I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 199 - L'atelier (2)

Not long after Mandy and Axel arrived, more and more people started to arrive as well.

Shao Yan saw that Feifei had invited a lot of people today. The place was packed within a short time.

Shao Yan recognized a few faces. When she tried to recall their names, she drew a blank page. But Shao Yan knew that she had seen them back in the university days.

Other than old acquaintances, Shao Yan also recognized some big names in the city. Famous food bloggers, a radio presenter, and also a news anchor attended today\'s event.

Fan jie, Li Na and her other co-workers were busy admiring and gossiping about the famous people around them. While Mandy was chatting with Shao Yan and Li Xiqing, Karl and Axel were talking about something else.


"Hrrmm!" Feifei stood in the middle of the cake shop, she was clearing her throat before started to say, "Everyone, thank you for coming today to join me in our grand opening of L\'atelier."

She paused before continuing, "For those of you who can\'t find any seats indoors, please know that we also have a semi-covered patio at the back which is also open for everyone. We will start the event in about thirty minutes."

Feifei extended one hand to point at the dessert table, "In the meantime, there are cakes, fresh squeezed fruit juice, tea and coffee for all of you to enjoy. Please feel free to have them while waiting."

And then a few people dressed in black and white outfit came out from the side door and stood by her side, "These people will also take your order if you want to see the menu book. I hope you enjoy your time today. Thank you again!"

Some guests started to get up from their seats to go to the dessert table.

Shao Yan turned to Mandy and asked her, "Mandy sis, do you want to go and take a look as well?"

Mandy turned around to look at the crowd, but before she shook her head, one of the servers had approached their table.


"Hello, please see our menu here. We realized that the dessert table may be too crowded for some guests, so you can also order from the table and we will get them for you," she then handed over the menu and walked away.

Mandy received the menu books and started to pass them to the others on their table.

"Uhm," Shao Yan started to say albeit hesitantly, "I have known her for a long time and Feifei is really good with cakes, so you can feel rest assured that all of her cakes will taste good. I have never heard some of these, but I know her Buche de Noel and Mille-Feuille are really good."

Mandy brought her head back down, and started to read the description in the menu, "Hm, Buche de Noel is not easy, some people baked the chocolate log cake too dry, or not chocolatey enough. So I can only judge her skill after I eat this. Another reason, since usually most cake shops only make them during Christmas season like this, of course we should order this."

And then she continued, "But I agree with you, let\'s also try the Mille-Feuille," and then Mandy turned to her side and put one hand on Axel\'s thigh, "darling, the Opera cake uses the African coffee and a little rum, would you like to try?"

Axel, who was in serious conversations with Li Xiqing and Karl, stopped what he was saying mid-sentence, and then he glanced at her to answer Mandy; he covered her palm with his hand as he said, "Sure, you can order a few. We can try some of the other cakes too. I know you love sweets."


Their table decided to order a little bit of everything.

Just when their cakes were delivered to their tables, Li Xiqing happened to look up and glance at the front door, only to catch two figures walking in.

Helen Kanagawa and Fu Liwei.

His face turned dark in a second. His jaw was set hardened as he kept his sight glued onto the couple and watched every single of their movement.

Shao Yan had not realized the change in Li Xiqing\'s attitude. She just noticed that they need tea refills for everyone, so she was about to raise her hand to signal the server, when Li Xiqing suddenly asked her, "What do you need?"

Shao Yan turned her head to the side to answer him, "We need tea for everyone. Would you like some coffee as well?"

Li Xiqing shook his head, and then he turned to Mandy and Axel and started to speak in German, "Trouble is here. I need your help to look after her when needed."


"Feifei, congratulations," Liwei handed over a paper bag to her.

Feifei was surprised when Liwei appeared. It had been a few years since she last saw him. She hesitantly received his gift, and then she turned her gaze to the woman who was standing next to him.

Liwei saw her questioning face and he immediately understood so he put one hand behind Helen on her back, "This is my wife, Helen Kanagawa. She is Japanese but she can speak basic mandarin."

The woman next to Liwei looked very pretty. But when Feifei took a second glance, she could not help but to compare her to Shao Yan. Unlike Shao Yan, this woman had a natural seductive look in her.

When Zhong Yu had warned her not to talk about Liwei in front of Shao Yan, she had tried asking Zhong Yu what happened before, but all he told her was, "Liwei hurted Shao Yan and disappointed her."

Now, Feifei could see what he actually meant by that statement.

Feifei was not sure how Liwei could get the news about today\'s event, but she prayed hard in her heart, \'Dear god, please don\'t let there be any drama going on today.\'

Feifei looked at Helen again and gave an amicable smile, "Thank you for coming today. I hope you enjoy the party, and I hope you love the cakes."

Helen and Liwei nodded back at her before entering the shop. Feifei discreetly scanned around the area. She was worried about Shao Yan and at the same time, she was still waiting for Zhong Yu to show up.