I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 95: I want to be an iron bastard

About half an hour later, Chen Mo took the two little girls and saw the city thoroughly, similar to the appearance of the city in the ancient TV series of the Sky Blue Star, which was surrounded by high walls. How big is that gate. There are many bronze guards, silver guards, and even gold guards standing guard outside the gate. Some people go in and out of the gate. They go to other cities a dozen kilometers away. Some warriors are responsible for the escort, otherwise they would not dare to go out!

After all, Linfeng City is a very special city. Ten kilometers away from the city gate is the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. It belongs to the realm of monsters and beasts. Therefore, going out of the city to other cities is more dangerous. The inland is not so dangerous. You can go out by yourself! As long as you don\'t go to such remote places, generally speaking, a certain distance near the city is not considered remote, but it is counted here! Because it intersects with the monster field.

"so big."

   The two beautiful little Lori Xiaoyuan and Shui Shui raised their heads and looked at the huge gate in front of them. Through the gate, they saw the lively scene inside, and their small faces flushed with excitement.

  In my impression, they rarely come to such a lively place.


   Chen Mo pulled them into the city! As soon as you enter the city, the tip of your nose is lingering the taste of various snacks. There are relatively few people in this city, because everyone knows that it is very close to the monster beast domain. If the monsters assemble and attack humans aggressively In the case of the empire, Linfeng City and the surrounding fringe cities must be the first to be affected. It is very dangerous, so many people have moved out early, but these are more of the people. The people pay attention to the pocket for security. They have lived here for generations, and most of them are still reluctant to leave. After leaving, they have no money to buy houses and live in other cities.

The empire is still very strict in protecting the edges. Each city has a minimum of 100,000 troops. There are strong men who are in charge. Every day, there are warriors who check the movement of monsters and see if there are signs of assembly, and can quickly within a few hours. Gather millions of people.

   "Brother, what kind of duck is that?"

   Chen Mo\'s hand was pulled by one of the two little girls, and then Xiao Yuan pointed at a small stall next to her with the other hand, and her saliva flowed out.

   Chen Mo smiled slightly, then gently squeezed her powder cheeks, and said, "Whatever it is, I will buy it for you first."

   One minute later, three of them were walking around the busy street with a big pie.

This Xiaoyuan is obviously a snack food, constantly gnawing on the pie, and with big eyes all over the small blanket next to other shouts. The water is slightly better than her, but it can be divided into groups by kind. Because this snack product has become such a good friend, it is naturally a snack product.

   "About two days later, there are probably many people in this city."

   Chen Mo pondered slightly as he walked, for a simple reason, players have left the village one after another! Billions of players! The first group that came out was a few strong players, and then a master. The ordinary players with the largest number would come out one or two days later. Until then, the Tianlin Continent will be more vibrant. Now, the city. All of them are NPCs, people.

For Chen Mo, let’s get acquainted with it now. After all, you may have to stay here for a short time, and then go out to level up. There is no need to consider where to level up. There are naturally some monsters of more than ten levels next to the city, and level 20 does not matter. , Even if it is a BOSS, Chen Mo\'s current attributes are a bit exaggerated after all, taking advantage of the situation to raise her level up.

   "Ding... the player [Mother Generation Woman] asked to talk to you."

   Then Chen Mo connected to Zhao Yingmeng\'s communicator.

   "Brother Chenmo, which empire are you in? I forgot to ask where you were going, don\'t be in a different empire with me!"

Zhao Yingmeng made a prayer-like voice. She really forgot. When she remembered it, they were already practicing. Then she dialed the Chen Mo communicator to prompt the player to be on a special map and could not call, and then waited until she passed the trial. Finding that Chen Mo was offline, she had no choice but to leave the Novice Village for the top ten. It was also because with the help of Chen Mo that she could leave the village so quickly. Of course, she also had her own reasons.

The five empires of the Procontinent are simply too big this day, let alone in different empires, even in one empire, even if they are only a dozen cities apart, sometimes the distance will be hundreds of kilometers, thousands of kilometers, no more than Fast, beast-level mounts, and no planes, cars, or trains, this distance is different!

   "Sheng Yao Empire."

   Chen Mo said lightly.

   On the other side, Zhao Yingmeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then said excitedly: "I am also in the Saint Yao Empire, where is Brother Chen Mo?"

   "Linfeng City..."

   On the other side, Zhao Yingmeng groaned and said, "Wait, I\'ll look at the map I just bought, I\'ll find one..."

   More than ten seconds later, an exclamation came from over there.

   "Brother Chenmo, you ran to the border!"

   Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders~www.novelhall.com~ Who is right? Random.

   "Oh yes, it\'s random, but I\'m not far from Brother Chenmo, maybe a thousand kilometers."

   Chen Mo: "……"

   "Brother Chenmo, wait for me, I will find a way to find you now."

   "Why are you looking for me?" Chen Mo said vaguely while eating the cake.

   "Walk with Brother Chenmo, I want to be an iron bastard, hehe."

   toot toot——

   Then Zhao Yingmeng\'s movements stopped on the other side, and the smile froze, because the communicator made a "toot" sound and hung up there.


After a few seconds, Zhao Yingmeng went crazy on the spot and stomped her feet. That kind of crazy is because she was angry with Chen Mo. A goddess, a rich daughter, is very good in appearance and family background. Normal boys do. They all revolve around her, but this man is different. It is precisely because of this difference that Zhao Yingmeng is attracted to her. She is not delicate, otherwise she would not learn martial arts, and she would have to be surrounded by men who had never been like that. As she turned her thoughts, it\'s just that Chen Mo\'s approach was really... Straight! So angry!

   "Just want to cry."

   Zhao Yingmeng then pouted her little mouth.

   "Wait for me to give the equipment to Sister Qinghan..."

   Then Zhao Yingmeng flicked his ponytail and walked in one direction.

   It is not the person who made her laugh the most that impressed a girl, but the person who made her cry! Although Chen Mo\'s approach has not reached this level, the meaning is the same.

   "Chen Mo!"

   Chen Mo was walking in front of the two little girls, suddenly a person came to meet him, and then he recognized him directly.

   (Everyone recommends to vote smoothly, I love you)