I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 386: Cut it!

Part of the purpose of Han Jiangxue’s visit was to find out why Yang Shen taught them to gather here, and to take some countermeasures to reduce losses. This matter is already in progress, and the second thing is to do it. It is clear that 20 years ago, who of the Yangshen Sect killed her family! Twenty years, those people are either dead or stronger, and they should have a certain status in Yangshen Sect! She prefers the latter!

Because she knows that her parents are not ordinary people, they are also warriors, and their talents and cultivation base are quite high, otherwise it is impossible to give birth to her with such a high talent. There is inheritance in this aspect, and this kind of talent. Things are really destined when you are born, and have a great relationship with your parents. Parents have strong talents, and the talents born must be strong. Parents are weak and the ones born are weak, but this is not necessarily true. It may give birth to a monster, but the possibility is almost zero.

The third point is actually on the basis of the second point. She is looking for an opportunity to find out where the real Yangshen Sect is. This is something that all the famous and decent members of the mainland want to do, but these are based on opportunities. But this time it was already pretty good. This was the first time she was able to sneak in to "convene" with these Yangshen Sect people. It seemed that Chen Mo was also at a loss.

   "Leader, what\'s the third thing?"

   someone asked.

Lord Wang Ruo glanced at the crowd and said, "This third thing is more important. This thing is that the mainland will not be peaceful in the near future, and the so-called decent parties will have a great probability of fighting. It will be more chaotic, but this is precisely our opportunity to annihilate the superpowers in one fell swoop!"

   "Don\'t say it is a super power, even those Thunder Lingzong, we can destroy the Apocalypse Palace, right?"


   Everyone laughed.

"Don\'t be too arrogant, do you think they are all vegetarians? In the near future, we will try all kinds of methods. First, let them fight internally and weaken their power to strengthen our power. This is also the most concerned thing of the leader. Therefore, in the near future, we Yang Shenjiao, the leader will send a Yang Shenjia saint to take over this matter. I will no longer be your leader. The saint will personally lead by then, apocalypse."

   Lord Wang Ruo looked at Lin Tianqi.


   Lord Wang Ruo said: "There is one more thing about the saint who is here this time, and that is related to your mission and coming for the dust."

   Lin Tianqi frowned.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   No, why was he being targeted by the evil faction?

   But this is normal. After all, he created a legend alone. In their eyes, Chen Mo is a sweet steamed bun, whether it is an evil sect or an upright sect.

   And Lin Tianqi is even more upset! Why are you paying attention to this Dust Mo?

   "What\'s the matter?"

Lord Wang Ruo said: "The teacher is very concerned about this Chenmo. I asked you to tie him away before. This is also feasible, but I think it is almost impossible. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can\'t, you will There is a saint working with you. In short, regarding Chenmo, this matter is the most important thing, but you must not startle the snake, so please don\'t do it before the saint comes, and discuss with the saint. If you take this Chenmo away, you only need to bring it to Yangshen Sect, and don\'t worry about the rest! The leader is sure to turn Chenmo into my Yangshen Sect! Did you hear that?"

   The third most important thing, not so much to let the saint lead the people here to stir up trouble, it is better to say that they are here for Chen Mo!

   Think about it, too, the power that Chen Mo showed is simply too bad! Of course this evil faction values ​​it too much.

   Lin Tianqi gritted his teeth and nodded.

   was very unwilling, but he couldn\'t show it.

   Why! Why does this Chenmo receive such attention from Yangshen Sect?

   Han Jiangxue glanced at Chen Mo.

   This Chen Mo is a variable, but as soon as the news came out, many things she had to do were included in the news, and they belonged to Chen Mo! There was a flash of thought in her mind, but she dispelled it.

   This trip here is already a perfect ending, as long as they are not found, there is no need to do it!

   "Okay, Zhushang is the entire content of this gathering. If everything is fine, everyone can leave now. Taking advantage of the night, hurry to your new place."


   Then they dispersed.

   "Tuier, Fanger, you two stay for a while, I have a task for you."

   Just when Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue were about to leave, Lord Wang Ruo actually let them stay!

   Chen Mo is unhappy! Chen Mo is now anxious to go out and kill the dead bald man.

   "Fang\'er, Tweety, brother is waiting for you outside."

   The dead bald boy smiled at Chen Mo and Han Jiang Xuejian, and then walked away.


   To be honest, Chen Mo is still quite nervous now, because he and Han Jiangxue are staying here alone, so he will definitely receive the special attention of Lord Wang Ruo, and he will show his feet if he is careless!

   The others have already left, and here are Han Jiangxue, Chen Mo and Na Wang Duozhu.

