I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 393: She was wrong

"Brother, come on!"

  The three little loli yelled cutely, each holding a drumstick.

Chen Mo said to let them eat, they also believe in Chen Mo, and in their eyes, Chen Mo is shining and powerful. They admire the big brother, they also like to watch Chen Mo fight with admiring eyes Zhao Yingmeng, too, felt that Chen Mo had no upper limit. He would be destroyed when he encountered a golden boss, he would also be destroyed when he encountered a ghost, and the fairy could still be destroyed.

   "Thirty-level golden boss, 300,000 HP. Guess how long your big brother can solve the battle? I guess one minute."

   Zhao Yingmeng said.


   Xiao Yuan tilted her head.

   "Ten seconds."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   is the same. Of course, she can kill in a very short time. After all, she has seen Chen Mo hit 300,000 damage with one move, but can it be played casually?

   Isn’t it usually thousands of injuries?


  Chen Mo rushed directly, and the momentum on the road suddenly rose.

It\'s not the first time that Zhao Yingmeng has seen Chen Mo release Shura\'s intentions. She knew this skill was an augmentation skill, but she felt that the degree of increase was very large. This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that kind of power. She used to be very close, and then she found that this kind of breath made her feel very uneasy, that is, all kinds of uneasy emotions appeared in her heart one by one, and she wanted to quickly distance herself from Chen Mo and could not follow Standing together.

  She doesn’t understand what power it is, anyway, it really makes people feel very disturbed.

  That is the power of Shura!

  Chen Mo also wanted to see how his general combat power was when he faced monsters.

   Shura\'s Intention was activated, and Chen Mo\'s 2440 attack power soared to 7320.

   "Star Falling Style!"

  Star-falling Weiyang Palace seventh elder Xiao Ruhan created his own martial arts, which is a multi-functional martial arts combining amplification, range, damage, control, and low consumption. It is extremely rare in the entire continent. The star falling style is divided into three types. The first type is an increase. When the falling star type is turned on, the attack is increased by 100 and the movement speed is increased by 100. If it is in the dark, the effect is doubled. The second is the offensive type. , Dancing sword skills in place, the power released will cause damage equal to your own attack power to all targets within ten meters in front of you. If it is night, the range and damage are doubled. The third type is the closing type. After the attack is completed , Inflicts a two-second mandatory stun effect on all hit units. If it is night, the stun effect is doubled. Consumes 200 mana and has a cooling time of 30 seconds. (Note that the effect of falling stars is limited to the release of the second offensive.)

  This should be the highest damage under the skill combination, right?

The attack power of   7320, the falling star directly increased the attack power to 29280, yes, it was close to 30,000 attack power! The star-falling style is already strong, but the most terrifying thing about the star-falling style is that at night, under the night, the bonus doubles!


  The powerful force burst out, and the second style slashed directly.


  Smashing stars, huge movements erupted.


  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   Sorry, she was wrong, she said one minute to solve the battle? She knew that she was wrong. Isn\'t this an exaggeration? Although there is no damage of 300,000 before, but casually dealing with a golden boss to hit this damage, it proves that it can be played very casually, it is not rare, Xiaoyuan\'s ten seconds are slow.

The attack power of 29280, the critical strike is triple the damage under Shura\'s intention, and the star-falling attack at night doubles, then this damage is hit, but only one blow, and the damage is so high at night .

  21960, 21960, 43920

  However, Chen Mo\'s damage under the pure Shura intention increase is quite high. The base can reach more than 20,000. Once Shura\'s 10 double effect is triggered, it is 40,000.

  A few seconds later, Chen Mo directly emptied the boss\'s health bar. The experience bars of several people have been improved. Of course, Zhao Yingmeng has improved more. Chen Mo now needs too much experience to upgrade.

   "So strong!"

  Zhao Yingmeng has to praise, the one that was released before the big move is also strong, but it is also strong, two concepts.

  Think about her again, the damage value of full fire is five or six thousand, right? There are hundreds of thousands...

  The gap.

  Chen Mo came over with the golden weapon.

  "Exclusive boots for level 30 assassins."

   Chen Mo threw the explosive boots to Zhao Yingmeng.

  "Thank you, Brother Chenmo."

  Zhao Yingmeng was not polite with Chen Mo, and said with joy.

Now her equipment is generally a level 20 gold set. The level 30 gold tool is indeed much higher than the level 20. This is also the benefit of the level. The attributes added by the higher level are actually level one. It\'s not objective, but what is more important is that you can equip higher-level equipment, with a hurdle at level ten. The difference in attributes of equipment with a tenth level gap is really quite large.

   Then Chen Mo sat there and added his hunger.

   "Big brother, give it."

  Long Xiaorou peeled a prawn, and her tender little hand reached out and handed it to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo smiled, did not reject her kindness, and then ate it in one bite.

   "Hee hee."

  Long Xiaorou smiled stupidly, very satisfied when she saw Chen Mo ate the prawns she peeled.

   "Xiao Yuan will also peel off the shrimp for his big brother."

  Then Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui were also scrambling to peel prawns to Chen Mo, as if the three little loli were fighting for favor.

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo enviously.

  These three little girls are really cute.

   Stayed here for about half an hour, ten silver bosses and one golden boss. This is the horror of Zhao Yingmeng’s boss attraction! Even Chen Mo feels that there is no need to go deeper~www.novelhall.com~ but he still has to go, because he wants to meet a higher-level boss, if he meets it, kills almost everyone who can be safe All got the best rewards.

And the most important thing is that today is a perfect day to level up. It’s so comfortable. I usually don’t have much time to level up. There is no good place, even a few bosses. It is difficult to encounter unless you go far away.


   "Big Brother!"

At a certain corner of the forest at this moment, Qin Hai stopped. Because he saw Qin Hao in front of him, Qin Hao hadn\'t changed his appearance yet, but he entered here to protect the new disciple, so it wouldn\'t be surprising even if he met him. Yeah.

   "Big Brother, that Chen Mo, is it solved?"

  Qin Hai looked around, then walked over and asked quietly.

  Qin Hao\'s eyes flashed with sharp light.

   "Don\'t worry, it\'s best to do it late at night."

  Of course, he also has to ensure the success rate as much as possible.

   "I passed Chen Mo and the others not long ago. They are probably in that direction."

  Qin Hai pointed in a direction.


   Then Qin Hao galloped towards there.