I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 94: Isn't Kexin doing badly?

Chen Mo thought for a while, then said: "You can find a nanny for me."

   "Huh? Why did Brother Chen Mo suddenly look for a nanny?"

   It used to be that Chen Mo really didn\'t have the money to find a nanny. During this period, he really realized a truth. No money is absolutely impossible. Now that he has money to be honest, why should he hire a nanny? It was Chen Mo who was really embarrassed to let Lin Kexin continue to do this.

Chen Mo then said: "I have made some money in "Tian Lin" these days, and it is really troublesome for you. We will be friends in the future, but you don\'t need to trouble you to continue this way. Just find a nanny for me to clean the room. As for cooking, I’ll just do it myself."

   Lin Kexin was suddenly lost.

She used to play virtual online games several years ago, otherwise she would not be a fan of [Gong Zi Mo]. She happened to be the pinnacle of Gong Zi Mo when she played. Later, these game rings, game helmets, etc. became more expensive and more expensive. It\'s getting more and more outrageous, and now it\'s even 10,000 yuan, and she won\'t play.

But she knows that virtual online games are particularly profitable. Those who can’t make money can’t make any money. At the time, she wanted to make money with the mentality of playing games, but in the end she didn’t make any money, so Chen Mo said Lin Kexin is not surprised that he has made money in virtual online games.

   But if you don\'t continue to do this, Lin Kexin feels that it will rarely come to Chen Mo just as a friend. Now I can see it at least every day and give Chen Mo food.

   Life-saving grace, she felt that this alone could not be repaid at all. She still remembered very clearly. When she was a child, her mother told her that if she received help from others, she must repay her well.

A few years ago, because of her father’s gambling, the house was sold by her father. Her mother was so angry that she died of a serious illness. Her father later found a wealthy but very old woman who had bigamy and treated her. Regardless of whether or not to ask, Lin Kexin finally left the sad city and came to Tianhua City alone. She suffered a heart attack. Chen Mo saved her life. Chen Mo became her only sustenance in this city and became her. Of course, her heart disease continued to accompany her.

   Maybe it\'s because of Chen Mo\'s reasons, which made her feel better. It has been a long time without anything.

   But... Today, I really feel lost. She is not afraid of hardship or tiredness. She is really afraid that her sustenance will be gone.

   "Then Brother Chen Mo asks Kexin to be your nanny, Kexin can cook, clean, and everything." Lin Kexin then said softly.

   Chen Mo shook his head slightly: "You, a rich daughter, should enjoy your happy life instead of putting extra energy on me."

   "I don\'t like it." Lin Kexin mumbled slightly.

   One is reluctant, the other is guilty.

   Chen Mo was silent.

   He really doesn\'t understand Lin Kexin. He just feels that Lin Kexin is repaying his life-saving grace. In fact, he is Lin Kexin\'s sustenance.

   "Is Kexin doing badly?"

   Lin Kexin bit her lip and asked in a low voice.

   "No, I just don\'t want you to waste time and energy here."

   "It\'s not wasted." Lin Kexin shook her head quickly and said: "Mom said that the grace of dripping water should be reported by the spring. If Brother Chen Mo thinks this way, Kexin will apologize instead."

   "That... okay." Chen Mo nodded.

   Seeing Chen Mo nodding, Lin Kexin\'s big eyes glowed.

   "But...Although you may not be short of money, I feel sorry for it. I will pay you from now on."


   Lin Kexin thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

   After all, this is better than Chen Mo does not need her to come.

   "Then... one... three hundred a month, okay?"

   Lin Kexin asked tentatively.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   To be honest, three hundred a month, even Lin Kexin doesn’t have enough money for the raw materials for him to get these meals every day!

   This girl...

   "Three thousand."

   Lin Kexin didn’t know how much money Chen Mo made, but three thousand...

  Three thousand yuan is her salary for one month in Li, to be honest, she doesn\'t want Chen Mo\'s money, a few hundred yuan is fine, but three thousand a month...

   "Brother Chen Mo, Kexin is not short of money. If you don\'t make much now, you really don\'t need that much."

   "It\'s okay to earn, but if I really don\'t have money, I don\'t have three thousand for you, are you right?"

   "Um...that...that\'s fine."

   Lin Kexin thought for a while, the big deal is to save it first, wait until Chen Mo uses it before giving it to him, or buy something delicious for Chen Mo, anyway, she didn\'t think about spending it herself.

   "By the way, which empire is Chen Mo going to? Kexin will go to Chen Mo after he leaves the Novice Village." Lin Kexin said expectantly.

   "Sheng Yao Empire."



   Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo clean up the room and left, while Chen Mo went online, giving Lin Kexin a "salary", which would make Chen Mo feel more comfortable.

   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

   The system prompt sounded, and Chen Mo appeared in the forest. As soon as he arrived here, he heard howling and fighting from a distance.

   What the hell?

   Chen Mo then went into the hole and found that the two girls were still sleeping soundly and didn\'t wake up passively?

   Seems to be pierced by the sun. The two girls slowly opened their big eyes. When they saw Chen Mo, Xiao Yuan stretched out his arms and hugged them.

   Chen Mo smiled and took them out one by one.

   As soon as I went out, I saw many monsters rushing behind them~www.novelhall.com~ even too lazy to pay attention to them, and then a group of soldiers who seemed to be quite high-level chased them.

   No matter what happened to Chen Mo, he only knew it was great! Finally met someone! At least you can know where there is a city, and it should not be far from here!

   "Why are there still people in this forest? Go back quickly, now you are clearing away the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. It will be very dangerous if you don\'t walk."

   A soldier saw Chen Mo and the others and quickly shouted.

   Chen Mo subconsciously released Shura to kill the pupil.

   [Silver Guard]: Grade: Silver, Level: 30, HP: 5000, a soldier in the Saint Yao Empire.

   "How far is it from the city?" Chen Mo asked.

The soldier showed a surprised expression, then pointed to a direction to the rear, and said: "The nearest city is Linfeng City. That direction is more than ten kilometers away from here. You can probably see the city after going out of the forest. Outline."

   "Thank you!"

   Then Chen Mo walked back with two little girls, a dozen kilometers is not far.

   This evening, I am afraid that many players have already joined the Novice Village, and Chen Mo is no longer the only one!

Soon after walking out of the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Demons, Chen Mo really saw the outline of a city far away. At the same time, he was shocked by one thing. Above the void, many powerful men were flying to the depths of the Great Ten Thousand Demons Forest, and further away. Chen Mo even felt an extremely terrifying aura in a place where the total number of these soldiers might not be less than hundreds of thousands!

   What is this going to do? Then Chen Mo thought that maybe the human race was attacking the monster race, after all, the human race would also resist, and then he took the two little girls and walked towards Linfeng City.