   "Lord Wang Ruo, I wonder what is the matter you let us stay?"

   An obscene smile appeared on Lord Wang Ruo\'s face.

   "The rudder master left you here, don\'t you know why?"

   It seems that Wang Fang and Wang Cui have had relations with these people! Damn it! It turned out to be two hooves...

   At that moment, Han Jiangxue was about to do it subconsciously! But she resisted it!

   "Lord Wang Ruo, next time, we still have something to do."

   Han Jiangxue tried his best to restrain herself.

   "Next time? This is not you guys."

   Han Jiangxue frowned.

   The faces of Wang Fang and Wang Cui are not top-notch, but they are good-looking.

   Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

   Lord Wang Ruo looked up at them, but he was unmoved? ? He used to take the initiative without saying they would. What happened this time?

   "Tweet, what? I\'m in a bad mood? I really didn\'t do what I promised you last time. Is it my fault? I will do it for you in two days.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Hanjiang Snow; "..."

I go! Can this cold river snow be tolerated? It\'s all started.

   Although I wear a lot of clothes, but...

  Really, I can\'t bear it, everything may be messed up by hands, but...

   Chen Mo; "..."

  Who can bear this TM?


A reddish-brown light flashed directly on Chen Mo\'s wrist, and the sword of disaster fell on his palm, and then a sword struck the neck of the master Wang Ruo. The blood shot a little, but it was just a trauma, Chen Mo It cannot be harmed.

Han Jiangxue moved almost at the same time that Chen Mo started his hand. She took out a talisman seal and crushed it in the first instant. The force of the talisman seal rushed to the surrounding area to form an enchantment, which could effectively stop this Wang. When the rudder master escapes, it can also block the leakage of sound power and prevent those outside from hearing and feeling it. Then in the next instant, her terrifying cold power burst out, and the entire space was frozen, even the underwater bottom outside. It also freezes directly, and the water is directly frozen. Many fish are frozen, but it is precisely that the lake is not frozen, and people outside are also a little hard to notice. This is the control of power, and she also sacrificed His own sword rushed directly to Lord Wang Ruo.

   She doesn\'t want to do it? Put P, ​​she wanted to cut him off, so she dared to touch her. The sin is unforgivable!

   But she didn\'t dare to do it. Now that Chen Mo did it, it happened to give her a reason to do it. Kill him!


   That Lord Wang Ruo was sealed by ice, but the ice broke open in the next instant. After all, he was also a powerhouse of Shenhuang rank, that was really not a vegetarian!

   Han Jiangxue bit her silver teeth!

If you fight normally, she is not afraid, but here, they cannot fight normally, because once they fight normally, their power will definitely break the barrier, and people outside will definitely find the abnormality here. In this way, Everything has leaked!

Simply killing a Lord Wang Ruo is already very risky, because even if other people don’t know, but Yang Shenjiao suddenly can’t contact him, it will be suspicious, but it’s not necessarily. The sky is big and it may provoke others. Did the enemy kill him? So this is okay, but people outside must not know! They can\'t all die! Otherwise it\'s different! Yangshen Sect must be suspicious.

   But, in the battle between the two of them, she is not crushing, she can\'t do it!

Therefore, even if the person is okay, but the action may fail, but it is not a failure. In this case, Yangshen Sect will not continue the things that were just said at the conference, but Han Jiangxue hopes them more. Go on, because they might be able to come up with better countermeasures, maybe they can be found anywhere in Yangshen Sect!

   "Shenhuang level! Who are you in the end!"

   The Lord Wang Ruo wiped the blood from his neck and stared at Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue, the two of them had not yet lifted their disguise.

   "The one who killed you!"

   If you fail, you fail, and Han Jiangxue doesn\'t care! Dare to touch her there! Damn it!

   "There is someone who can sneak into here, and you will be tested, you two will die!"

   An aura erupted from Lord Wang Ruo.

   "Leave it to me here, and see if you can block the people outside! They will definitely come over in the fight later!"

   "But if you can crush him so that outsiders can\'t notice it?"

   Chen Modao.

   "How is it possible? His realm is even higher than mine!"

   "The two realms below the rudder master dare to come here, it\'s just looking for death!"

   Wang Ruozhu sneered.

"Nothing is impossible!"

   Chen Mo counseled his shoulders, and then a force burst out from him and rushed towards the master Wang Ruo. He couldn\'t hide this power at all!

   Withering Law!

   All attributes are reduced by 10%! This Lord Wang Ruo\'s all attributes are weakened by 10%, and it will directly become an existence that can be crushed by Han Jiang Xue!

