I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 63: ctrl

followed by a blue pill.

  【Su Ling Pill】: The pill made by Chen Siniang can increase the speed in the body to a peak, which is 20 times faster, and lasts for 30 seconds.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   The quick-spirit pill that increases the movement speed by 20 times... can it control this speed?

   Chen Mo is not sure, but a good thing! Whether it is used to save lives or chase people in the future, there are miraculous effects!

   In general, although I didn’t get the artifact, these things are worth it! And along the leaf of life, maybe you get news about the law of life, which is impossible.

   Chen Mo silently consumed the Fruit of Strength and the Leaf of Life.

   "Ding... You took the fruit of strength, strength +10."

   "Ding... You take the Leaf of Life, and your health is permanently +300."



   Nine level, 1810 health, 355 attack power, plus the perverted effect of infinite big moves, it is a bit powerful.

   "Ding...Congratulations on completing the task and obtaining the fruit of strength, quick spirit pill..."

   "Ding...Congratulations on completing the mission of the secret disk, now you can choose to permanently open a big move!"

   The system prompt came, and Chen Mo raised his brows!

   Actually, Chen Mo has already figured out which big trick to open forever!

The most powerful ultimate is the Sky Witch Curse, but for Chen Mo, he may not need this heaven-defying ultimate. The cooldown is too long. He still needs the kind of short cooldown and frequently used skills. When there are more of these skills, then consider the ultimate move like Sky Witch Curse!

   So, Chen Mo already has a choice with this skill!

   "Choose nine days to explode three pedals!"

   "Ding...Congratulations on permanently turning on the skill [Nine Days Explosion Three Pedal]."

   Chen Mo slightly ticked the corner of his mouth, this skill is amazing.

   [Nine-day explosion three pedals]: Requirements: No, from a very mysterious self-created skill. It is said that with this **** level kicking over the mainland, I don\'t know whether it is true or not. Effect: Jump up and pose, the body will ignore the laws of physics and lock onto a target within 30 meters. The lock will imprison it within three seconds, and then it will come to the target in an instant, causing it to fly into the sky. , Causing damage of 3* current attack power, while teleporting twice in a row, it can be kicked out from all directions again, the damage is the same, if the target hangs in the middle of the tripod, you can choose another target! Each foot has a 5% chance to kick the target artery, ignoring the level, ignoring the grade, and causing 50% of its maximum health damage! Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: ten minutes. Can be upgraded, current level: 1.

   First of all, high damage! Triple attack damage can be done three times. This single damage is powerful. Secondly, it is imprisoned for three seconds at 30 meters. Attacks with teleporting ability are inevitable. Third, each kick is 5%. The abnormal effect of the aorta, even ignoring the level and grade! The point is, it can be upgraded!

   This is a skill that Chen Mo particularly likes.

At this time, a player stood up and said, "Brothers, our 99999 Novice Village has been destroyed. We are the poorest batch of players. The first task is to quickly reach level ten, and now we have a radius of more than a dozen. Kilometers have been destroyed. We can only go to farther places, but we don’t know what the monster level is in the farther places. We don’t dare to ask, so I suggest that you all go as fast as possible now. The place far away has not been destroyed, we have to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and if we drag it down, we may die again! The students of this level have not dropped quickly!"

   "Yeah, yeah! Let\'s not procrastinate, let\'s hurry up, more than ten kilometers, how to waste several hours!"

   "And we\'d better cooperate. We all hug together and team up to fight monsters together, because once we hang up, the resurrection point is here, and it will take several hours on the road."

   "Who still has a life restoration potion, I am gone, this village is destroyed, and there is nowhere to buy it. How can I deal with it if there is no life restoration potion?"


   Hearing what these players said, Chen Mo still sympathized with them in his heart. It was a bit pitiful, and there was no disaster.

   Then this group of players quickly began to team up to go farther together, and at the same time, the price of this primary life restoration potion sold by players in the 99999 Novice Village was ridiculously high! Chen Mo still has a dozen bottles, but there is no shortage.

   "Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui, let\'s go too, get out of here as soon as possible, and go to Tianlin Continent!"


   Xiao Yuan nodded his head again and again, Shui Shui also nodded, silently holding hands with Xiao Yuan, especially loving, and then followed Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo came to Chen Siniang, she opened her eyes.

   "Si Niang, we are going to leave."

   Chen Siniang quickly stood up, then a talisman appeared in his hand and handed it to Chen Mo.

   "This is the Thousand Mile Sound Talisman. If there is any place I can help in the Tianlin Continent, please use the Thousand Mile Sound Talisman to contact me at any time."

   Chen Mo took it and nodded: "Thank you!"

   "I want to thank you, be careful, goodbye!"

   Chen Siniang gave a punch!


   Then Chen Mo took the two pretty little Lori and walked away!

The places you can go to are in all directions, depending on the players\' choices~www.novelhall.com~ But the place where Chen Mo goes is the direction with fewer people, and that direction is also the direction of the sea of ​​death. The northern forest is also destroyed, but death The sea must still exist. As for the cave, it must be gone. You will know how to get there by then. When you reach level ten, you can leave more quickly, and these players still don’t know how to leave Novice Village. Those are running in the opposite direction. If the players know that they are leaving from the Sea of ​​Death, they will probably cry.

   "Brother Chenmo!"

   Just after Chen Mo led them for dozens of steps, a voice came over behind him, Chen Mo turned his head and saw Yingmeng running all the way.


   Yingmeng exhaled, she glanced at the two little girls, her big eyes suddenly lit up!

   "So beautiful..."

   Then she settled down and looked at Chen Mo, and said with some embarrassment: "Then what... I... Can I go with you, Brother Chen Mo?"

   Chen Mo nodded slightly, and then walked forward!

   "Wow! That\'s great!"

   Then Yingmeng happily caught up.

She said next to Chen Mo: "I seem to be lucky. I watched "Xun Kun" last night and went to bed in the morning. When I woke up, I saw various online posts about 99999 Novice Village. Fortunately, It’s not online, or it will hang up."

   "Looking for a kun?"

   Chen Mo glanced at her.

   "Yes, the current popular TV series, called "ctrl" for short, is the key on the keyboard."

   "What do you mean?"

   "ctrl=sing and jump+rap+basketball, what Xun Kun Ji talks about is a large-scale magical TV series that learns these skills. Brother Chenmo hasn\'t watched it?"

   Chen Mo: "……"