I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 363: My mother asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees

All the players who watched the live swallowed a mouthful of water. What are you doing?

   Then they found...

  My Nima?

  The power of horror seems to be released from the starry sky, the lower limit range, almost half a million monsters are drawn by this power, and then the figures of these monsters fly to the sky!

  Everyone looked at this scene, fucking?

   "What is this? Why did all the hundreds of thousands of monsters fly into the sky? Fuck? It will disappear after flying into the sky? It\'s just gone?"

   "What the devil is this Chenmo! Why did he do all this! I really want to know! I\'m not convinced!"

   "My mother asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees, and I didn\'t know how to answer her. Anyway, my mother is also watching the live broadcast on her knees."



  Lin Kexin and Zhao Yingmeng opened their mouths slightly.

  The supreme starry sky map, released with Chen Mo’s power, probably sucked away half of the million monsters, and the remaining 500,000...

   does not seem to be afraid.

   Putting away the supreme starry sky map, Chen Mo and the others all joined the battle, directly opening the horn of counterattack!

  Ten minutes later, the last monster fell under Chen Mo\'s sword.

   "Ding...Congratulations on completing the task."

   "Ding...Congratulations on being the first to complete the task."

  "Ding...all players, please note that Fengshen Sect is the first to complete the mission of defending the meeting, and I am hereby encouraged."



  The other major guilds who were still fighting in blood suddenly heard the system prompt, and they were all stunned.

  Feng Shenzong...have the task completed? How many of them killed millions of monsters?

  Nyima, right?

   Then they looked over and found that the front of the Fengshenzong city was...empty! They really did it!

  Many people have seen Chen Mo\'s infinite release of the ultimate move, but later they concentrated on joining the battle, regardless of the situation there. Anyway, they knew that they would not be able to defend it, and sooner or later they would hang up. Who knows... is done?

  And those people who are watching the live broadcast at the moment are cheering in front of their mobile phones and computers!

  "I took it! I really took it! From now on, I am a fan of Chenmo, and I no longer fan Gongzimo, Qingcheng them, and now Chenmo is Laozi’s idol!"

   "Although he does all this by don\'t know how many big tricks he does, can others do it? Don\'t talk to me. You can do it with so many big tricks, you are just shit!"

"If Chen Mo can still do all this, I just want to ask, the Temple of the Gods and the Prosperous Dynasty, are you panicking? Almost one person killed all the monsters that seemed to be about three million, you Are the two Super Guilds panicking?"

"Fengshen! This is not a god? Now I feel that Chenmo is definitely one of the top ten pinnacle masters in the virtual online game circle, no matter what, in my opinion, the card face of virtual online games is now Gongzimo, Qingcheng, Wang, and Chenmo! From the previous real three giants to four giants!"


  If the spirit sword pavilion incident had brought Chen Mo more than 500,000 fans, then now this matter, he has more than 2 million fans.

  But there are always people who say that he did it by relying on big moves, and they are not convinced. With the increasing number of Chen Mo fans, this kind of view has become more and more high-pitched, yes, this is the fact! But Chen Mo didn\'t care.

This battle, together with the spirit sword pavilion\'s affairs before, can be conferred, but the real conferred **** is a continuity. You can\'t be a flash in the pan. Now everyone is waiting for two things to prove that Chenmo has There is no qualification to be a god. The first thing is that after level 50, there will be a contest between players. At that time, everyone must participate, because the significance is extraordinary, and at that time, Chenmo will definitely follow whether it is Qingcheng was still Young Master Mo, and Wang met and fought. Whoever wins or loses proves whether he has this qualification, and whether he has reached that level!

  The second thing is the later stage of the game. Many people really think that Chenmo\'s luck can only become famous in the early stage, but what about the later stage? A truly strong person can last. If in the later stage, as everyone becomes stronger, Chen Mo will return to the stage or not improve much, then it proves that he does not have a true Conferred God, which is far away.

  Fengshen is not that simple. Gongzi Mo, only experienced three games before consecrating the gods, and Qingcheng is also the case. It is difficult to want a game to consecrate the gods.

  But one thing I have to say is that the things Chen Mo has done now are indeed something that no other player can do.

  From today onwards, others will always say, what is it? People Chenmo turned over three million monsters.

  They will also ask, were you wet that day?

This live video was naturally circulated wildly afterwards. Everyone may have watched it more than five times. The major guilds and major families have set up groups specializing in Chenmo. They are indeed professional and can probably Some very important information was analyzed.

  At this moment, Qingcheng has been watching Chen Mo\'s affairs through live broadcasts. After all, they are also old friends. After all, she is also a member of Fengshen Sect. When she closed the live broadcast room after seeing the ending, Dai\'s eyebrows frowned slightly.

"These ultimatums are the top ultimatums in the later stage, and he has already obtained so many in the early stage. I am afraid it is a special equipment or skill that can be released at one time. Where did he get so many ultimatums? ?"

  Qingcheng paced slowly, her beautiful eyes lit up after a few seconds.

  She guessed it!

  Yes, she basically guessed how Chen Mo got these big moves and by what means!

  And at this moment, the "king" of the Shengshi Dynasty has just closed the live broadcast room~www.novelhall.com~ His face has unprecedented solemnity.

  The pressure on Chen Mo is even greater than that of the former son Mo.


   "Brother Chen Mo!! We won!"

  Lin Kexin happily ran to Chen Mo with two little girls, the little Phoenix behind him couldn\'t catch up, and then Lin Kexin threw into Chen Mo\'s arms excitedly.

  Zhao Yingmeng also smiled, but she suddenly thought of something.

  Chen Mo... Brother?

  Lin Kexin was so excited, she forgot to hide what she called Chen Mo.

  Girls are really delicate, Ke Xin, Chen Mo, Chen Mo, Brother Chen Mo, Brother Chen Mo... They are also very similar in character and voice.

  What a coincidence, she couldn\'t believe it by coincidence.

  She has also been suspicious that she is really alike.

   However, with this blast of Brother Chen Mo, all of Zhao Yingmeng’s doubts inexplicably disappeared, turning the doubt into confirmation!

  At this moment, she felt that these two people were her neighbors!

   (Recommend a new game book "I took the house, Happy Wind Man", a fine new book by the old author, very funny, very interesting, everyone support it)