I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 371: Drugged inside

Chen Mo is more entangled. On the one hand, it is really interesting to be together with friends, and on the other hand, it is too troublesome. A Zhao Yingmeng is enough trouble. Adding her sister, no, it can’t stand it.

In addition, the reality and the game he has to maintain two identities, maybe they will be exposed, exposed to them, Chen Mo is not sure whether they are trustworthy, although they think they are trustworthy now, but who said human nature Clear? Who dares to say that the most trusted person will not betray you?

  So, Chen Mo should try to avoid too much contact with them in the game temporarily.

   "That\'s it."

  Zhao Yingmeng took a bite of the dish and nodded slightly.

   "Unless you can find a master like Brother Chenmo to take you through the level, you can make up for the time wasted on the road, but unfortunately you don\'t."

   "Cut, that\'s of course, I am not like you to give others the level of ass."

  Zhao Yingluo makes up for the sword.

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  Chen Mo "……"

  Lin Kexin glanced at Chen Mo.

  "Damn! Zhao Yingluo, when did I give him his ass, don\'t talk nonsense! If it wasn\'t for our birthday, I want to be more harmonious, I will do it!"

  If before, Zhao Yingmeng may not care too much about the remarks between them, but now he suspects that Chen Mo in front of him is Chen Mo. He has heard all of them, and I really regret the many things he said before.

  Chen Mo is also embarrassed.

  He never received it.

   "Yingmeng, do you like Chenmo?"

  Lin Kexin blinked her eyes and asked curiously.


  Zhao Yingmeng glanced at Chen Mo secretly.

   "He... I haven\'t even seen him before, and I don\'t know what it is. What if he is ugly? How can he like him?"

  Zhao Yingmeng said quickly.

   "Come on, you told me you itchy last night."

   Zhao Yingluo said.

   "Ah ah! Zhao Yingluo! This heroine is desperate with you!"

  Zhao Yingmeng blushed, what if Chen Mo is Chen Mo!

  Their sisters often sleep together, and of course they also make jokes, such as a little joke, which is normal.

  Chen Mo "……"


  Lin Qinghan gave a dry cough.

   “Don’t think that today is your birthday and you can just talk nonsense. Chen Mo is here.”

  Lin Qinghan shook his head secretly, and said at home that it’s nothing. There are still boys in the family. Although they are all males and take care of girls together, they can’t talk about the genius, but there are many girls here.

   "It\'s okay, you talk about you, can I be a man shyer than your girls?"

  Chen Mo also made a joke.

   "No, I never said, Brother Chen Mo, don\'t get me wrong."

  Zhao Yingmeng hurriedly explained while covering Zhao Yingluo’s mouth.

  Chen Mo nodded slightly.

  "Drink, drink, drink."

  Zhao Yingmeng hurriedly changed a topic, and then, because of a guilty conscience, poured wine for them.

  They just drink a little red wine, they will not get drunk.

  The next step is to talk about home-cooked things, and the cake soon came up.

Their meal is also full of joy, full of laughter, Zhao Yingmeng and Zhao Yingluo are exactly two beautiful girls with super active atmosphere. Every small team needs such an active atmosphere. They are very important.

  At this time, the door of their box was knocked slowly.

   "Go in."

  Then the lobby manager walked in with a smile, holding a bottle of Lafite in 1982, which was at least 70,000 yuan in 1982!

  "How are you guys, this is the 1982 Lafite given to you by our shop."


  Zhao Yingmeng took it and asked "Why?"

  The lobby manager smiled and said, “Because several of the guests are from the 50,000th batch of Zuixuan Pavilion, this is a reward for our store, so this is for you.”

   "That\'s good, thank you very much."

   "A few people take it easy."

  Then the lobby manager smiled and went out. After going out, his eyes flashed with shadows.

"How\'s it going?"

  Na Anyu walked over with three people.

   "It\'s done. The red wine has been drugged. The temptation of Lafite in 1982 must be something they can\'t stand. It only needs to wait for a while."

  An Yu nodded, then patted his shoulder, "Nice job."

  In the box at this moment, Zhao Yingmeng is carrying red wine.

   "As expected of a five-star hotel, I even presented the Lafite in 1982. This bottle costs 70,000 or 80,000 yuan. What a big handwriting."

  Zhao Yingmeng opened up Lafite in 1982 in surprise.

"Seven to eighty thousand is not relevant to a hotel, but this is a bit abnormal. You know, if we know this, then there is no marketing strategy for the hotel at all. According to common sense, This is a mistake that any businessman will not make, unless it is really not bad money, or there will be a reward notice outside for advertising, but we have not seen it, if it is just a bottle of several thousand yuan of red wine, it is nothing , But Lafite in 1982 is different."

  Lin Qinghan deserves to be in business, and she can see at a glance that there are some things that are not quite right.

  "Duixuan Pavilion, five-star hotel, 70,000 yuan seems to be nothing, right? Some guests may cost 70,000 yuan per table."

  Zhao Yingmeng said stupidly.

  "You still don’t understand what I mean. Of course it’s okay to give it away for free, and it’s okay to give away a more valuable item, but it’s impossible for them to give away without any publicity. This is not in line with common sense."

  Lin Qinghan shook his head, and then continued, "Maybe I think too much."

   "Oh~www.novelhall.com~ I must be thinking too much."

  Zhao Yingmeng then poured them a glass of 1982 red wine one after another, which was worth thousands of dollars.

   "Brother Chen Mo, I have never drunk such expensive wine."

  Lin Kexin was not embarrassed to spit out her pink tongue.

Actually, Chen Mo didn\'t like to let Lin Kexin come into contact with these more luxurious occasions. To be honest, how many girls in the society, how simple they used to be, but because they were exposed to a more luxurious society, or other people, they were completely changed.

  Chen Mo thinks that Lin Kexin will not change, but she does not want her to contact these things, but it does not matter too much. If a person loves comparison in this way and is easy to change, then she will change sooner or later.

   "I haven\'t drank it either."

  Chen Mo then took a sip.

  After this bite, his brow suddenly frowned.

  Zhao Yingmeng and the others also saw Chen Mo\'s expression.

   "What happened to Brother Chen Mo? Isn\'t it delicious?"

  Chen Mo put down the wine glass.

   "It was drugged inside."


  Everyone showed shocked expressions.