I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 394: Assassinate

Latest website: At this moment, Chen Mo and the others continue to level up. If they can bring water tonight, they will all be promoted to one level, yes, it is one level, then Chen Mo feels satisfied during this trip! After all, the experience he needs to level up is terrifying. In addition, each of them has to share experience. Maybe you can kill a 30-level golden BOSS. You will find that, I rely on, the experience bar has risen by 1%?

Time gradually passed, and it soon arrived late at night, but they did become more and more courageous. After all, it was time for many monsters to appear in the evening, and the more their experience rose, the more they would be willing to fight.

"Hehe, it feels good to be a bastard."

Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue, not too embarrassed.

I was not as embarrassed to be a **** before, but I wanted to be a **** again, and wanted to work hard, but found that her little strength was useless at all, and then she became a **** with peace of mind, and then the relationship with Chen Mo grew. The more familiar she became, the more at ease she felt.

As everyone knows, Chen Mo also needs her.

"How many skills have you learned in Weiyang Palace?"

Chen Mo asked.


Zhao Ying dreamed and wanted to say.

Chen Mo; "..."

He only learned three! But these three are great.


Chen Mo asked.

"There are two very strong. The other five are basic skills, but they are definitely hidden career skills. They are much more powerful than ordinary assassin skills. Especially those two are my ultimate. The big move, although it\'s not as good as Brother Chenmo\'s, but it\'s quite powerful."

Zhao Yingmeng scratched her hair and said.

This is the advantage of joining the sect of Niubi. It is indeed not a loss to be able to learn the skills of the hidden professional level, but only the elder disciples can learn so much.

However, Chen Mo has personally experienced that he knows that these skills cannot be learned directly. They can only be learned after a little bit of understanding. The effects of the skills he comprehend are quite powerful. It just didn\'t take much time, but the same Zhao Yingmeng had acquired seven skills in the same period of time, so her comprehension ability was definitely very good.

Chen Mo nodded and checked the time.

"You can go offline and have a meal first, and then go online after eating."

She doesn\'t care, but although Zhao Yingmeng doesn\'t care, she is still a girl after all.

"Huh? No need."

Zhao Yingmeng shook his head.

"No problem, I just want to take them to rest. Half an hour is enough, right?"

"Uh... enough."

"Go ahead."

"Thank you Brother Chenmo."

Then Zhao Yingmeng disappeared before his eyes.

As soon as Zhao Yingmeng left, as expected, Chen Mo couldn\'t meet the monsters. No, no monsters came to the door to be precise. Sure enough, this BOSS attraction is still something.

Then Chen Mo lay on the lawn in the forest.


The three little Lori were not polite, two of them pillowed Chen Mo\'s two arms, and the other pillowed Chen Mo\'s belly.

"Big brother... when can we go out to play?"

Xiao Yuan put Chen Mo\'s arm on him and turned to Chen Mo, looking at Chen Mo expectantly with big eyes.

Chen Mo turned to look at her.

"After a while, when the Fengshen Sect is established, I will take you to play every day, okay?"


This is what Chen Mo promised them, but it hasn’t really fulfilled it until now. The main reason is that he didn’t know that he had to build the Fengshen Sect at that time. Whether it was to build the Fengshen Sect or to amnesty the world, these two are the ultimates of Tianlai Hidden missions, since this one has come across, they must be done, and they are all their own friends, whether it is the flower saint, Ye Qingqing, Ye Yu sister and brother, they are all friends.

This is what Chen Mo wants to do. In fact, he originally didn’t want to build his own power, but when he encountered it, and he really needed it, he just happened to build it, but what he hoped was indeed coming on this day. This kind of continent wanders around the world, the sky is the bed, wherever you go, you can see the customs of the mainland, and strange animals.

When the Fengshen Sect is about to end, Chen Mo will be a hand-scraping shopkeeper and take this little girl, as they did many years ago, to various places in the mainland, and then Chen Mo will be able to take advantage of the trend and may even touch To the BOSS, the most important thing is that he can look for the power of the law while playing, leveling up.

These are the most important things, and taking them to travel to the mainland must be built on this foundation.

In fact, Chen Mo is still looking forward to that time, and it won\'t be too long. If he can bring Lin Kexin with him, it would be even better.

But Chen Mo should not take her. If this is really just a pure game, then Chen Mo must take it, but this is not, so Chen Mo hopes that Lin Kexin can improve herself, whether it is in Sky Blue Star or It must be good to be able to truly come to Tianlin! Even if she was practicing martial arts here, in reality she would no longer be a simple and weak girl.

Chen Mo wanted her to be better, but he couldn\'t make her better, and he couldn\'t teach her. Then Master Lin Kexin is a real powerhouse, and he can definitely teach her.

"Following for a long time, come out."

Chen Mo\'s voice suddenly came out.

In the darkness, a figure frowned, then his mouth twitched and he walked out with a sneer.

Chen Mo stood up, and the three little loli all stood in front of Chen Mo, actively trying to protect Chen Mo, Chen Mo smiled in his heart, it was really pitiful, even Xiao Yuan subconsciously wanted to protect him.

Then Chen Mo saw a figure in night clothes walking in front of him with a mask on his face, deliberately hiding himself!

Since following him, it was the one who came to him, the first reaction was that this was from Lingjian Pavilion! But not necessarily, how could the people of Lingjian Pavilion come here?

"It seems that you are a certain senior brother or mentor from Weiyang Palace?"

Chen Mo said sarcastically~www.novelhall.com~ Qin Hao frowned.

"Oh? You don\'t seem to be very clever. This is the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain of Weiyang Palace. Those who come in are all from Weiyang Palace."

Qin Hao really didn\'t pay much attention to this. Originally, he thought he was in a certain forest outside, but this time he was indeed in the small world of Weiyang Palace, so the people who came in must be from Weiyang Palace.

But it didn\'t matter. Weiyang Palace and more than a thousand new disciples from the mentor disciple came in, and there was no problem in fact.

However, in the entire Weiyang Palace, Qin Hao also knew that Chen Mo had no antagonists. He was really easy to suspect him, but doubts belonged to doubt. Without evidence, there would be no problem. Moreover, who can guarantee Weiyang All the teachers of the palace are from Weiyang palace? No other undercover sect? Therefore, no need to worry.

(End of this chapter)