I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 220 - Your Touch

Straddling above him, her hair brushed his cheek when she leaned closer to drop him more kisses.

Her beautiful round eyes were looking deep into him. She looked so aroused and Li Xiqing was also sure that he looked the same.

He saw her face was getting closer as she slowly closed her eyelids and pressed her lips onto his.

During the whole kissing battle earlier, no one knew how but their position had changed so many times, and right now, Shao Yan was sitting on top of him.

No words were uttered as the lovers were busy kissing and tasting each other. One palm was cupping the back of her head, and the other hand was cupping the cheek of her butt; pressing her womanhood onto his own.

His palm left her head; his fingers were buried in her hair, and swiped down onto her spine. Using his index and middle fingertips, he slowly traced her naked back; starting from her nape, down to the small of her back.

Each fingers were caressing her soft skin. Shao Yan trembled as his cold hands grazed her exposed skin, leaving shivering trails of blazing hotness along the way.

When both of his hands finally cupped both of her butt cheeks, Li Xiqing gave a light squeeze; before his mouth attacked her again and thrusted his tongue deep inside her mouth and demanded for more kisses.


Shao Yan wrapped both of her arms around his neck as she returned his demanding kisses.

Her twin breasts were pressing on his sturdy chest; and as they kissed, her nipples were quickly aroused and teased him to a point of madness.

When Li Xiqing tossed her night gown to the side earlier, he exposed all of her body and left her in a tiny, white underwear. Raising his hips a little, Li Xiqing hooked both of his thumb to the edge of her underwear and slid them off of her.

He placed both hands on the each side of her waist and positioned her right above his manhood; and then he slowly entered her.

Shao Yan threw her head to the back as the sensation hit her core. He used the momentum of her raising up above him to catch her breasts with his mouth. Li Xiqing gently covered his lips around the pink areolas and started to suck hungrily like a baby.

"Mmmhh..," moans of pleasure escaped her lips when he started to move in and out of her.

His tongue circled around the peak before he changed to start feasting on the other. Both hands were still holding onto her butt tightly to his shaft; torturing her with endless pleasure over and over again.


"Are you going to sleep now?"

Shao Yan was laying limp next to him, with one arm hugging her close. She did not say anything for a while, Li Xiqing thought she had fallen asleep.

Shao Yan stirred lightly, "En," she suddenly answered, before snuggled closer to his embrace and placed her cheek on his naked chest.

Li Xiqing slowly stroked her hair before planting a kiss on her forehead, "Sleep now."

A pause in this middle of the night, before she answered, "En," she mumbled sleepily again.

Li Xiqing had tortured her with multiple rounds of orgasms. She was already tired from working the whole day. And with these rounds of \'exotic exercise\', Shao Yan was beyond spent.

He patted her back absentmindedly; sending his Yan Yan to the dream land. One hand was propped behind his head as Li Xiqing slowly gathered his thoughts on what he needed to do this year.

As he slowly counted each plan, he could not help to surrender to the tiredness that gradually consumed him.

The pair of lovers fell asleep in each other\'s arms; crossing over the New Year in each other\'s warmth and tenderness.

(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )


!! BEEP !!

Shao Yan stirred lightly when her phone notified her of the incoming message. She turned her body around, and after finding a comfortable position, she gradually fell into another sleep.

!! BEEP !!

Another ringtone was heard; bringing her back to reality just as she was about to fall into a deep sleep. She grumbled lightly, but Shao Yan still refused to get up.

!! BEEP !!

Jolted from her sleep, she shot her hand out to grab the phone by the bedside table. Shao Yan was so grumpy that her sleep was disturbed.

She quickly unlocked her phone to see many incoming messages in her inbox. All of them were wishing her a Happy New Year.

She was about to toss her phone to the side, before her movement was paused. She quickly unlocked her phone again, and reopened her inbox.


\'Happy New Year, Yan Yan! How have you been? Are you pregnant yet? Hahaha I am going to come home soon, so let me know if I need to buy baby clothes, alright? Hahaha!\'

Shao Yan squinted her eyes and glared into the message and she read it again and again.

This Qi Ling!

She was all the way in Australia, and yet she never failed to tease her, even though it was over text messages.

Shao Yan quickly turned her brain as she gnawed onto her lower lips gently.

After a while, she decided to type, \'Happy New Year, Qi Ling! I should be the one asking, are you pregnant yet? Why are you not home yet, is it because of the morning sickness making you unable to fly? Hahaha! Hurry home, or I will sell out your apartment!\'

Feeling satisfied at her own reply, Shao Yan quickly hit send and placed the phone down next to her pillow.


Glancing around the room, she realized the house was empty. Li Xiqing must have left early in the morning. She remembered he told her about his golf session with Karl and Martin.

Shao Yan raised both arms above her head as she stretched out her tired body. Still laying naked under the blanket, she turned to the side, and buried her face into his pillow.

His man was getting more and more shameless. This was not the first time she was on top of him. Shao Yan suspected that Li Xiqing was secretly loving this new position.

Feeling a heat slowly crept up her cheek, she rubbed her face onto the pillow case and let the memory from last night slowly come back to her again.
