I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 398: Zhan Tianjue

Chen Mo originally thought this was a ghost-level monster, but he didn’t expect...


  Yes, this is a superb monster!

  To be reasonable, Chen Mo has seen many superb ncs, but this should be the first superb boss who only needs to fight!

  But, only the intent to fight!

  Thirty-level Celestial Beast, after killing, with the current experience bar, how can it be raised to thirty-fifth level?


  Eight million blood...

  But, don’t forget one thing, its weakness!


  Don’t forget, Long Xiaorou’s maximum health drops! 5 per second, plus its weakness is fire! So this maximum health drop may reach 10 maximum health per second, right?

This Chen Mo is uncertain, but at least Long Xiaorou’s fire attribute damage will be doubled. Whether this burn damage will double is unclear, but Long Xiaorou’s burn duration should not be too long. Long! Why? Because this is a 30th-level Tian Jue beast, it really crushes Long Xiaorou in terms of attributes.

   "Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, fight long-range, pay attention to protect yourself!"

   Chen Mo said.

  "What about me?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

   "Go play in the sand."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Mo directly rushed up with the sword of calamity in his hand, Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou moved a distance, kept a safe distance, and then cooperated with Chen Mo to attack from a distance.

  Zhao Yingmeng smoked her small nose. Maybe she is really only suitable for being a bastard, so she is a little conscious.

  Chen Mo\'s figure looks too small to face this poisonous toad emperor. However, it is not to say that being big is an advantage, but may become a disadvantage.


   A sword slashed on the poisonous Toad Emperor.


  A pustule shattered directly, and then the venom splashed out! This kind of splash is hard to avoid.

   "Ding...you are immune to poisoning."

   "Ding...you die if you are immune."

  The most terrifying thing about this poisonous toad king is naturally the poisoning and instant death effects. However, these Chen Mos are immune, so what are they afraid of?

As long as he is not killed by a spike, because now Chen Mo does not have the law of soul, he is really dead when he hangs up, and one thing, the boss of the heavenly rank, reminds that he is so big, any attack should be able to damage him more than Seven or eight thousand? Should the skill damage be broken? Chen Mo didn\'t know, he hadn\'t experienced it after all, but his attack power must be very strong, but he shouldn\'t kill Chen Mo in seconds. As long as he doesn\'t kill in seconds and gives him a breath of breath, then Chen Mo doesn\'t have to worry. There is still water to treat him.

In this situation, Chen Mo does not need to hit damage. Yes, Shura\'s Intent does not need to be activated. Shura\'s Intention is activated to save his life, not to hit damage. For hitting damage, Long Xiaorou has maximum health damage. Chen Mo just needs to drag in front!

  Eight million HP, no matter how Chen Mo\'s firepower is full, he should hit two million at most? It\'s not as good as Long Xiaorou 5\'s maximum health burn for a few seconds, one second is 400,000 blood drops, ten seconds is 4 million! This is the most terrifying!

No, Chen Mo was dragging the poisonous Toad Emperor, and the poisonous Toad Emperor spit out the still pink tongue, and attacked Chen Mo frantically, but as long as Chen Mo concentrated on fighting, such an attack would be difficult to hit him. But this power is really strong. The tongue that is suddenly spit out can directly penetrate the tree. If it is whipped, a crack can be directly shot on the ground. Can you imagine how much damage such a force will cause when it falls on the body?

  Zhao Yingmeng looked terrified, but at the same time she really admired Chen Mo too much. This fighting skill, this speed of reaction to avoid attacks, really had to be a master to do it.

  Nine-color holy light, blue holy light!

  The blue holy light released by the water directly enveloped the poisonous toad emperor, and within a range of three hundred meters, it could not escape!

  Unable to use skills, Chen Mo\'s avoidance is even easier! Then the long-range skills will be released if the water is obedient, and it will be a little bit of damage.

  In the face of this level of boss, Long Xiaorou must be the main output point! Maybe her burn effect is hard to be effective for a Shenhuang-level boss, but Tian Jue must be effective, it\'s just a matter of burning a few seconds.

  Long Xiaorou, Shengyang Dragon Breath is the first mover. She understands what Chen Mo means. Skills are not her main damage to this kind of boss. The main damage is burns, so she has to keep the burns.

  So don’t let the skills overlap, and you will lose!

  Sacred Sun Dragon\'s Breath has a short cooldown, which allows the Sacred Sun\'s Breath to burn and damage first.

  16400, 16400, 24600, 32800, 400000

Sacred Dragon’s Breath, fire attribute damage, double the damage, and at the same time, the Sacred Dragon’s Breath has an effect, that is, if it continues to hit a single unit, the damage will always be superimposed, so this damage is constantly superimposed, and then also The burn effect is triggered, and the 400,000 health points are dropped, which is not too cool!


Zhao Yingmeng’s big eyes are shining with small stars, and she looks at her enviously. The master and servant are all fighting with soy sauce. The main battle is this level of battle. Both master and servant can\'t hurt them, and they will be killed in seconds. !

  In a simple ten-second sacred dragon breath, Long Xiaorou dealt nearly two million damage! And the poisonous toad king in front has been attacking Long Xiaorou, because it found that this little girl is the biggest threat to it~www.novelhall.com~ But...Chen Mo blocked it, and was caught in the water for ten seconds. Chen Mo is not afraid of its poison!

so hard!

  The burns lasted for three seconds, 1.2 million, but unfortunately, I was hit by the Sacred Yang Dragon\'s Breath every second, but the burn effect was not refreshed, but it was enough!

  The blue holy light also disappeared, and the poisonous toad emperor was fully fired. To be honest, for any person or monster, not being able to use skills is the most uncomfortable! none of them! So, Shui Shui is really terrifying. You will find that she may not be able to deal high damage, but you can\'t do without her!

   Actually speaking of damage, Long Xiaorou’s damage does not have to be high, and the water is very strong in melee combat. Long Xiaorou is actually a mage, but that the effect of Long Xiaorou’s burn is terrible! This is destined to face the boss, Long Xiaorou can at least deal more damage when they have not fully grown up!

  But water is more of a kind of functionality, an indispensable functionality. Chen Mo of the two is indispensable, and the combination of them is the most powerful!

  Super frog sound wave!

  Sound waves are invisible, but everything is swept up wherever they go, and the terrifying sound waves rush towards Long Xiao and the soft water.

"give it to me!"

  Zhao Yingmeng finally stopped playing soy sauce, her teleporting skills directly brought the two girls to safety.