I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 49: What can't you let go of?

At this moment, Chen Mo has already sneaked into the Novice Village, because it’s too late now. It’s strange that the villagers didn’t come out when something like this happened outside. But think about it, it’s too late. It\'s normal in the house.

   Chen Mo did not enter through the gate of the village, but found a place from the side, directly released the infinite jump to achieve the teleport effect and entered the village.

  I entered the village for two things. The first was about Chen Siniang, and the second was the village head. See if there is a chance to take the village head over tonight.

   Chen Mo\'s trace was seen by some players, but they also knew more or less about Chen Mo just outside. No one in the hundreds would dare to move him! Think of it as missing!

Entering the village, Chen Mo walked through the streets and alleys. At this point, the villagers were basically unable to come out at home. They did not come out and the players could not take the task. So there were not many players in the village, so Chen Mo walked through the village. It\'s safer!

   That [Rainers Twilight] went offline directly, because he heard his little brother say what just happened, he didn\'t believe it at first, until a little brother released the video, he had to believe it! At that moment, he went crazy and directly killed that little brother. After the killing, he collapsed! He doesn\'t know how many people have taken this video. He only knows that this video will be posted online in a while, and he will be finished by then! But he has no ability to organize!

   For a while, he really didn\'t know what to do, so he had to go offline and contact his supervisor to see if he could suppress the matter.

   Chen Mo came to Chen Siniang’s drugstore. The lights were on inside. Many villagers didn’t sleep with the lights on at home, because it’s not a special late night, but fewer people go out to go shopping!

   Chen Siniang\'s medicine shop door was also open, and then Chen Mo walked in.

Chen Siniang is sitting there reading a book. What does she say to her? Maybe she can only live for a few days. After all, she is not sure whether Chen Mo can lift her curse. In fact, she cherishes time more than anyone else. She wants to go to bed later.

   Hearing the movement, Chen Siniang raised his head, and the masked eyes looked at Chen Mo intently.

"How did you come?"

   "Come here and buy some potion."

   Chen Mo then passed a few gold coins, Chen Siniang took ten small bottles of life restoration potion and handed them to Chen Mo.

   "Ding...you got a small life regeneration potion*10."

   This was actually not Chen Mo\'s purpose, and then he sat aside.

   "What? Anything else?"

   Chen Siniang looked up at Chen Mo again.

   "It\'s okay, just I was thinking, Siniang, you should be a very strong expert? Otherwise, you won\'t be cursed at this level." Chen Mo said slightly!

   Chen Siniang laughed self-deprecatingly: "If your strength is strong, you won\'t be cursed!"

   "That\'s true, but how long have you been with this curse?"



   Three months ago, when the massacre started in the village! Is she here?

   "Then how long have you been in this village?"

   "Why do you ask so much?"

   Chen Siniang stared at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

   "Uh, nothing, just ask."

   Chen Siniang is indeed suspecting that Chen Mo is talking about her, but think about it, when did you come to the village as a kind of talking? Then she said: "It\'s been two months!"

   "Two months..."

Chen Mo pondered slightly, basically he can rule out Chen Siniang\'s suspicion, she can never tell lies, because if she is the behind-the-scenes or a part of the implementation of the matter, she would never know that she knew this. Things?

   Then Chen Mo took out the fairy grass and placed it in front of her.

"this is?"

   "Fairy Spirit Grass, I got it, the next thing is the lack of someone who knows how to curse!"

   Chen Siniang took the fairy grass, she didn\'t know it, but she knew from the spiritual power emanating from the grass, it was not ordinary grass, and Chen Mo didn\'t fool her.

   "I know people who know how to curse, are they useful?"

   Chen Mo shook his head: "It\'s useless, because his curse power must not be very strong, right?"

   Chen Siniang pondered slightly: "Curse is a very rare power, very strong but difficult to cultivate. There are really few people in the world who can cultivate the power of curse to the strongest!"

   "So the person you are looking for is not good, not qualified! Because the person who releases the curse is very strong, right?"

   Chen Siniang nodded and then raised his head to look at Chen Mo: "Then you know?"


   Xiaoyuan’s curse power must be the top one, and you die when you touch it. Isn’t this curse power top-notch? It\'s just that she can\'t release this power accurately, but Chen Mo feels that she must be qualified to help Chen Siniang lift the curse!

   Chen Siniang looked at Chen Mo for several seconds, and then said, "Could it be that little girl?"

   Chen Mo nodded: "Yes!"

   She frowned her eyebrows tightly.

   "Are you kidding me?"

   Chen Mo laughed, "Do you think her curse is not strong?"

   Chen Siniang thought for a while when he heard Chen Mo\'s words, and seemed to be quite strong.

"Okay! I believe you once~www.novelhall.com~ The words are still what I said before, I hope you can do it, if you can save me, then I will repay you, if you can’t save me but you still let go of such things, then Blame me for being polite!"

   Chen Mo waved his hand and walked out of the drugstore, toward the village chief’s courtyard!

   After the meeting, Chen Siniang, the next step is how to assassinate the village chief!

  Everyone in this village deserves to die, so he doesn\'t need to say anything about mercy. Retribution may be late, but he will never be absent.


   At this moment, two sisters, Zhao Yingmeng and Zhao Yingluo, are sitting on the sofa in pajamas, covered with blankets, their big eyes are staring at the LCD TV and watching TV series.

   The door opened and Lin Qinghan walked in.

   "Sister Qinghan, it\'s over."

   Zhao Yingluo shouted.

   Zhao Yingmeng also talked to Lin Qinghan about Chen Mo. She hadn\'t had a chance to talk to Chen Mo about it, so they all had expectations.

   Lin Qinghan nodded slightly and walked over, watching TV.

   "What drama?"

   She asked slightly.

   "Xun Kun Ji, it\'s beautiful and touching!"

   Zhao Yingmeng said.

   At this moment, a picture is being played on TV. A man is walking on Huangquan Road in despair. In front of him is the people who went to **** with him. They all finished drinking Mengpo Tang and continued to walk forward.

   The man drank several bowls, but he still has not forgotten the obsession in his heart.

   "Young man, you have had a few bowls, what can\'t you forget!"

   Po Meng looked at him and said solemnly!

   The man\'s eyes were red, he lowered his head and secretly clenched his fists, unwilling to say: "Sing, rap, and basketball!"

  Meng Po: "……"