   "What! What happened?"

   The Lord Wang Ruo felt his power, and he showed an expression of disbelief.

   Han Jiangxue was also extremely surprised, what happened? What power did this Chenmo use? Why did Wang Ruozhu\'s breath suddenly drop so much?

You know, the 10% of the Shenhuang rank\'s full attributes and one-tenth of the strength are not only reduced by one-tenth of strength, but also reduced in strength, speed, defense, etc., and at the same time, the cultivation base is also reduced. It also means these reductions, so the full attribute is a very exaggerated thing!

   "Can you do it?"


   Han Jiangxue leaped forward, sprinting with a horrible cold force!

"not good!"

   The Lord Wang Ruo resisted with all his strength, the block was blocked, but...the cold force could not stop it, and then he was blocked by ice again!

   was sealed by ice before, and he broke the ice directly, but this time, he couldn\'t break the ice instantly!

   His power is under the snow of Han Jiang! And Han Jiangxue was originally a genius of Tianzong, cross-border fighting is nothing more than normal, let alone facing the existence of the current strength below her?

   The surrounding cold force was so low that Chen Mo couldn\'t stand it. Han Jiangxue should have also discovered it, and released a cold force to protect Chen Mo, and then the terrifying cold force directly frozen the god-brilliant Wang Ruo master into nothingness!

   When he was weaker than Han Jiangxue, when he was frozen, he was doomed to be dead! And this enchantment also perfectly defended this force, and the outside world did not notice it! But if it were a full-fledged battle between the two gods, they would have to be destroyed for ten miles, not to mention such a spot? Therefore, Chen Mo\'s law of withering has exerted a heaven-defying effect at a critical time! Without this withering law, they might not be able to die, but Lord Wang Ruo couldn\'t kill either, and people outside would find out that the Sun God Sect would also discover that they had leaked at the meeting, but now they don\'t!

   Han Jiangxue put away the saber, and at the same time put the Han Li and the barrier away, tidyed the place a bit, and then she looked at Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo\'s disguise hasn\'t disappeared yet, so he feels very disagreeable.

   "Do you have anything else you want to do?"

   Han Jiangxue asked.



   "Kill that bald boy."

   Hanjiang Snow; "..."

   was initially very angry, but when she heard Chen Mo\'s words, she chuckled and laughed, especially this Chen Mo was relatively indifferent, as if he was worse than herself, right?

   Pity the same disease.

   inexplicably felt that this Chen Mo actually had a very right temper with her, just getting more and more pleasing to the eye.

"I\'ll help you."

   "No, I\'ll do it myself!"

   Then the two went out.

   Outside, the dead bald guy and a few people are really waiting for them.

   "Oh, Tweet, Fang\'er is out, how\'s Lord Wang Ruo live?"

   The dead bald man looked at Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue with a wicked smile.

   Han Jiangxue then said: "Wow, go with Fang\'er."

   Chen Mo then walked in one direction.

   "Hey." The dead bald man rubbed his hands and walked into the deep forest with Chen Mo.

   "Tweet, why don\'t you be more exciting with me?"

   Another person over there smiled and looked at Han Jiangxue.


   Han Jiangxue doesn\'t know how she can say such a thing, this is not her.

   On the other side, Chen Mo brought the dead bald man to a place far away. He must fight later, so he must not let the people here notice.

   "Fang\'er, where are you going? Just here."

   The dead bald guy at the back couldn\'t wait, and started to untie his belt while walking.

   Chen Mo turned his head and looked at him.

   "Hey, come on beauty."

   Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth.

   "Well, this place is almost ready for hands-on."

   "Fuck! Who is talking!"

   The dead bald guy suddenly heard the voice of a man, and he was completely stunned! Then he discovered that the man\'s voice came from Fang\'er in front of him!

   This person\'s strength is nothing more than a ghost, and the fairy has not reached it, and it is not a monster. It is really not difficult for Chen Mo to solve him!

   These forty or fifty people are only five or six celestial beings, and they are generally of the Faerie level, but this quality is really quite high.

"who are you!"

   The dead bald guy quickly lifted his pants.

   "Send you to hell!"

   Chen Mo sacrificed the sword of disaster.

   Shura\'s meaning was directly released without hesitation, and the momentum suddenly increased!

  Sky Shadow Step! The speed has also skyrocketed!


   Chen Mo rushed over.

   "Star falling!"

   Chen Mo\'s body was shining with blue light, the first form of falling star style, increase! Attack, move speed increased by 100%!


   In the next instant, a force swept across towards the front.


   A mouthful of blood spouted from the dead bald\'s mouth, and then he flew out!

