Sis."

She stood by the bed, scrutinizing Risa who was leaning against the headboard.

"How are you feeling, Sis?"

Risa nodded weakly, "I\'m fine. I\'m feeling so much better now." She tried to smirk at her, "Look at your panic face. I was just too exhausted, that\'s all. What a way to spend the New Year, huh? I traded fireworks for a hospital bed, oh poor me."

Shao Yan knew that Risa was trying to lighten up the mood.

She smiled at her poorly attempted jokes, raising her fingers and tidying up the bedsheet in front of her, Shao Yan pulled up the blanket to cover Risa up to her chest.

"Mm, you missed out a lot. You did not get to see President Huang dance through the night," and then she looked in disbelief at Risa, "and you missed the Grand Prize!"


Grandma Wu was sitting at the side while watching both of her granddaughters talking joyfully with each other.

Shao Yan was sitting on the edge of the bed, while peeling oranges for both Risa and herself. And Risa just sat quietly inside the blanket, enjoying the pampering that her family had showered her.

"So, it\'s a 10 days full trip to Hawaii. And guess who won it?"

Risa gawked in disbelief. Her eyes were showing a huge surprise as she stared at Shao Yan, "Two weeks in Hawaii? And I missed it?! Oh no!" She wailed in sadness, she grabbed Shao Yan on her arms and shook her a little, "Stop delaying, just tell me already, who won the trip?"

Shao Yan giggled at her reaction, and continued, "Well.," She paused and slowly peeled her oranges, dragging her replies.

When she saw Risa was about to explode with impatience, Shao Yan quickly continued, "You better get well soon. Because everyone was eyeing that trip, and if you can\'t go, I\'m pretty sure Fan jie will snatch it away from you, sis!"


"Oh! Shaoying! You won?"

Grandma Wu was so surprised that Risa had won the Grand Prize. She clapped both of her hands in front of her chest, feeling so elated by the news.

"This is a good sign. You entered the year with such a big surprise. You will spend this year with more happiness, my child!"

Risa and Shao Yan were both looking at Grandma Wu who was beaming with happiness.

"En, Grandma," Shao Yan replied, "I was so surprised when the master of ceremony called her number, I thought they would replace the winner since she was not around to accept it."

Shao Yan shifted her sitting posture and now was facing Grandma Wu.

"But President Huang said that Risa deserves the prize, and if she does not want to go, it will be up to her to give the prize away."

Shao Yan glanced to the side, "Everyone agreed you are the winner of this trip, sis, so please get well soon and have fun in the island of paradise."

Risa felt so touched when she listened to Shao Yan who was retelling every event from last night. She had spent nights of overtime, trying to make sure everyone had the most amazing New Year party, and now she won the trip to Hawaii. Risa still felt that she was dreaming.

"Then, I should get better soon! And then I have to get my bikini body back, so I can flirt with those hunks in Hawaii," she said before winking one eye to Shao Yan cheekily, "handsome boys, you guys better wait for this sister to come and eat you!"

Risa was so excited with her trip, that she forgot Grandma Wu was still in the room. The old lady was sipping on her tea, when she heard what Risa was saying.

Grandma Wu was so surprised at her words, she choked on her tea and started to cough profusely.

Shao Yan quickly climbed down from the bed to walk behind her and patted her on the back. She did not forget to glance at Risa. She scowled at her while glaring at her cheekiness, "Sis!!"

Risa felt so guilty, she could only grin back at the two of them, "Sorry, Grandma, I was just joking hehehe. It\'s a joke, really!"