I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 97: Old man fishing by the lake

Seeing this task, Chen Mo raised his brows, and only got 10,000 gold coins for fishing. This fish is still quite valuable.

After   , he took this quest, and then Chen Mo looked for other quests that could be completed by the side of Longlin Lake.

   [Looking for crocodile bones]: The dragon scale lake is extremely dangerous, because there are countless powerful armored dragon crocodile, now it needs five hard crocodile bones at the tail of the armored dragon crocodile. Mission period: three days, task reward: 5000 gold coins.

Chen Mo also accepted this task. Although there was no reward, it was only five thousand yuan, but he told Chen Mo that there were monsters beside Longlin Lake, and it also clearly showed that it is quite easy to make money on this day. , Of course, the premise is that you have to be able to meet the task of making money.

After accepting these two missions, Chen Mo took the non-stop Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan along the way to the grocery store to buy fishing rods and the like, and bought a more detailed map of the three hundred miles around the Saint Yao Empire. , And then they left Linfeng City.

The map shows that Longlin Lake is about ten kilometers southeast of Linfeng City, not far away, but it’s not the way to another city. To go to another city is to go to the east, and the southeast is to the monster domain. That is to say, the danger is certain in the direction of the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters, but relatively speaking, it is not too dangerous.

   "Shui Shui, when will you get bigger?"

   Chen Mo asked Shui Shui as he walked.

  Although he was very embarrassed, Chen Mo realized that he really lacked a mount. Shui Shui was his mount, but Shui Shui\'s transformation body was just such a tiny little cute tiger that could not be ridden.

   "Hmm... I don\'t know, the water has no power now, it can\'t be increased."

   Shui Shui pulled Xiaoyuan\'s tambourine and said with a small mouth.

   Chen Mo asked Shui Shui that he actually wanted to ride her. At least this ten-kilometer journey will end soon, and no time will be wasted, so I am embarrassed! After all, such a beautiful little girl, you have to ride someone...

   "It is estimated to be upgraded."

   Chen Mo pondered slightly, after all, Shui Shui is only level 0 now.

   Soon, they came to the area where Longlin Lake is located. This is the mountains, and Longlin Lake is surrounded by mountains.

   I encountered some low-level little monsters on the road. Most of these monsters ran away when they saw them, climbed over a mountain, and saw Longlin Lake from a high level!

The blue water, a large lake, from above, I can see that there are many monsters basking in the sun by the lake. As for the level, it is impossible to find out, but this should be the first place to spawn the monsters after Chen Mo came out of the village. .

   "Brother, there are people."

Shui Shui pointed to a place below and said happily, Chen Mo looked intently and really saw a person fishing leisurely somewhere on the shore. They are from God’s perspective, the whole lake is probably oval. Yes, there are monsters lying on all sides of the shore, but the area around the place where he sits is empty without any monsters.


   Chen Mo took them to the shore and went behind the person.

   That was an old man with grey hair and ordinary people\'s clothing, but he felt very calm when sitting there, and the straightness of sitting gave people an inability to see through.

   "Xiao Yuan, just sit next to the old man and go fishing. I will bring water to clean the monsters. Remember, you can\'t touch the old man."

   Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s hair.

   Maybe they will be able to live in a few years, so I\'ll be touched by Xiaoyuan again...

   "Yeah, Xiao Yuan must have helped Big Brother drop a lot of delicious dragon scale fish!"

   Then Xiao Yuan\'s petite body was holding a fishing bucket in one hand and a fishing rod several times taller than her in the other. He dragged and sat beside the old man. He turned and blinked his eyes and glanced at the old man.

   "Hi, grandpa, my name is Xiaoyuan." Xiaoyuan smiled sweetly, and shouted with a polite milky voice.

   The old man opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yuan, then looked back at Chen Mo and Shui Shui.

   "Senior, my sister is fishing here, it won\'t affect Senior." Chen Mo said.


   The old man nodded, and then continued fishing. Chen Mo then led the water to a place where there was a monster in the distance.

[Armored Dragon Crocodile]: Grade: Silver, Level: 15, HP: 3000, a kind of amphibious monster, instantly erupts very fast, has extremely high defensive ability, the back is like iron armor, fierce nature, it will meet the prey If you bite it into something casual, it will be more powerful in the water.

  Skill: [Death Roll]: Rush towards a target at a very fast speed, then bite the target for death roll, each roll will cause damage until the target is killed. (Can break free). Cooling time: ten seconds.

  【The tail of the crocodile】: slam its most powerful tail suddenly, sweeping the target, causing great damage and knock-up effect. Cooling time: ten seconds.

   Weakness: jaw, fire attribute

   "Monsters facing the mainland this day are generally much stronger than Novice Village."

Chen Mo understood this after seeing the attributes of the armored dragon crocodile. In Novice Village, the twelfth and third-level silver bosses are only about 2,500 blood~www.novelhall.com~ and the fifteenth-level ordinary silver monsters here. There are three thousand blood! But for Chen Mo, whether it is high blood volume or high defense, it is useless!

   "Water, water, fight freely, pay attention to safety, and follow my command at any time."

   Chen Mo said, the chain of calamity turned into a sword of calamity and rushed up! Chen Mo doesn\'t want to steal the skill of this armored dragon crocodile, do you want him to learn how this animal bites it and spins it?

   But Chen Mo also found that he has a little disadvantage, that is, there is not a short cooldown, high damage, large range of monster spawning skills! He needs it, but water seems to make up for it.


   His head was little water, and then he followed Chen Mo.

   Although the water level is 0, and even the grade is not high, her actual combat ability remains the same as before, and her level 0 attributes are relatively exaggerated. A dozen silver monsters? She is not afraid!

   When Chen Mo rushed to a certain distance, five nearby armored dragon crocodiles opened their eyes, showing their sharp edges, their speed skyrocketed, and they faced Chen Mo.

   The first armored dragon crocodile rushed over and even jumped forward, and then it was picked up by Chen Mo with a sword, and it was picked up in the air.


   When it fell, it became a corpse and dyed the beach red.

   Damage is not wrong, 5020!

   With an attack power of 1255, ignoring the defense, Shura\'s 100% crit, and then the armored dragon crocodile jumped up, the weakened jaw was picked up by Chen Mo, and the damage was doubled again. This is the damage value! Direct spike!

  -2510, -2510, -2510

   followed by a killing by Chen Mo, and on the other side Shui Shui did not keep up with Chen Mo, but chose to single out a group of other armored dragon crocodiles, and her battle was also picturesque.