I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 350: Love Saint Ruins

Latest website: Xiao Ruhan took a deep breath, she was shocked again.

"You mean, Xiao Momo is probably also unable to fight back at the Flame God Temple with this ability tonight?"

"The wording is wrong. It\'s not that there is no fight back, but the fight back is useless. Let you read more books."

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

Xiao Ruhan waved his hand: "This fairy is that way, you only need to understand it."

The woman shook her head secretly.

"Alive for tens of thousands of years, still a fairy?"

"have opinions?"

"It\'s huge."

Xiao Ruhan gave her a blank look, and then didn\'t want to continue this topic.

"Is it the law?"

Xiao Ruhan then asked.

She shook her head: "It\'s not a law, it\'s the power of the angels."

"Holy angel family? Yes, how did I forget this family! Holy angel, holy guardian, guardian angel!"

Xiao Ruhan\'s beautiful eyes lit up.

"But according to common sense, the power of the sacred angel family can\'t do this. It\'s a bit exaggerated, but it\'s not impossible."

Xiao Ruhan smiled and said: "This kid\'s destiny is too strong. Not only does he have such a cordial relationship with the Shengyang clan, but even the relationship with the Holy Light Skywing Tiger clan seems to be good. Now there is another sacred angel clan, but I think If there are too many, how can he gain the power of the law, even if he does, it will be difficult for him to release it."

"No, he really has the power of law in him."


Xiao Ruhan looked at her with a frown.

"The Law of Withering."


The woman looked at the sky in the distance and said, "You didn’t see it, so you don’t know. Although we really don’t know what some of the twelve laws are, I know exactly the law of wilting. The people of the spirit sword pavilion The strong was released by him with the law of withering."

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

"The Withering Law, I remember it has the effect of lowering the cultivation base, right?"

"It\'s not just the cultivation base, it covers a wide range, and I didn\'t expect him to actually exist and release the power of the law."

Xiao Ruhan was shocked.

"This little Momo really makes me more and more invisible, more mysterious."

The woman sighed softly: "The person who has the law, has this chance is destined to heaven, but he has leaked the law, presumably the spirit sword pavilion can also guess the law, he will be in danger."

"Look at him, I think since he dared to release, he should not be afraid." Xiao Ruhan now trusts Chen Mo too much, mainly because he is too mysterious and has done a lot of impossible things.

Xiao Ruhan said, and then suddenly thought of something, and asked, "What should we do with the major sects in the mainland?"

The woman said slightly: "Let the situation develop on its own, this kind of thing will always break out."

"You don\'t care?"

The woman shook her head.

"Let the young people change the situation on the mainland. If I come forward, it will not be able to cure the problems between the major sects and the nature will change."

"Little Momo?"

Xiao Ruhan asked with a smile.

"Maybe you really need to rely on him to change."

"I think it\'s the same. They are all taught by this fairy well."

Xiao Ruhan said proudly.

The woman\'s eyes are full of disgust, has something to do with her?

"Between the major sects, the wind is surging, but tonight this incident should calm the incident a little bit. As for how long it will go down, it is not known. It depends on the next person who takes the initiative to open the curtain to stand up."

This matter, Chen Mo made Lingjian Pavilion like this, other sects will also be afraid when they learn about it, and the matter itself is temporarily caused by Lingjian Pavilion, and Lingjian Pavilion has no temper now, so for the time being Level strength is also difficult to find the second sect to be the spearhead.

"It\'s okay to calm down. At least for Weiyang Palace, it can be delayed for a while. Anyway, Weiyang Palace must be the primary goal of those people. This little Momo has also done a big thing, otherwise I am afraid that Weiyang Palace will be Will be attacked, but it should not be over for a short time now. It just so happens that the disciple\'s experience is about to begin, so it shouldn\'t be affected."

Xiao Ruhan pondered slightly.

The woman did not answer this sentence, but said lightly:

"The Love Sage Site is about to be born, and I have already guessed where it was born."


Xiao Ruhan asked with concern.

The ruins of this love saint is extraordinary, even the top powerhouses on the mainland will pay great attention.


Xiao Ruhan: "..."

"That\'s not where Xiao Momo is now establishing the sect?"

"So he was chosen by the destiny, but the location is his place. Who can get the power of the lover is unknown."

Xiao Ruhan really took it!

The whole continent is so big, and the place where the Love Saint Ruins was born is exactly the land that Xiao Momo bought. Who can stand it?

She sat for a while, then stood up: "Go away."

After speaking, her phantom disappeared in place.

"This fairy is also going to sleep."


"Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

Chen Mo went online early the next morning. Today, there was some turmoil among the major sects of Tianlin Continent, because the events of last night were completely out of paper and the fire was spread out. Everyone thought it was weird and didn’t dare. Believe it, but the fact is... they went to the Lingjian Pavilion and found that the Lingjian Pavilion had been destroyed and turned into this type B. The major disciples quickly rebuilt it. Some disciples were scared to cry when they mentioned what happened last night.

For a while, the name Chenmo was particularly loud in all major sects. They all knew the name, but did not know it. However, it was only seen in the major sects. Not many people on the whole continent knew it. Everyone knew this. It\'s better not to spread the matter.

But among the players, the name Chen Mo is particularly loud. Countless players want to join the Fengshen Sect, but it is a pity that they are not recruiting.

And Chen Mo\'s position in Weiyang Palace is no longer a simple disciple of the Seventh Elders. Anyway, those elders learned about this and quietly saw the current situation of the Lingjian Pavilion, and they felt that no matter how outrageous they were. Up! This Chen Mo, they are serving.

"Big Brother!"

In Qin Hao\'s room, Qin Hai\'s figure quickly rushed in.

"Brother, have you heard about the Lingjian Pavilion outside?"

Qin Hai hurriedly asked ~www.novelhall.com~ Qin Hao\'s face was relatively solemn, and he nodded: "The entire Weiyang Palace is spreading, so naturally I heard about it."

"Do you think it\'s true? If it\'s true, what can you do? This Chen Mo has such a shocking power, how could I possibly kill him."

Qin Hai was anxious and really wanted to kill him.

"Do you think it is true?"

Qin Hai asked back.

"It\'s too much, I always think it\'s impossible, but I asked the disciples of Lingjian Pavilion and they saw it with their own eyes."

Qin Hai sighed and said, it was indeed too much.

Qin Hao nodded: "It must be true, but it doesn\'t prevent us from attacking him!"

(End of this chapter)