I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 9: You lose the qualification to leave Novice Village

Next to that tree, Xiao Yuan was surrounded by four male players, and dozens of players were watching a play a little further away!

   "Hey, I said, can you trigger a mission for me?"

   The players with ID on the head [Qin\'s Young Master] seem to be particularly unfriendly to Xiao Yuan!

   Xiaoyuan was surrounded by the four of them, not daring to move, slowly looking at them with fear in his big eyes.

   "Hey-there is a P for it, this young master thought it could trigger some awesome hidden missions, it turned out to be really a beggar!"

  [Qin\'s Young Master] sneered disdainfully!

   Xiaoyuan is really unpleasant now, dirty.

   "I said, can you trigger a mission!"

   The little brother of Qin Shao next to him pushed against Xiao Yuan!

   It seems that if he touches Xiao Yuan, the curse will not be triggered, only when Xiao Yuan’s hand touches it will the curse effect be triggered!

   "Hurry up and trigger the task!"

   There is a person pushing Xiaoyuan in front!

   The four people pushed Xiaoyuan around in the middle, as if it would make her trigger the task!

Xiao Yuan remembers Chen Mo\'s words and is not allowed to touch anyone. She timidly hides her small hands in the worn-out clothes, and is pushed so hard that she is silent, but her big eyes are full of fear and grievances, tears are coming. The eyes rolled, but she bit her lip stubbornly or she would cry by herself.


Then [Qin\'s Young Master] pushed hard, Xiao Yuan fell to the ground, because he picked up his hands, there was no time to block them, and directly hit the ground, and the moment Chen Mo came out, he just saw This scene! Suddenly furious!

   "Hahaha—didn\'t the village say that you are a catastrophe? You have to take a look!"

   The Qin family laughed disdainfully!

   Xiaoyuan slowly got up from the ground, squatted on the ground, with his small head buried between his legs, afraid to raise his head and sob slightly.

This scene is unbearable for many players to watch, but this Qin family is very famous. He is the second son of the Qin family in the capital of China, Qin Heyu, and he is also a well-known virtual online game member guild in the past. The younger brother of the president of the temple has great power! The members of the former temples of pure novice village may not be less than a few thousand people, and no one dares to provoke him.


   Qin Heyu likes this feeling of bullying the weak!

   At this moment, his smile hasn\'t stopped, even before the freezing time, a figure gallops from behind!

   Chen Mo raised the novice sword and stole Wang Tiejiang\'s sweeping all directions and released it directly. The golden light flashed, and the powerful sword energy was cut out with the novice sword.


   Level three, Chen Mo’s 240 damage directly killed him, Qin Heyu turned into a white light and returned to the resurrection point of Novice Village, and his level dropped to one level! He could be promoted to level three probably because many members of the temples helped him level up, otherwise it would not be so fast!

   In the battle between the player and the player, one party is killed, the level is reduced by one level, and a piece of equipment is randomly dropped from the body, but if it is in the PK state, there is no penalty! The same goes for fighting with BOSS!

   This scene shocked the players around!

   "What did I see? Kill Level 3 players in seconds? 240 damage? Is this what players can hit at this stage?"

   "Impossible! I can only hit more than 20 damages, so why can he hit ten times my damage?"

   "Chen Mo? Couldn\'t it be the Chen Mo who killed the bronze BOSS in our Novice Village for the first time? Who else could be so against the sky except him?"

   "Damn! Both are novice swords. Why does he damage so much? Is it because of the skill just now? That\'s too exaggerated, right?


   The remaining three members of the temples were all stunned! I don\'t even know what happened for a while!

"Big brother……"

   Xiao Yuan, who was squatting on the ground, raised his head, and the moment he saw Chen Mo, all the grievances in his heart broke out, crying and ran behind Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo lightly patted her thin shoulder, then raised his head and glanced at the three people!

   At that moment, the bodies of the three people trembled suddenly!

   What kind of look is this? very scary! As if coming from the abyss! Just this look made their backs cold, and they subconsciously wanted to retreat.

   "What a...scum!"

   Chen Mo\'s lips moved slightly and made a deep and angry voice!

   A few big men bullied a little girl, even if Chen Mo and Xiao Yuan had nothing to do, he hated it!

   Especially seeing Xiao Yuan\'s desperate, aggrieved, scared and extremely helpless expression, Chen Mo felt a pain in his heart! He felt it was his fault too! Since I plan to take care of this girl, why do I leave her here alone?


   Chen Mo let go of Xiaoyuan, his right foot suddenly kicked towards the player in front of him!

  -120, -120

   Swipe the two swords instantly, and the damage value made everyone stunned again!

   The legs of the remaining two are shaking!

  Why, it\'s obviously a game they are so scared! The eyes under this mask are terrible!

   Chen Mo walked towards them two step by step!

   "You dare to kill us! You\'re done! Do you know who killed just now! That\'s Qin Heyu, the second son of the Hall of Gods!"

   A player pointed at Chen Mo and tried to scare him away!

   "Temples of the gods..."

   Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched slightly, revealing a cruel and **** arc!

   These temples have a great relationship with him, they are enemies! Once Chen Mo was wanted by the Temple of Gods in several online games! He was even killed several times by Gao Wan from the Temple of Gods! Except for the "king", it is these temples!


   Two swords in a second kill, the other is another two swords in a second kill!

   "Xiao Yuan~www.novelhall.com~ They dare not touch you anymore, wait a while, I\'ll come right now!"


   Xiao Yuan wiped his tears, and then Chen Mo walked into the Novice Village with the Novice Sword in his hand!

   At this moment, the resurrection point of Novice Village, Qin Heyu four people have resurrected one after another!

   "What the hell! He dare to attack Ben Shao! He also hides his ID and seeks death!"

   Qin Heyu has a vicious face! He swears that the person who attacked him will never appear in "Heaven\'s Coming" again!

   "Qin Shao, the player may be [Chen Mo]."

   "Even if he is [Gong Zi Mo] I want him to die!"

   Qin Heyu\'s eyes flashed with hatred!


In front of   , he watched as a figure rushed over, at that speed, that two swords with no resistance, he died again! He even died before the resurrection point came out!

   The other three were also killed by Chen Mo again!

   That Qin Heyu\'s level died twice and fell to level one!

   "I\'m grassing you..."

   After he was resurrected, before he even finished cursing, he killed him with a merciless sword!

   Level 0!

   The other three people are all level 0!

   Click, click——

   Qin and Yu looked at Chen Mo in front of them fiercely!

   doesn\'t even have any ability to fight back! I die without giving any response!

  Everyone was dumbfounded to see this scene!

   This is a ruthless person! Just kill it once, but kill him directly to level 0! Moreover, this is the second young master of the Qin family!

   "From today, as long as I am here, you will lose the qualification to leave Novice Village!"

   Chen Mo pointed at Qin Heyu with a sword, sealed his throat with a sword, blood spurted out, and he died again!

   Then something happened that made everyone even more jaw-dropping.