I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 50: Assassinate the village chief

Chen Mo has come outside the village chief’s courtyard at this moment.

It’s dark all around. The village doesn’t have street lights like reality. At night, it’s dark in the village, including the outside. All the light can only rely on moonlight and starlight. Of course, the lights at home in the villagers don’t light up. , Most of them are oil lamps, the richer or more powerful ones are magic lamps, but this kind of lamp usually appears in Tianlin Continent, where does such a novice village exist?

   The dark environment is more suitable for Chen Mo\'s actions.

   But now there is a question, how do I do it?

   Chen Mo has learned from other players on the road that this village chief is a bachelor in the village, which means that he is an old virgin and has never had a family in his life. Until now, he has only lived alone in this small courtyard in the village! So, it\'s actually good news! But one thing is that he is a bachelor, and curses are useless to him. Why does he want to kill? Does it have its own purpose?

   Two ways, either directly break in, and then take the sword down to solve him, or it will be overcast. After all, this game cannot be treated with common sense. Chen Mo now treats this game as if he is dealing with reality!

The disadvantage of    breaking in is that Chen Mo doesn\'t know how strong this village chief is, let alone kill him, maybe he can\'t beat him! But if you play yin...what does he have?

   Chen Mo glanced at all his remaining skills, there are more than a dozen, but to be honest, not many are strong, after all, they are only the skills of a dozen monsters that are commonly stolen! Nor is it a BOSS.

   props, heavenly secret disk and so on have no effect, but...

   Chen Mo suddenly saw a blue flower in the ring of infinity!

Yes indeed! Isn’t there a Lan Yanhua?

   Lan Yanhua is a poisonous flower, which normally does not release its virulence, but if its pollen is spread out, every pollen invisible to the naked eye will be highly poisonous! I believe it will be fatal to the old village chief!

   Then Chen Mo took out Lan Yanhua, walked in from behind with barely noticeable steps, and then came to the bedside of the back house in the small courtyard.

   The windows are not closed. It is probably for ventilation. Chen Mo looked in. This room is a grocery store!


   Then Chen Mo used the infinite jump to enter the house. The teleportation effect of this infinite jump is simply not very useful, and he only needs to care about the cooling, not the consumption, because of the secret disk, Chen Mo\'s release of skills is not consumed.

With Chen Mo\'s ability, he can still do it to lighten his footsteps to an almost inaudible level. In the past, one of the exercises with the master was to practice his own concealment ability. As long as he is not the kind of really strong person, Or if his spiritual consciousness is not too strong, then Chen Mo will not be found.

   Chen Mo slowly walked out of the grocery store and walked into the living room cabinet of the inner room. There were several doors, all quiet, but only one door came from the sound of snoring! Hearing this snoring, Chen Mo was basically sure to be an old man! And here is the courtyard of the village head again, that\'s basically him!

To be honest, it is feasible to teleport in while he is asleep and then stab him to death with a single sword, but this method has a very important prerequisite. You must be able to stab him to death with a single sword, if the opponent is strong. , You can\'t break the opponent\'s defense, that is to say, you did thrust his heart with a sword, and used all your strength, but in the end only pierced his skin! Chen Mo is worried that this will happen, so he still needs to be safe!

   Chen Mo took out the Lan Yanhua, and directly reached out his hand to pluck its stamens and rubbed them on his own hands. In this way, all the pollen is in his own hands!

   "Ding...you are immune to the poisoning effect."

This was only realized by Chen Mo. He was worried about being poisoned when he was picking Lan Yanhua, so he tore off the novice cloth and covered his hands because he was afraid of direct contact. Later, Chen Mo suddenly discovered that this Tianji plate is immune to all negative effects. , Not only immune to those controls, freezing, that is, death, burns, poisoning, frostbite, and even slowing down!

   Then Chen Mo teleported into his room. After entering, he didn\'t move, for fear that he would notice it if he moved!

   There was an old man lying on the bed. Chen Mo had seen him that night. It was the village chief.

   [99999 Novice Village Chief]: Grade:? ? ? ,grade:? ? ? ,life value:? ? ? , The head of Novice Village No. 99999, is responsible for most of the player\'s tasks, as if some hidden tasks can be triggered from him.

   Skill: [? ? ? 】

They were all question marks, which was also expected by Chen Mo. Then Chen Mo gently shook his hand, letting the poisonous powder on his hand slowly fly in the house, and then Chen Mo disappeared again and came to the side. Waiting for the movement in the house.

Lan Yanhua introduced that even many powerful people could not resist its poison. Since the village chief was in the Novice Village, since he was relying on some kind of props instead of his own strength to kill people, that means His strength is high but not too high!

About three minutes later, Chen Mo heard the sound of coughing in the room, and a cruel smile that looked **** rose on the corner of his mouth~www.novelhall.com~ In the room, the coughing sound became louder and louder. It gradually evolved to the level that makes people feel very sick as soon as they sound.


   Then Chen Mo heard the sound of him falling off the bed as if coming from the room. The timing should be almost time!


   Then Chen Mo slowly opened the door and walked in!


  The village chief lay on the ground, saw Chen Mo and then seemed to have caught the straw, struggling to reach out to him!

  -100, -100, -100

   On the top of the village chief’s head, he drops 100 points of health per second. For every 100 points he drops, the blood bar on his head disappears by one hundredth, which means that he has about 10,000 health points!

   What is the approximate blood volume of 10,000? Level 20? It should be the level of the 20th level bronze boss, or the level of the 30th or 40th level ordinary bronze monster. Chen Mo’s previous game experience told him that, normally, the 30th level gold BOSS has 20 blood. Ten thousand, the blood volume of the 30th level silver BOSS is about 100,000, and the 30th level bronze BOSS is 10,000 to 20,000!

   Then this Lan Yanhua is a bit powerful, it only takes a hundred seconds to poison him, less than two minutes? Chen Mo even wanted to put away another blue Yanhua without waiting.


   The village chief yelled again weakly.

   Chen Mo laughed, then slowly squatted down, squatting in front of him, reaching out and grabbing his hair!

   "Look clearly who is in front of you!"

   Chen Mo said coldly!

   The old village chief looked at Chen Mo, his pupils suddenly shrank, he seemed to understand why he was poisoned!