I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 362: Shock the world

The latest website: Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo with admiration, this is what a real one-man can do! This is what everyone hopes to achieve in a game world like Tianlin! However, they have reached it!

"This Nima? This Chenmo has used no less than ten different big tricks, right?"

"This is too exaggerated, ten? Adding to the previous release in Lingjian Pavilion, does he have dozens of big moves? My Nima? Do you think it\'s a big move? Even in the late game, players can have one. Then it’s against the sky, he has dozens of them? This is the early stage of the game, what is this going to do? Even Gongzi Mo, Qingcheng and the others can’t do this in the late game! Is that what Tianlin is like? Actually, it’s in the sky now. Young Master Mo in Linzhong also have so many great tricks? Are we short-sighted?"

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is, where did he get so many big moves? And you found that there is no, there is no duplicate, and it is not the same as the one released at Lingjian Pavilion that night, although some seem Almost, but a closer look is not a skill!"

"Is it learned from the superpower? It\'s impossible, right?"


All eyes are on Chen Mo.

And Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou are not vegetarians. Long Xiaorou jumped and hovered in mid-air. A phantom of the holy dragon appeared behind him. His hands gathered formidable power. Five seconds later, a terrifying fireball bombarded him. In the monster group!


Scorching star!

And water...

The crazy bombardment of Jiucai Tianyi Slash!

Everyone looked blinded!

This master is awesome, these two little loli are not bad either! Damn it?

Lin Kexin\'s mouth was wide open, everyone was so amazing, he couldn\'t be ashamed.

"Angel Trial!"

Lin Kexin chanted skills in place, and then above the void, everyone saw a particularly beautiful phantom of an angel with open wings, and saw her dancing the holy sword in her hand, and then a huge sword shattered the sky and fell to the ground.


A monster kills all in seconds.


Lin Kexin showed an expression of excitement.

Everyone: "..."

Zhao Yingmeng: "..."

Wow! The same girls, why is she so weak?

In fact, it is not weak to say that she is weak. It is a pity that she is an assassin. In addition, she has indeed learned a lot of powerful moves in Weiyang Palace. If Lin Kexin is singled out, she may not be her opponent, but where is the biggest weakness of the assassin?

Yes, there is almost no group attack skills. She can do high damage, and even kill a monster with a sword. Now she can do it, but under the brilliance of the others, she is completely Will not be noticed.

Because of others, it\'s too exaggerated.

"Three thousand volts fairy sword!"

Three thousand swords turned out beside Chen Mo, and then flew towards the group of monsters!

"Fuxiang Heavenly Strike!"

Chen Mo danced his sword skills, a dragon shadow danced with Chen Mo\'s sword, and then rushed towards the group of monsters.

Everyone swallowed. Not only are they watching the shocking scenes, many of them are counting, how many big tricks the Great God Chen Mo has used!

"The sword breaks the sky!"


The temples on the other side, and even many guilds of the Shengshi Dynasty would pay a little attention to this side, then the ground trembled for a while, and the sky and the earth were a vision, and the fire was everywhere. Then they found, Nima? Hasn\'t the Wind God Sect fallen yet? Didn\'t a monster even break through the gate?

And the barrage at the moment is crazy!

Who said that one person can\'t beat a guild? This Nima Chenmo killed millions of monsters alone, and the people around him are amazing!

The temples on the other side don\'t feel right. How do you feel that there are more monsters on their side than the Fengshen Sect? Didn’t it mean that the first guild to be established would suffer from five million monsters? How do you feel that there are so many monsters in front of them!

The Shengshi Dynasty is even more daunting. They seem to be five million monsters, right?

But no matter how much, blocking is no problem, but when they saw the Fengshen Sect, they were all stunned.

Still guarding? The big move is still crazy?

The barrage at this moment is even more crazy. Those people can\'t see what is going on here, but these people who are watching the live broadcast watch the whole process and see it very clearly.

They really depended on a few people to guard until now, they really killed millions of monsters, and Chen Mo really did it by bombarding the monsters with uninterrupted ult!

"Nima! I\'m crazy, this is already the 132nd big move, right?"

"It\'s not right, absolutely not right. A player has hundreds of skills? In the late game, there are not hundreds of TMs. Even if all the skills are learned in the hidden class, there are not hundreds of them. What about Chenmo? It is said that there are hundreds of skills, and all of these hundreds of TMs are all the big moves of the air every second!"

"So I feel that this is not Chenmohui’s skills. He must have something that can make him skilled, otherwise it would be too abnormal, too exaggerated, and have you noticed? From the beginning of Chenmo’s fame to the present, he He has released a lot of the same small skills, but his big skills have never been released repeatedly! This is the proof! He must get a lot of skills but cannot be reused, one-time!"

"But Nima is too good, right? Young Master Mo can\'t do it!"

"Besides, don\'t you want special skills to release blue?"


Such a clear picture, I don\'t know how many people are shocked, this is too exaggerated! Almost one person is against millions of monsters, so that millions of monsters can\'t break through the encirclement of several people...

Twenty minutes later, the three million monsters in front of Chen Mo were about one million, and Chen Mo\'s big tricks were about thirty.

There are many ultimatums, but the number of monsters is really more. After 200 ultimatums are poured, plus other people\'s damage, the monsters will die about two million!

If it\'s a five million monster ~www.novelhall.com~, it\'s really hard to say whether it can support it, but fortunately, the system\'s small tone is still a bit "good".

Chen Mo thought for a while, he still had to save some big moves to surprise them in the Temple of Gods.

The millions of members in the family can\'t match the number of people on Chen Mo\'s side, and there is no one.


Chen Mo presents the Taixu starry sky map.

Taixu starry sky map is also called supreme starry sky map. Whether it is too virtual or supreme, it proves the horror of this starry sky map!

At the moment, all the players who watched the live broadcast are really convinced! This is really an exaggeration, refreshing their understanding of virtual online games!

The supreme starry sky chart flew to the sky, and the sky during the day became the stars at night, and the sky became dark.

(End of this chapter)