I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 82: Name of Shura

Shura directly inserted his right hand into his heart, and Chen Mo\'s pupils suddenly tightened when he looked at it. When he took it out, what he was holding was not the heart, it was more like...a blood-red light.

   His face was very bad, and in the next instant, he suddenly pinched, the light was directly pinched to smash, turning into stars and dots to surround Chen Mo.

   "Ding...you got the hidden job [Sura]."

   Chen Mo felt a very comfortable feeling in his body, and this feeling was accompanied by a sense of killing that made him very repulsive, an innate sense of killing.

   "Ding...You have acquired the skills [Sura Killing the Eyes], [Sura\'s Intention], [Phantom God Change-Shura], [Sura’s God Punishment], [Tian Ni], [Desperate Love]."

   "Ding... your level is raised to 11."

   "Ding... your level is raised to 12."


   "Ding... your level is raised to 15."


   A series of system prompts sounded in Chen Mo\'s mind. He slowly closed his eyes and then opened slightly, a burst of coldness and killing intent shot out of his eyes, but in an instant he returned to his original appearance.

In front of   , Shura\'s figure slowly became illusory.

   "Not bad..."

   He looked at Chen Mo and then nodded slightly, his expression very bad.

   "Are you... leaving?"

   Chen Mo looked at him and muttered.

Chen Mo didn’t know what it felt like for this Shura. He was a villain, but at least above this remnant soul, Chen Mo had a feeling of meeting him late. If he hadn’t become Shura, he should be a man. Taxi.

   "Yes... I\'m leaving."

   He gave a relieved smile.

"You... have gained the power of Shura. In fact, I hope you can find the true meaning of Shura, but in the future, your destiny is unknown. Will you simply get this power, or will one day become Shura, or become The real Shura is unknown. There is one thing...you must remember."

   His figure became more and more illusory.


"On the mainland, Shura is a taboo. If you want to live, don\'t expose yourself as Shura. Even if you simply gain Shura\'s power, you will be annihilated immediately by their fear of Shura, at least until One day when you can be on your own, you will show up, remember..."

   Chen Mo nodded.

"My obsession and body are imprisoned in the sky. One day you have become strong enough. I beg you to go to the sky and take it to Wangfeng Village and be buried with my wife...and my offspring. ...I don\'t know if I will be oppressed by the world because of me..."

   "What is your wife\'s name?"

   He gave a smile of relief and happiness.

   "She\'s Lin Xianxian, she is a kind girl..."

   said, his figure turned into nothingness and disappeared in front of Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo stood there for a long time...

"I will."

   Chen Mo saluted slightly.

  He is not Shura, at least he is not Shura that Chen Mo saw! He is just an infatuated and poor person. In the world, who wants to be a murderous, no emotion Shura? When people have no emotions, they are no longer people. As he said, they are walking dead. Emotions and memories are the most important things for a person. He is also lucky, because his remnant soul retains all his beautiful things. Emotions and memories.

   A teleportation formation appeared in front of Chen Mo. It should be the teleportation formation that had left here. All the various forces that existed around him disappeared, and he finally did not feel the ever-present emotion colliding in his heart.

   Chen Mo cleared up his emotions, took a deep breath, and then he looked at Shura\'s introduction.

[Sura]: Type: Hidden occupation. There is a legend circulating on the mainland. It is Shura that is above all living beings, and Shura is above the gods. In the name of killing, he was born out of love, maybe Shura is Life, or perhaps Shura is power, title, belief, killing, the root of everything, and the power to solve everything. Attributes: HP +2000, magic value +2000, attack power +200, all attacks, all attack types have a 1% chance to deal 100 times damage, 0.1% chance to cause 1000 times damage, 0.01% to cause 10000 times damage, 0.001 % Causes 100000 times damage. When Shura\'s blood volume is less than 50%, all damage is doubled. When Shura\'s blood volume is less than 10%, all damage is increased by four times, and the passive skill [Sura\'s Name] is permanently activated.

[Name of Shura]: All attacks of Shura, all offensive skills are 100% crit, the damage caused ignores the pain elimination, and the pain is increased to 200%, Shura is a power against the sky, and the host upgrade experience value increases 100%, after the host dies, the level is cleared, and all equipment in the body is dropped.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Hidden class, giving the player two thousand HP, two thousand mana and two hundred points of attack power. In fact, it is very modest, really modest, players can get these attributes in a normal turn! But when Chen Mo saw it behind him, he found that he was wrong! Shura, this is a purely killing profession! Increase health? Sorry, it seems to be a bit insulting this profession. In a symbolic sense, adding two thousand health points to Chen Mo is really good, OK?

   1% chance is 100 times damage, 0.1% thousand times, 0.01% ten thousand times, 0.001% one hundred thousand times damage. Once this kind of damage is triggered by Chen Mo, what is the effect? Cut the world! Even if it is the lowest one hundred times damage, even with Chen Mo\'s current simple attack power of one thousand, that is a damage value of one hundred thousand! What if one hundred thousand times damage is triggered? The damage value caused by a single thousand attack power ~www.novelhall.com~ is...a hundred million!

   That\'s right! Just one billion!

  If his attack power exceeds 10,000, wouldn\'t it be a billion damage value if it triggers? The lower the blood volume, the higher the damage...

   This is Shura! This is not the real Shura!

   But being strong, this probability is indeed too low! It is almost impossible to trigger! The probability of 1% is not bad. About one hundred attacks will trigger once. With a 0.001% probability, a normal probability is that one hundred thousand attacks will trigger once.

   When Chen Mo saw this, he was already shocked by the terrible place of [Sura]. When he saw the name of [Sura], he became terrified in thinking!

   The name of Shura, a permanent frozen skill, which means that it is a skill that will be triggered anyway and cannot be turned off. What is the effect? All attacks, all attack type skills are 100% crit, and the crit attribute is an extremely difficult attribute to improve. Chen Mo is directly at full value, and he naturally takes twice as much damage as others!

   Punishment, yes! After death, the level is cleared and all equipment is dropped! This may not be a bad thing, it gave Chen Mo a reason that it must be impossible to hang up! But there is one more cheating, the experience value he needs to upgrade has doubled! Perhaps this is what he needs to endure to get a perverted hidden career! He admits! But given him a choice, whether he wants this career or not, he will still choose to do it!

   But this is not where Chen Mo was surprised. For Shura, isn\'t it normal for a crit? For a profession in the name of killing, 100% crit is normal, even Chen Mo thinks 500% crit damage is normal. What makes him really feel terrible is the latter attribute, ignoring the elimination of pain and increasing pain. To 200%!