I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 387: You didn't spend the night outside

Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

  Chen Mo said, "For us, this is also an opportunity."

"what do you mean……"

  Chen Mo said, "Don’t we just want to find the true position of Yangshen Sect? And they just want to catch me there? Why can’t we do what they want?"

  In fact, this is what Han Jiangxue just wanted to say, but she couldn\'t say it.

  Indeed, for them, this can actually be calculated. This is an opportunity. For Han Jiangxue, it is also an opportunity. As long as she finds the location of the Sun God Sect, she may also be able to find the enemy of the Sun God Sect!


There are two questions. First, whether Chen Mo can live, and second, even if he survives, Lord Wang Duo said that the leader of their Yang Shenjia believes that as long as Chen Mo gets there, he will be used by Yang Shenjia. , So, on the one hand, I was worried about Chen Mo’s safety, and on the other hand, I was worried that he would become a member of Yangshen Sect.

"I...actually just wanted to say this, but...you also know what kind of existence are in the Yangshen Sect. They must have many very human methods, and you also listened to the Lord Wang Ruo said, they You are sure that as long as you take you over, you will definitely become a member of Yangshen Sect, so don\'t take this risk." Han Jiangxue shook his head.

   may be placed in the overall situation, this is an opportunity, but it is really too dangerous.

  Chen Mo pondered slightly.

  His advantage is that he is a player, but he also knows that even the player may not be able to get offline. This risk is even for the player.

   "Unless...there is free magic stone!"

   Chen Mo said with bright eyes.

  "Empty Magic Stone..."

  Han Jiangxue’s beautiful eyes also lit up, but the next second she bit her red lips slightly and shook her head.

   "No, the empty magic stone is what I know. There is no such thing as the four emperor-level forces, so this is impossible."

  Chen Mo "……"

  This empty magic stone is too rare, right?

   "The Saint Yao female emperor has it."

  Chen Mo suddenly remembered something.

"how do you know?"

  "Because she gave me a little bit when she helped her before."

  Han Jiangxue\'s beautiful eyes are bright again.

  This matter is not just a personal benefit, or the benefit of a certain sect. It is a matter for the entire continent. If the Emperor Shengyao has it, she will definitely be willing to contribute!

  "You can go back to discuss this matter with your elders. In short, if you don\'t have an empty magic stone, you definitely can\'t go. If you have one, you can try it."

  After all, the empty magic stone is really too buggy. I don’t believe in someone, but you can trust the empty magic stone.

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Then Lord Wang Ruo\'s death should not have much impact. This matter can indeed be discussed."

  Han Jiangxue was actually a little excited. She has been dealing with Yangshen Sect for many years and really wants to catch each of them! The appearance of Chen Mo gave her hope.

And Han Jiangxue is really fortunate to have brought Chen Mo with him tonight. Without him, I am afraid she would not easily pretend to be one of them. There is no such opportunity, and Chen Mo\'s realm weakening effect at a critical time is simply Don\'t be too good.

   "Actually...you don\'t need to wear a veil every day."

  Chen Mo suddenly said.

  Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.


   "Everyone knows you, why should Seongil wear the veil?"

Chen Mo doesn\'t understand some people in Tianlin Continent, especially girls. Many of them choose to wear a veil. Of course, most of them are because they are beautiful and don\'t want to have trouble, or because of their identity, they don\'t want to be recognized by others. However, Han Jiangxue\'s identity is transparent and public. There is no need to wear a veil. She is beautiful and wears a veil. The more she wears the veil, the more people will notice it, especially her body and white skin.

   "Get used to it."

   Han Jiangxue said quietly.

   Then she looked at Chen Mo.

   "What about you? Why do you wear a mask?"

   "I have to wear it."

   Hanjiang Xuedai frowned slightly.

  Have to wear it? This is a bit thought-provoking.

ugly? Or is it because once his appearance is known to others, it will be fatal? Or how?

   "I just don\'t want to attract unnecessary attention."

   Han Jiangxue said.

   "The more you wear the veil, the more attention you will get."

   Han Jiangxue pondered slightly.

   "If you have a mission, you can change your appearance. Wearing a veil is a flower among the herbs."

This Han Jiangxue is indeed pretty. Chen Mo has never been in love, but he is a normal man after all. If nothing else, this Han Jiangxue will love this face, of course, Chen Mo. I don\'t want to say that I like her. It\'s just that Chengri will cover her under the veil, which will affect him more or less. Chen Mo has no choice but to wear a mask in reality.

   "It makes sense."

  Han Jiangxue nodded slightly, but she did not remove the veil.

  Do not understand why, at this time Han Jiangxue unexpectedly thought that Xiao Ruhan wanted to match the two of them, and came to her heart inexplicably.

  I have to say that Chenmo is indeed a special one among any boys she has seen, and even the one with the highest status in her heart! He was even higher than Qin Hao, who had known each other for a long time, and didn\'t understand why.

   "By the way, about Lin Tianqi..."

  Han Jiangxue suddenly thought of something and said.

  The elder brother of the dignified super power turned out to be a member of the Yangshen Sect~www.novelhall.com~ This is an earth-shattering event.

  Chen Modao, "It would be nice to mention it to the elders of the Weiyang Palace. Although we saw it, we have no evidence. With the one-sided words of the two of us, what can he do if he does not admit it?"


Han Jiangxue’s attitude towards Chen Mo has indeed changed too much. When she was on a mission, she rarely even took the initiative to speak to Qin Hao. However, with Chen Mo, she would always speak actively. Hao knew, that was really maddening.

  The two people were silent again, and Chen Mo simply lay down and rested. Han Jiangxue glanced at him, then looked at the surrounding scenery.

   Soon they returned to Weiyang Palace, and the two jumped down one after another.

   "The Seven Elders."

  Chen Mo was slightly surprised to see Xiao Ruhan sitting on the steps of Weiyang Palace drinking wine. She should be sleeping soundly at this time.

   Seeing them come back, Xiao Ruhan was also relieved. To be honest, this task is quite dangerous, and she doesn\'t have much spectrum in her heart, but she feels relieved when she comes back.

   "If you can\'t sleep, just come out and watch the moon blowing in the evening breeze. It\'s quite comfortable. How is the mission accomplished? Huh? Why didn\'t you two spend the night outside together? Is the night life discordant?"

  Chen Mo? ? ?