I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 370: birthday party

Chen Mo changed his clothes. He is quite handsome in himself. He wore all-spirited clothes. It was really handsome.

   "Boom boom boom——"

  The door of their room was knocked.

   "Kexin, Brother Chen Mo is ready, we have to go."

  Lin Kexin took Chen Mo to open the door.

"All right."

In front of them, Zhao Yingmeng, Zhao Yingluo and Lin Qinghan all wore very beautiful clothes. They are beautiful in themselves. No matter how beautiful they are, they are really unstoppable. Any one of them is a super beauty with a 100% return rate. .

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

   "Brother Chen Mo is much more handsome without pajamas."

Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue.

  The Chen Mo in the game wears a mask. She doesn\'t know what she looks like, but she will feel the current Chen Mo\'s appearance on his body inexplicably, wow! It\'s really worthy.

  Anyway, Zhao Yingmeng just thinks that they are alone, unless one day she finds out that they are not, if she does not find out, she will subconsciously think that they are alone! But it\'s really handsome, plus the arrogance, domineering, and various behaviors in the game, wow, a little handsome.

  However, she kept this matter in her heart. She hadn\'t even told her sister Zhao Yingluo, so she observed it silently.

  Chen Mo said slightly, "It\'s all the same."

  Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue, and after deliberately observing the two people, she would find that Chen Mo and Chen Mo looked like one person no matter how they spoke or everything.

   "Let\'s go, I am driving, and the box has been booked."

Lin Qinghan said slightly, and then they got in a business car together, and the car drove to a hotel called Zuixuan Pavilion, which was still a five-star hotel. Five-star hotels are indeed expensive, but in fact they are more expensive. A decoration and the hotel has a lot of expensive ingredients that you can’t buy outside, but if you don’t order those caviar, truffles, including red wine and other expensive things, order normal dishes, in fact, it will not be better than outside Too expensive.

  Chen Mo was supported by Lin Kexin. Even if many people looked at Chen Mo, they would not think that Chen Mo was blind, because Chen Mo was normal no matter what he walked, and would not fumble around like a blind man.

Three beautiful girls, a slightly more mature, superb beauty, walked into such a hotel. It is really beyond words to look back. It\'s a pity that Chen Mo heard Lin Kexin say that they are all beautiful, but not I don\'t know how beautiful they are, and Chen Mo doesn\'t know how straightforward the eyes of the people who are eating in this hall will be after they come in.

  A fat lobby manager hurried over.

  "Hello, do you have an appointment?"

  Lin Qinghan nodded; "Mandarin Duck Pavilion."

   "A few, please follow me."

   "Brother Chen Mo, be careful of the stairs."

  Lin Kexin supported Chen Mo.

The lobby manager\'s gaze glanced at Chen Mo deliberately. You can\'t be sure if he is abnormal from a long distance, but at this distance, plus Lin Kexin\'s support for him, and what she said, the lobby manager can of course see Chen. Mo\'s eyes are invisible.

"Wow! So beautiful."

  Opening the Yuanyang Pavilion, Lin Kexin couldn\'t help exclaiming because of the decoration inside.

  It\'s a pity... Chen Mo couldn\'t see it.

   "Of course, Sister Qinghan is an aestheticist."

  Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

  "Isn\'t your girl chosen?"

  Lin Qinghan flicked Zhao Yingmeng’s forehead and smiled.

   "That proves that my vision is good."

  At this moment, the lobby manager just walked down, and a total of four men stopped him.

   "Shao An, what\'s your order?"

  The lobby manager respectfully said to the handsome man in front of him.

  An Yu, the owner of Zuixuan Pavilion, the son of one of the four major families in Tianhua City, is simply rich and powerful.

  The three people around him are all his friends, and naturally they are also the sons of major families. At this moment, greed and desire are revealed in their eyes.

  Just now An Yu invited them to dinner, and I saw them right after I got out of the box.

  They are all noble sons, what kind of women have never played? But those few beauty levels made them suddenly feel that the women who used to play that made them feel pretty are all crooked.

Moreover, there are a total of five people, exactly four girls, and four of them are extremely high-quality. His favorite is the twenty-four-five-year-old woman. The woman at this age is the most charming, the most beautiful, and others. Three of them are 17 or 18 years old. Some people like this kind of tender ones, such as the three around him.

   "What are the identities of those few people just now?"

  An Yu lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall and asked.

  The lobby manager quickly said, “The girl who made the appointment is called Lin Qinghan, the Lin family. We don’t have a big Lin family in Tianhua City.”

  He seems to know the young master very well. Hearing his questions, he will know what he is going to do. Obviously this is not the first time.

   "Where is that man?"

"Shao An, why do you ask so much? Just do it, such superb women, you can\'t let them run away. It\'s worth playing one time and living a year less. When the time comes, the video will be shot, hehe, then It has become our plaything."

   Another man smiled sly.

   "Young Master Zhang doesn\'t know something, we still have to be safe. What if it is the daughter of a big family? Seeing that they are all very temperamental, it is better to be careful."

   said another man.

   "So too."

  The lobby manager quickly said; "The man is blind."

  The eyes of the four of them lit up.

  They haven’t heard that there is a blind man in the family in Tianhua City~www.novelhall.com~ Then there is no big problem.

   "Oh, yes, they also ordered a cake. Who should celebrate the birthday? If it is a grandfather of a big family, how can there be only so many people in the birthday party? So..."

  The lobby manager showed an intriguing expression.

   "In this case, prepare a little bit, let them drink first, let\'s rest and rest, and the old way before, have you heard? This time it is done, and the year-end bonus will be added to you by 100,000."

  An Yu flicked his cigarette aside and said to the lobby manager.

   "Yes, yes! Thank you An Shao! I will do it well for you."

   "Go ahead."


   "Brother Chen Mo, where are you and Kexin in Tianlin now? Both Yingmeng and I can play with you in Tianlin, and then level up together. Friends must be very happy together."

  The food came up one by one. They were eating and chatting about the homework. Of course, it’s time to talk more.

  "The map is too big. It may take ten and a half months or even longer to find a monster without a beast. Try to avoid such a long time wasting in the early game, unless you don’t care about the level."

   Chen Mo said.