I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 98: Old man: "???"

Shui Shui\'s delicate body, which is twice as small as the armored dragon crocodile, has special perseverance, and the speed is not much slower than that of Chen Mo. He rushed to the armoured dragon crocodile that was approaching, and leaped to sit on the armored dragon crocodile On his body, then the pink and tender little fist slammed against the head of the armored dragon crocodile.

  -300, -310, -311

   The damage of each small punch is not low. After all, Shuishi\'s basic attack power is 500, but it is enough to show how high the armored dragon crocodile defense is.

Chen Mo was paying attention to the water the whole time. After all, she was also a few 1V. Seeing this scene, Chen Mo pulled the corner of his mouth. This small punch was a bit powerful, and it was very fast. Jumping on, the armored dragon crocodile Before she could shake the water down, she hammered the armored dragon crocodile to death with ten punches.

   "Ding...Shui Shui\'s level is raised to level 1."

   "Ding...Shui Shui\'s level increased to 2."

Chen Mo’s mind was sounding a system reminder of water level upgrade. After all, she was only level 0, and she didn’t need double leveling experience. In addition, these monsters were silver monsters of more than ten levels, and Chen Mo was also here. Killing a few, sharing experience, if her level is not improved quickly, it will be wrong.

   solved one, Shui Shui saw that several of them rushed over in front of her, and then she stretched out her small hand, and a dazzling white light burst directly, even affecting the armored dragon crocodiles on Chen Mo\'s side.


  Shuishui’s holy light shining skills, a 50-meter range of forced blindness, plus a damage value equal to its own magical attack power, does not ignore the defense, but the damage is already high! And it\'s a huge range.

   Immediately after Shui Shui\'s delicate body burst into force again, her figure rushed toward several armored dragon crocodiles in front of her like a gust of wind, the pink fist was not too fierce.

[Runaway Water]: Both human form and beast form can be released. When turned on, it will gain runaway power, speed increased by 300%, able to quickly hit the target with an attack frequency of three times per second, ignoring defense, 100% hit, every time An attack causes damage to the current attack power, and this state lasts for seven seconds. Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: ten minutes.

   Shui Shui’s second skill, especially the BUG skill, directly and abnormally improved her melee melee combat ability. Those monsters who are generally water hammered like the smelly brother shouldn’t be ignored.

The attack frequency of three times per second is actually not high in terms of punches. Even the armor-clad crocodile killed by the water can punch ten punches in one second when sitting on it, but the meaning is different. Pressure attack, Shui Shui activates this skill, and she can make as many attacks as fast as her fist can swing. After all, the attack speed is not based on attributes. The frequency of three times per second is actually just a general explanation, but it is dispensable. Anyway, Chen Mo was convinced by seeing Shui Shui\'s fighting posture! Much stronger than him!

   "Ding...Shui Shui\'s level is raised to level 4."



  Before ten minutes arrived, the two of them together killed about 20 armored dragon crocodiles, and the water level directly reached the seventh level! Don’t increase this level too fast, but after level 7, it will be relatively slow, especially the experience will be evenly divided with Chen Mo, but Chen Mo is completely relieved seeing Shui Shui’s combat effectiveness, and even wondering if he’s not. Go fishing with Xiaoyuan, let Shui Shui quietly spawn monsters here. He can also have experience. After this idea came out, he was thrown away by Chen Mo. That would be too bad.

   is leveling up here, while the other side is also somewhat unusual.

   Xiaoyuan awkwardly threw the fishing line into the lake, and then sat on the wooden board.

This plank is similar to a small wooden bridge, built on the lake, but one or two meters high above the lake, it is specially designed for people to fish. After all, fishing needs a little bit of height. It is estimated that the old man next to it made it, and then small Yuan sat on the edge, shaking her little feet with the fishing rod.

   "Little girl, you can\'t put your feet down. It\'s best to sit on a wooden board. A monster in the water will bite you off. Come on, sit on this small bench."

   The old man gave a reminder when he saw this scene, and took out a small bench from the box behind him.

   "Um...thank you, grandpa."

   Xiaoyuan then sat on the bench obediently.

   "Also, for fishing, you need to put bait, you didn\'t put the bait, how do you catch it?"

  The old man reminded me heartily that he saw that the little girl hadn’t put the bait and threw the empty hook into the lake. How to fish?

   "Hmm... I took the bait."

   Then Xiao Yuan gave a strong mention, and a fish was directly lifted up.

   Old man: "……"

   This Nima?

  He is a good fishing rod, good bait. After sitting here for an hour, he caught two fish behind him. Why doesn\'t this girl have bait, and he caught the fish in ten seconds after putting it in? He has been fishing for decades, but he has never seen anything that an empty hook can catch.

   "Hee hee."

Xiao Yuan then grabbed the 20-centimeter fish and put it in the fishing bucket. He threw the empty hook into the lake, turned his head and looked at the old man, and asked, "What did you say, grandpa? Xiao Yuan did not hear clearly."


   The old man touched his beard ~www.novelhall.com~ and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, and then saw the trace of Xiaoyuan\'s hook being pulled, and his slightly muddy eyes revealed shock.


   Xiaoyuan then stood up and lifted another fish up.

   Old man: "……"

   Damn it! What a hell!

   "Hehe, two, big brother must be very happy."

   Saying that Xiaoyuan threw it in again, and another one came up ten seconds later...

   Old man: "……"

   "Grandpa, this one is for you."

   Xiaoyuan held the flapping big fish into the old man\'s fish bucket.

Although the old man was shocked, he felt that it must be unusual, but he couldn\'t tell why. He caught one with an empty hook. It can be said to be luck. It can be three in a row, and each one takes the bait in less than twenty seconds. It can still be luck. ?

   "Little girl, what do you know about fishing?"

   The old man rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s hair kindly.

   Xiao Yuan blinked his big eyes, then tilted his head for a moment and said, "Just...just to my heart, the little fish will catch the bait, and then they will catch it. Grandpa, you can try it too."


   "Hmm, it\'s up again."

   Then Xiao Yuan brought up another one.

  Then the old man really tried to mutter silently... Still nothing happened!

   This little girl is not easy.

   "Brother wants a dragon scale fish, the delicious dragon scale fish will be hooked soon."

   Xiaoyuan then whispered there, and the fish hook moved after the muttering. The old man "cocked" in his heart, and then in his incredible eyes, a golden dragon scale fish was lifted up by Xiaoyuan.

   Old man: "???"