I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 399: First kill

The poisonous Toad King did not hit anyone with a big move, so he wouldn\'t be too panic, because there are other big moves!

  Tarzan is on top!

  Yes, this Taishan topping is a very powerful skill! I saw that the poisonous toad emperor jumped, and the figure jumped directly into the air, because there were many trees blocking it, and even the poisonous toad emperor jumped into the air, Chen Mo couldn\'t catch his figure.

   "Pull away! Run away!"

  Chen Mo shouted.


  Then Zhao Yingmeng acted as the bodyguard of the two girls, leading them to run away quickly.


  The silhouette of the poisonous toad emperor suddenly appeared and fell to the ground!

  The whole ground trembled suddenly, and then the huge force shook everything within 100 meters around it, as if a missile had fallen here!

  When the dust clears, there are no more trees around, all have been destroyed! This is the terrifying destructive power of this skill!

  Chen Mo did not intend to release Shura, he felt that this move should not kill him in seconds, but...


  Yes! Twelve thousand damage!

  This is the powerful damage of the skill released by the beast of the sky. This is only the 30th level, but it is normal, like Shenhuang, and a big move is six-figure damage.

   "It\'s okay!"

  Chen Mo rushed to Shui Shui and the others. They all suffered some injuries, but they were far away and didn\'t have much injuries!

  They got up from the ground.

   "Brother Chenmo, this monster is too strong!"

  Zhao Yingmeng got up and said with a worried expression that the poisonous toad emperor rushed over directly, not giving them any chance to breathe.

   "It\'s okay!"

  Awesome is great, but the boss\'s ultimatum has a cooldown, and there is a gap period. With this gap period, it is time for them to fight back!

  Water directly released the green holy light, and the healing effect of this green holy light on them is not too strong.

   "Little Rou, keep fighting!"



   Then Chen Mo rushed up to stop the poisonous Toad Emperor from rushing.

  Long Xiaorou\'s body is burning with the fire of the holy sun.

  Her hands are wrapped in flames.

   "The Might of the Holy Dragon!"


  A dragon roar came, and the poisonous toad emperor was directly stunned.

"It\'s now!"


  Long Xiaorou rushed up.

The claws of the sacred dragon condense powerful power in their own hands, and then lock a target, rush to the target and cast the claws of the sacred dragon, inflicting 10 attack damage on the hit unit and adding a burn effect, reducing its maximum per second The health value is 5, and the burn state cannot be removed for ten seconds. At the same time, 100 tears the target equipment. If the target finally dies under the claws of the holy dragon, the level is cleared and all attributes are permanently reduced by 20. Consumes 1000 mana and has a cooling time of ten minutes.

  The damage is not high, but the most terrifying effect of the holy dragon\'s claw is...

  The burn state cannot be removed!

  But it cannot be cancelled but it may not last for ten seconds, but it does not matter! This poisonous toad emperor can always be killed!

  The terrifying blood drop speed appeared on the head of the poisonous toad emperor, and Chen Mo didn\'t need to attack, only needed to support it.

  The poisonous toad king was struggling with one thing, and now it found that it was really difficult to kill them. The most difficult thing was the human in front of him. It was not afraid of it. It had to be killed to have a chance to kill other people!

and so……


  The poisonous toad emperor leaped forward, and the poisonous toad emperor noticed that its pustule was shattering!

   "Shadow Dream!"

"Roger that!"

  Zhao Yingmeng was already ready, pulling the two girls to teleport again, and then galloping away.


  All the pustules burst at this moment! Venom splashes!

   Not far from fifty meters, with the help of Zhao Yingmeng’s teleportation, they can escape to a safe range, and Chen Mo...immune to these poisons and instant death effects! So he doesn\'t even have to avoid it.

  The surrounding flowers and trees are all withered, this trick Chen Mo has been waiting for for a long time.


  Yes, to release this skill, the poisonous toad king needs to consume 20 of his maximum health, plus the previous consumption and the current burn drop, the poisonous toad king\'s blood volume is already less than half!

   "The meaning of Shura!"

  Chen Mo also turned on his firepower, and the distant Long Xiaorou Sacred Yang dragon\'s breath had cooled down and released again from a distance!

  Ten seconds later...

   "Little Rou!"


  Long Xiaorou jumps and gathers the power of terror!


  Five seconds later, a huge fireball blasted over.

The blazing sky star jumped and fell into the void. During this time, he was immune to all damage, chanted for five seconds, and then formed a terrifying flame force. After five seconds, the blazing sky star blasted to the ground, causing destruction to all units within 100. Sexual strike, the damage is 10 magical attack power, causing a devastating blow to the building. At the same time, if the target\'s HP is less than 20, and the target\'s level and rank are below its own, then all the target\'s HP will be killed. Consumes 20,000 mana and has a cooling time of one day.

  Scorching stars!

  20\'s beheading!

   "Ding...you killed the Toad King!"

   "Ding...your level increased to 34."

   "Ding... your level is raised to 35."


  Chen Mo, all of them have been upgraded to level 35! This trip is already worth it!

  And the big **** Zhao Yingmeng...

  The level flashes four times in a row, after all, she does not need to double experience to upgrade! This feeling is refreshing!


  Zhao Yingmeng couldn\'t help but exclaimed.

  This is too...Hi, right?

  "Ding...all players, please be aware that players Chenmo and the female heroine of the old mother first killed the beast, hereby announce."

  "Ding...all players please pay attention..."


  This system prompt from the middle of the night surprised everyone again!

  The beasts of heaven have been killed for the first time? The next step is Shenhuang?

  To be honest, they weren’t too surprised, because Chen Mo had given them enough surprises ~www.novelhall.com~ Slowly they were no surprise.

As for Zhao Yingmeng’s id, because of Chen Mo’s reasons, it has also been posted on the system many times, so everyone is paying attention. She can be regarded as a small well-known star player, but her reputation is not too high. That\'s all, because she hasn\'t done anything amazing otherwise.

  Chen Mo picked up the dropped equipment. There was nothing good, it was just a weapon of heaven, and it was an assassin\'s dagger.

   Really lost.


  Chen Mo threw the dagger to Zhao Yingmeng, Zhao Yingmeng took it, and then showed a shocked expression.

  Heavenly superb dagger, I\'ll go...

   "This... Brother Chenmo, I..."

  Zhao Yingmeng is a little bit ashamed.

   "Take it, I will do more for Fengshen Sect in the future."

   Chen Mo said.

   "Hmm, I will definitely!"

  Zhao Yingmeng said firmly, and then couldn\'t help but laugh stupidly.

It’s okay if it’s not him. Chen Mo still has Weiyang Palace rewards, and although she is a bastard, this boss attraction is really powerful. Chen Mo can be regarded as rewarding her, anyway, she will be used in more places in the future. .