I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 10: Could he be Gongzimo?

After Chen Mo killed Qin Heyu, one of the three people found a chance, rushed towards Chen Mo with a sword, and stabbed him in the chest with a sword, but... none of them was bloody.


   Everyone was dumbfounded.

   "Fucking? What\'s the situation? A little hurt? Am I right?"

   "No, this damage is mandatory damage, that is, he can\'t break the player\'s defense! How could it be possible! As a player, he can\'t break his defense, is this too scary?"

   "Chen Mo, definitely Chen Mo, the armor on his body must be the bronze weapon exploded by the first bronze boss!"


   Chen Mo backhanded the dumbfounded player once again!

   Just like that, kill the resurrection, and then kill it again. The main reason is that Chen Mo kills them too easily. At level 0, it is solved with one sword!

   "Ding... Due to your excessive number of deaths, all attributes are permanently reduced by 10%, and the experience points gained are permanently reduced by 10%."

   "Ding... Due to your excessive number of deaths, all attributes are permanently reduced by 20%, and the experience points gained are permanently reduced by 10%."


   The three players are no longer online even after being killed a dozen times!

   All attributes have dropped by 80%, and their experience points will be permanently reduced by 80%. They still play a P, they can only delete the account and play again, otherwise it will be impossible to play at such a price! It will take three days for the account to be deleted before it can be re-launched. In three days, others may have been out of the novice village, and they are far behind the first batch of players!

   "Chen Mo, I remember you!"

   When Qin Heyu was so humiliated! There is even no room for resistance!

   But what can he do now? Only delete the number and wait three days before entering "Tianlin".


   Blood spurted again, and everyone around was shocked!

   This is the second son of the Qin family, the brother of the president of the temple of the gods of the guild of tens of millions of members! Who would have thought that one day he would be ravaged like this! This is just the beginning!

   No, there was once a person who beat him, including his brother, and killed him. That person was called "Gong Zi Mo". Now there is a "Chen Mo" that is even more exaggerated! Kill a person directly to level 0, and kill the attribute to the point where it is almost impossible to increase the level, so you have to choose to delete the number!

   Qin Heyu resurrected again... He clenched his fists tightly!

Qin Heyu\'s face is hideous, this will be the most humiliating moment of his life, but he still puts down his cruel words: "Chen Mo, I declare that from today, you will become the enemy of my temples, and you will be Thousands of players are chased and killed. At the same time, in this Novice Village, there are thousands of members of my temples, and today’s shame will be returned a hundred times! Members of the temples, no, all 99999 Novice Village players, who can kill Chenmo, Get 500,000 RMB!"


   is another sword to seal the throat.


   Everyone swallowed, after that Qin Heyu did not appear at the resurrection point because he was offline! He can\'t bear such humiliation!

   Fortunately, the pain is only 1%, otherwise it will be even more terrifying torture!

   And today, the ID of Chenmo will become the first name in "Tianlin" that resonates in the minds of players!

   But at the same time, it provokes the existence of the temples of the gods, I am afraid... he will not be able to leave in the future!

In the era of virtual online games, there are too many short-lived characters, and there are very few who can become Gongzi Mo, Qingcheng, and Wang. They don’t know whether "Chen Mo" is short-lived or can withstand the pressure and withstand the temples. Offensive, become the strongest generation of "Tian Lin"?

   I guess the former is more likely!

   But I have to say that Chen Mo\'s actions impressed many people! They were also not happy that Qin and Yu bullied a little girl. Although she may represent disaster, it looks really hateful!

Around   , many members of the temples and even ordinary players looked at Chen Mo, because the last words Qin Heyu said made them crazy!

  Who can kill Chenmo, you can go to him and get 500,000 RMB, 500,000, that may be the income of an ordinary family for several years!

   Although they think that Chenmo may indeed be the righteous party, who will have trouble with the money?

   But none of them dared to do it! They also saw Chen Mo\'s terrifying attack power, and even the damage caused by attacking him was only mandatory! This is beyond their imagination, but it also makes them afraid to do it!

Ordinary players are the majority. They are afraid that if this provokes Chen Mo and is killed by him to level zero, then they may have to spend another 10,000 yuan to buy a new virtual ring, delete the number and replay, they are all ordinary People, 10,000 yuan is also a big number! In an unstable situation, no one dares to do it! Mainly no one dares to take the lead! Finally, someone mustered up the courage to take the lead, and suddenly saw the eyes under the mask that Chen Mo swept over and suddenly became timid again!

   This is a master! This kind of look is not something ordinary people can have!

   In this way, Chen Mo left Xinshou Village in full view! No one dares to do it!

   "Have any of you noticed that Chen Mo\'s masked appearance looks very similar to Gong Zi Mo!"

   "What you said seems to be really...except that the mask is different~www.novelhall.com~ But the feeling when you put it on, the shape of your face seems to be a bit like."

   "Chen Mo... Gongzimo, do you think he is really Gongzimo? Otherwise, who could come up so badly?"

   "How could it be Gongzimo? Gongzimo hasn\'t come out for several years, and even if it does, he has to use his own ID! Why change the ID and start over? What\'s the point? Coincidence."


   At this moment, Chen Mo came outside the Novice Village. Sure enough, he had the lessons learned from Qin and Yu and the others. The people around were far away from Xiaoyuan, and they didn\'t dare to come over and do anything!

   Seeing Chen Mo, Xiao Yuan wiped his big eyes and ran over to hug Chen Mo.

   In such a short period of time, Xiao Yuan is extremely dependent on Chen Mo. After all, Chen Mo is the first person to talk to Xiao Yuan, play with her, take care of her and give her food in so many years...

   "Go, there is a small river over there, I bought you new clothes, let\'s take a shower first."

   Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s hair.

  Since he was little, he actually wanted to have a younger sister to take care of, but unfortunately not, not even his parents...

   Chen Mo had been looking for his relatives before, and wanted to find them. He wanted to find them and ask them in person, since he was born, why did he abandon him!

   Outside the Novice Village, many players are leveling up. Chen Mo saw a small river on the way to the northern forest. There should not be many players there for the time being. Xiaoyuan can also take a quiet bath!

   came to the river, but Xiao Yuan did not dare to go down!

"what happened?"

   "There is something bad in this!"

   Xiaoyuan said with some fear.

   "Bad thing? Is it a monster?"