I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 64: She really needs...

Chen Mo took two little girls, and followed Zhao Yingmeng to the direction of the northern forest. It used to be called the northern forest. Now it should be called the flat land, because everything in the trees was destroyed by Xiaoyuan\'s power.

   And Zhao Yingmeng has been telling Chen Mo about the content of "Xunfeng", although Chen Mo was confused and a little boring, but he listened to it in accordance with the principle of politeness. After all, the girl was so caring.

   "In general, your Kunkun has learned basketball skills to the top, right?"

"This is not the case. He hasn\'t learned to the top in that drama because there is no finale yet. But the most powerful thing is his creative ability. He just went to Siya Beach and saw a lot of little girls wearing bikinis. Sister, just wrote a song called "Gini is so beautiful", it\'s very handsome!"

   Zhao Yingmeng\'s big eyes sparkled, and then said: "But compared to my idol, he still has a big gap."

   "Your idol?"

   Chen Mo glanced at her.

"Gong Zi Mo, wow! Although his handsome face is always under the mask, but he is so handsome, Brother Chen Mo is not me to attack you, although now you are the first, Gong Zi Mo is fourth, but he must have been. You will be surpassed by him in a few days."

   Zhao Yingmeng’s big eyes are full of admiring little stars.

   "What if you can\'t surpass it?"

   Chen Mo slightly ticked the corner of his mouth.

"Wow! How is it possible? That\'s Gongzi Mo, a man who has created countless legends. My wish is to have a good friend of Gongzi Mo. Even if I don’t chat, I feel very handsome. I can envy all of China. No, it’s all. The female fans of Gongzi Mo of the world, wow, they are very comfortable...but... Brother Chenmo seems to have set a record. You can stand out from hundreds of millions of players. Brother Chenmo is also very good."

   Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo slightly and said.

   "Big Brother is the most powerful, no one is better than Big Brother."

   Xiaoyuan said happily.


   Chen Mo coughed dryly, this little girl is so cute.

   "You are also amazing."

   Zhao Ying dreamed of rubbing Xiaoyuan\'s beautiful and delicate face, and then remembering her previous sad experience, she dared not, and then her eyes fell on the body of Shuishi.

   "Wow! Little sister, you are all so beautiful."

   "My sister is also very beautiful."

   Shui Shui took Xiao Yuan\'s little hand and said sweetly.

   "Hee hee, you can\'t see clearly when I am wearing a veil, but I am indeed naturally beautiful, but it is really a lot worse than you."

  Although Zhao Yingmeng is very confident about her appearance, Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui are beautiful, she can be called enchanting level, she also envy, but not jealous, why? Because after all, it’s a game character, you can create as perfect as you want.

However, she suddenly discovered one thing. She couldn\'t detect the attributes of these two little loli\'s. She was already at level 7. If she couldn\'t detect it, they were better than herself, but it seemed right to think about it. Xiaoyuan also protected her.

   "Brother Chenmo..."

   Zhao Yingmeng is not only a second grader, she also has a lot of words. The key is that Chen Mo doesn\'t say much, but she can still talk, and there is something.

   "Then what... I want to ask you something."

   Chen Mo nodded slightly, and then walked straight ahead.

   "I have an older sister who has opened a studio, so... I just want to ask if you can join in? Don\'t worry, that older sister will definitely be able to offer you a good reward for Brother Chenmo."

   "No, I won\'t join."


   Zhao Yingmeng is a bit lost, but it is also in her expectation.

   "But... if Brother Chenmo changes his mind, he can always find me. That elder sister really needs the help of a master, more than anyone else."

   "In order to make money, everyone needs it. There is nothing more than anyone needs." Chen Mo said lightly!

   He also needs to be stronger, but he never thinks that he needs to be stronger than anyone else. It depends on personal efforts.


   Zhao Yingmeng shook his head and said: "Sister Qinghan is really different. She is too tired, she needs too much..."

"All right."

   Chen Mo interrupted her.


   Zhao Yingmeng\'s cute mouth was bulging.

   "Wow! The northern forest is gone too!"

   Zhao Yingmeng looked at the deserted northern forest that was reduced to a ruined plain, and his mouth was wide open.

   "Just...it\'s scary!"

  Chen Mo was also secretly stunned, Xiaoyuan\'s force had destroyed too much place.

   "I don\'t know what the cave we visited before has become, and whether we can go to the Sea of ​​Death."

   Zhao Yingmeng said.

   A few people continued to move forward and came to the place before!

   "Big brother, here!"

   Xiaoyuan saw the teleportation array in front of him, and then pointed his finger.

   Chen Mo walked to the front of the teleportation formation.

   "This should be the teleportation array that entered the sea of ​​death. Before, I couldn\'t see the whole picture in the cave. It was just a teleportation array after leaving the cave."

   Chen Mo pondered slightly.

   "Is the **** tide really just released from the sea of ​​death? It\'s the red light we saw before."

   Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo and said.

   Chen Mo nodded.

   The **** tide seemed to Chen Mo to be released by the girl who was exactly like Xiaoyuan! It is estimated that the power leaked?

   Chen Mo then looked forward to ~www.novelhall.com~ You can already see the outline of the forest a few kilometers away, which means that there must be monsters over there!

   After half an hour, they came to the front of this forest, the power only involved here, Zhao Yingmeng opened his mouth wide.

   "Just...it\'s terrifying! Our ground is directly less than ten meters above sea level! What caused it?"

   They raised their heads and looked at the cliffs more than ten meters high above their heads. The forest above them is probably part of the northern forest. The reason why this side is ten meters shorter than the front is caused by the power of Xiaoyuan!


   Xiao Yuan blinked her big eyes. She couldn\'t remember that she did it by herself. Shui Shui always held her little hand.

   "Shui Shui, you bring Xiao Yuan to find something to eat nearby. I need to go inside. I guess it won\'t be long before I come to find you."

   Chen Mo said to Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan.

   Because there is water, Chen Mo doesn\'t need to worry about Xiaoyuan\'s safety.

"Big brother……"

   Xiao Yuan reluctantly pulled the corner of Chen Mo\'s clothes.

   "Don\'t worry, you can go to eat something, I will be back soon."

   "Hmm, then I will bring the little bell to find food."

   Then Shui Shui walked away with Xiao Yuan who turned his head in three steps.

   Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yingmeng, and said, "Let\'s go here too, you go and clean your own monsters!"

   After talking, Chen Mo jumped infinitely and teleported to ten meters above his head, then stepped on it and suddenly landed on it, walking towards the forest.

   Zhao Yingmeng was stunned.

   "It\'s very bad! Just leave me behind..." She sucked her little nose, then looked up at the scene in front of her, her face collapsed.

   "How can I go up!"