I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 200 - L'atelier (3)

A small quartet of musicians had finally finished setting up their instruments in a small space between the indoor and outdoor patio area. Two females were holding two violins in their hands, one male was holding a viola and another man had a cello.

They started to lift their slender fingers and started to play.

Slow, calming music began to flow; mixed with the sweet fragrant air creating a harmonic orchestra in the room.

Some guests were standing around while enjoying the serenade and talking to each other, while the rest of the guests preferred to sit down to enjoy their cakes.

"Yan Yan, should we walk around?" Mandy suddenly suggested.

Shao Yan scanned the whole cake shop from her seat, and then she nodded, "Sounds good," and then she turned to Li Xiqing. She put one hand on his shoulder, "I\'ll have a tour of the cake shop with Mandy, and I will be back shortly."

Li Xiqing nodded and then he grabbed her hand on his shoulder, and gave a light squeeze.


"Hmm? Ah Yu?" Why are you still here?"

Father Zhong had heard a rustle sound from his back, and then he saw his son had just stepped out of the back door into the camera shop.

Father Zhong was cleaning up some camera lenses, he paused his actions and looked at Zhong Yu who was walking towards him.

"Oh, I have just taken out the trash. What are you doing, Dad?"

Father Zhong put down the brush in his hand, "Huh? Didn\'t you have that party to go to? Feifei came again yesterday to remind me to go, but I\'ve told her that you will go on behalf of the two of us."

Father Zhong then pointed to the back of the shop, "I have bought pretty teapots from the shop down the street, and I already wrapped them nicely. You better go and give them to her."

Zhong Yu turned around and picked up a feather duster from the bottom of the cabinet, and started to dust off the display shelves.

"Hey, stubborn kid, stop running away anymore. You know that girl is in love with you, are you scared now?" And then Father Zhong burst to hearty laughs, "Ha ha! You\'re already this old, and still scared of girls? Ha ha!!"

Zhong Yu ground his teeth as he felt embarrassed being laughed at by his own father, but he kept his silence and continued working.


Father Zhong had a good laugh for a while before he slowly wiped his tears from the corner of his eyes from the joy that he had.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Your other friend came to the shop yesterday, I told him he will be able to see you and everyone else at the party today."

Zhong Yu who was dusting absentmindedly and still ignoring his father started to walk to the cabinet near the front door.

Father Zhong did not mind his attitude and kept talking, "It\'s your old roommate, I will always remember that smart young man. Ah Wei, isn\'t it?" The one who moved to America with his wife?"

Zhong Yu swiftly turned around, his eyes were twitching when he heard his father mentioned that nickname. His father had always been fond of Liwei. Not only because they were roommates, but also because Liwei showed an accomplishment by migrating overseas.

"Liwei?? H-he came here yesterday?" Zhong Yu finally decided to cease his silent treatment and ask in surprised. He was anxious while waiting for his father to answer, before continuing, "And you told him about the party?"

Father Zhong nodded enthusiastically, and with a wide smile, he replied, "I also told him that Feifei told me it will be like a small reunion, as some of their old university friends will also be there."

Zhong Yu knitted his eyebrows and suddenly put down the feather duster. He immediately started to walk back to the back of the house.

Father Zhong was surprised to see the instant change in his son, and quickly said something before Zhong Yu disappeared into the house, "You changed your mind now? Good.. good.. have fun!" As he waved at his departing son, "Don\'t forget the gift!"


As Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy was playing in the background, Feifei stepped into the middle of the crowd again.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" She flashed a bright smile to the guests, and then Feifei turned to face the laptop in front of her and waved, "And good evening to all of you who are joining from the other parts of the world." Feifei had set up an online connection for all of her friends and families who wanted to take part in the celebration.

"Today marks a new journey in my life as I finally made one of my dreams come true," she started her opening speech.

"L\'atelier was born from the imagination of me and my brother, Lu Qian who is in Paris right now," and again, she turned to face the laptop and winked at Lu Qian who was connected via Skype, "Morning, bro! Is it like nine or ten your time now? Thank you for waking up this early for your dear sister," and then she giggled when she saw Lu Qian was making faces at her through the screen.

"It is also the child of all the people who have been working hard to present the most amazing cakes in front of you right now, my team!" Feifei turned to the side and with both of her palms up, she brought them up to her chest and gestured \'Thank you\' to her staff who were standing on the side, smiling and nodding at her with the same gratitude.

"I have invited all of you here who are dear to my heart. Please get to know each other and be part of my big family."

"Music, games, and some other prizes will fill the celebration today. Let me share my happiness with all of you. So, please enjoy the day, and again, thank you for coming."

A round of applause and cheers followed her after Feifei finished her speech. Guests who were sitting down, started to get up on their feet and clapped for her as well.

A distant sound of \'pop\' was heard repeatedly and the guests could see that bottles of champagne have been opened and poured into tall glasses.

Several servers had been standing on the side, waiting for the trays of glasses to distribute.

Shao Yan and Mandy were standing on the side, near the patio door, and watching the whole scene excitedly.