   "The crescent moon is infinitely connected!"

   Chen Mo turned into an undetectable light in the dark night, constantly piercing the dead bald!

   Brush and brush——

After dozens of seconds, Chen Mo fell on the spot. The dead bald body was already densely covered with hundreds of scars. He had no room to resist. No, it was mainly because Chen Mo\'s attack was too fierce. Once he didn\'t react. I can\'t react at all, this is not a monster! There is no need to count the health bar. For example, if you can chop off his head with a single sword, then he is dead, which means he is dead.


The dead bald man knelt on the ground. Although the injury didn\'t have much wound, it was too much. The crescent moon continued to connect all over his body. I don’t know how many times. This kind of injury is really serious. He has no resistance to resist. room.

   "You...who are you, why are you killing me!"

   The dead bald raised his head with difficulty, Qiqiao looked at Chen Mo with blood and unwillingness.

   "I am a man."


   A cold light flashed, and his hands were directly cut off by Chen Mo.


   screaming loudly.

   A few people on the other side looked over.

"what sound?"


   Han Jiangxue said lightly.

   "I\'m leaving too."

   Han Jiangxue walked in the direction of Chen Mo and the others just now.

   "Then let\'s go, are you waiting for the bald man to die?"

  "Why are you waiting for him? This product can\'t be solved in an hour. It\'s a waste of time, so Tweet, Fang\'er can bear him, let\'s go."

   On the other side, Chen Mo had already killed the dead bald man and burned his body directly.

   Ghost Xuan level experience For the current Chen Mo, the experience bar can increase a lot, but it won\'t be much.

   Kan Jiangxue came over and saw the remaining bones that had been burnt clean, then she took out a small bottle and walked over, sprinkled the powder on the bones, and the bones turned into water.

   "For this kind of thing to be safe, it is best not to keep the bones."

   Han Jiangxue then put the vial away.

"this is?"

   "The corpse is scattered, a necessary thing for the murder and hiding evidence."

Han Jiangxue’s attitude towards Chen Mo has changed quite a bit after getting along with Chen Mo tonight. It used to be good, but now it’s better, but if Chen Mo asked this sentence, she would only return to "decompose the corpse." Now I can say one more thing.

   "This trip can be considered as a surprise, but it has a lot of rewards. Go back."

   Han Jiangxue said to Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo nodded, and then the two galloped towards the city from the other direction.

On the way, Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue sat on the snow sculpture. The hunger level was about to drop below 60. Chen Mo took out some delicious food, because after staying with the three little loli for a long time, now there is another Xiao Ruhan. In addition, players also need to eat, Chen Mo will always prepare a lot of food in the infinite ring to cope with emergency needs.

   "Do you want to eat?"

   Chen Mo handed Han Jiangxue a piece of roasted chicken leg.

   Han Jiangxue opened her mouth, still stretched out her hand.

   "Thank you."

   Han Jiangxue then took a bite from the lady.

"you you)……"

   The two said a word in unison, and then both of them froze for a while, the pretty face under the veil of Han Jiangxue reddened slightly, and looked at the side as if nothing had happened.

   "You speak first."

   Hanjiangxue slightly.

   "Nothing, you can ask."

   A special feeling arises in the current atmosphere of the two.

   Han Jiangxue pressed her skirt ~www.novelhall.com~ and looked at Chen Mo, and asked, "What force you just released to the master Jiang Ruo can actually weaken his power so much?"

I’m really curious. I’ve never heard of a power that can weaken other people’s cultivation. He only knows that he can limit it, or that he can’t use his full power if he’s injured. The momentum plummeted.

   is really powerful, and it turns out to be effective against Shenhuang-level powerhouses.

   This withering law should be a nightmare for all the strong.


   How could Chen Mo tell her about the law? It\'s not that you can\'t believe it, but more is worse than less. The law is still very important.


   Han Jiangxue did not ask much.

   The two were so silent, eating food, looking at the scenery under the stars, blowing the cold wind in the middle of the night, it was actually quite comfortable.

   For a long time, Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo and took the initiative to say: "Have you heard all the things that Yang Shenjia said in the meeting just now?"

   "I am not deaf, of course I heard it."

   Hanjiang Snow; "..."

   is really straight.

"Be careful. About they will arrange people to enter Weiyang Palace, I will talk to the elders of Weiyang Palace, and we also remember those two people. They came to death, but this Yangshen Sect is even bigger. The goal is you, be careful."

   Chen Mo nodded. .

   Han Jiangxue opened his mouth again, but he stopped talking again, a little embarrassed to say it.

   "Actually...I have another way." Chen Mo said at this time.