I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 81: Shura's power is given to you

After Chen Mo finished speaking, a terrifying power surged from his body, and the surrounding yellow sand was instantly rolled up by this power, and then burst into the surroundings.

   Above the void, Shura felt this power and his pupils suddenly shrank! Then he smiled.

   Maybe this kid is the one he waited for ten thousand years to finally arrive!

   In these ten thousand years, too many people have come here, but 90% of them have died in the first level, and the rest have hardly passed the second level! Only two people have reached him so far, Chen Mo in front of him and the previous one.

   And now, the power surging in Chen Mo surprised him! This power is very strong, but this is not enough to surprise him, what really surprised him was the breath of this power!

   Shura, it\'s killing! Because of the endless killings, people will form despair, collapse and other unbearable psychology, and the power lingering around Chen Mo at this moment is also the same! No, to be precise, his power is formed by himself, and more!

What Chen Mo released was a big move stolen from Xiaoyuan. This should be just one of Xiaoyuan\'s big moves. The reason why he stole it did not send a system prompt like one of the big moves. Let\'s be in the current state! After all, Shui Shui should be in a state of heyday, and Xiao Yuan is in a state similar to being sealed. It is estimated that the power she gained is not complete!

   But, this big trick is enough!

   "Ding...The target is in a special state and cannot steal ults."

   I still wanted to steal it, but I couldn\'t steal it because it was the remnant soul? Although Zhang Qiu and the others are souls, they are not remnant souls, but this sky slaughter the sky, it was when Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui that Chen Mo had seen with his own eyes before, destroyed the power of the entire Novice Village! It\'s the big trick!

  Although this place is very big, the range that can be touched by that big move is huge! And this Shura is just a ray of remnant soul, if such a big move can\'t be solved at the super **** level, then it won\'t be justified!


   At this moment, although Chen Mo has released the Heavenly Slaughter Sky, he feels that his brain and heart are being encroached on by various negative emotions. He must resolve the battle quickly!


Chen Mo leaped and jumped into the air, then raised the Sword of Disaster, a 10,000-meter phantom appeared behind the Sword of Disaster, and then Chen Mo condescendingly looked at that Shura, yelled, and cut down Shocking One sword!


Everything around    was destroyed, and the scope was no less than that caused by Xiaoyuan before!

   This sky slaughter the sky will make Chen Mo\'s power reach the sky forbidden level, so this sword is the power of the sky forbidden level.

   The ground was cut out of a 100-meter-wide, bottomless gully, and the yellow sand in the sky made Chen Mo invisible to Shura.

   Suddenly Chen Mo frowned, turned around abruptly, and then cut another sword.

He is now a hundred meters high in the void, and he cut out with a simple sword, and did not cut it down, but the ground was hit, and the ground was again abruptly cut like a cake. There was a huge gully, and Shura\'s figure was about to touch Chen Mo, but was touched by this force!

The sword just now didn’t know if it hit, and Chen Mo wasn’t sure. It should have been. Because the power of his sword was at the Heaven Forbidden level, and Shura’s remnant soul was only at the Super God level, and there was still a holy death in between. He can\'t stop it normally!

   But Shura is Shura after all. When Chen Mo saw the scene in front of him, he couldn\'t help but marvel!

I saw Shura blocking the sword, but the power was too far away, because Shura was only a super **** level power, or had not yet reached the sacred extinction, and Chen Mo cut out of the sky forbidden level, he should be killed in seconds, but No, he was still blocking it, but the figure kept retreating in the air, and then as if he was tearing something apart, he tore apart Chen Mo\'s invisible scary sword aura with both hands, and then followed his The two sides flew over, splitting a mountain of thousands of meters away in four halves, leaving two ravines on the ground.

   "Do you still fight?"

   Chen Mo looked at Shura!

   This sky slaughter the sky can erupt for thirty seconds!

   "The last sword!"

   Shura has determined that this Chen Mo is the one he is waiting for! Destiny is so, he can crush himself! He has passed all his tests! It\'s just that he is unhappy! He was chased by a junior, so he was also Shura, okay? Although it is a remnant soul, it is unhappy! His grandmother\'s, although he is not the one who became Shura now, but he still thinks that once, as Shura, he raised his hand with a sword, the heavens and the earth changed, and he was the peak powerhouse of the Forbidden Class? Are you standing at the top of the mainland? One sword, cut off!

   At that time, he had reached this level. He stood on the top of the mountain, the blue clouds were surging, and the earthquake tremors. No one can stop him, otherwise he would not kill these tens of billions of people! But now...

Alright alright! Anyway, he is not Shura anymore. If he is abused, he will be abused, because he can\'t really release Shura\'s power, otherwise he will be useless no matter how strong he is, and his remnant soul is about to disappear, and he can\'t bear it. Shura\'s power.

   Then he stretched out his hand, and a sword was condensed in the heart of his hand. The blood-colored light was very similar to the blood-colored light of the sword of disaster in Chen Mo\'s hand.

   "Okay, the last sword!"

   Chen Mo is fortunate that he has met two little loli who are against the sky. Otherwise, what would he get here?

Chen Mo held the Sword of Calamity in both hands, and then slowly raised it to the top of his head. At the same time, the dark clouds above the sky seemed to be a plume of smoke, but there was an air current driving the plume of smoke to both sides. This is the real thing. Vision of heaven and earth!

   Shura is the same, his sword has also turned into ten thousand meters large ~ www.novelhall.com~ Then the two of them cut out this sword at the same time!


   The two forces collide together, like the end of the world.

If it were Chen Mo before, he would have died with a trace of this power and could no longer die, but now, he is standing in the void, only the power coming from his face blows the hair on his forehead and the clothes on his body. He had to close his eyes.

   It\'s time to kill the sky, he should have won! Because his power is higher than Shura\'s remnant soul!

   Chen Mo\'s figure fell on the ground, the sky slaughtered the sky, the same cooling time of one month, but he has this infinite big trick, the more powerful people he contacts, the more Chen Mo is against the sky! Even at level ten, the power that can only be released by the NPC of the Heavenly Forbidden level can be achieved, the strongest power on this continent, isn\'t this against the sky?

   The dust dispersed in the sky, and everything that could be seen in the surrounding sight was completely destroyed by them. A figure slowly got up on the ground, and Chen Mo hurried over.

   "No problem."

   Shura looked a little embarrassed, coughed a few times and then stood up, but he laughed.

   Shura looked at Chen Mo, then patted him on the shoulder, although the two couldn\'t touch each other.

   "Congratulations, you have passed all the tests of the deity. Now it is your choice."

   "May I choose whether to accept your inheritance?"

   Shura shook his head: "It\'s Shura\'s inheritance." Then a bright light burst into his eyes: "Do you... accept it?"

   "If you didn\'t lie to me, if I just gain Shura power, I accept it!"

   Because Chen Mo is scared! He really found that the emotions here can destroy the real him!

   Shura chuckled lightly: "Okay! That deity will give you Shura\'s power!"