I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 349: 2 female dialogue

The stacking of    infinite resurrection and infinite ultimate moves is simply against the sky! Naturally, I have seen the effect. Chen Mo destroyed the Lingjian Pavilion alone. It was not the Lingjian Pavilion spicy chicken, but...their powerful people wanted to kill and couldn\'t stop them. That would be a bad idea. .

  Lin Kexin was also curious about where Chen Mo got so many big moves, but she didn’t ask, she only knew that Chen Mo was good.

   Then Lin Kexin said, "That\'s probably it. Some discussions surrounding these, including the grievances between Brother Chen Mo and Lingjian Pavilion, are also being discussed a lot, but most of them admire Brother Chen Mo."

  Chen Mo only needs to know about it. Of course, players can\'t find a reason not to admire him.

  This is not the same as Chen Mo killing 10,000 people by one person. If one person kills 10,000 people in a second, others will say it is a skill, so he can give him this skill! But in this matter, although some people say that giving him these skills and reviving him infinitely is fine, this time it is really a minority! Because most of the levers really can\'t move.

  Give them skills, they don\'t dare to go, they don\'t have the courage, and they don\'t dare to slap others in the face of the superpower.

  Anyway, this time, Chen Mo has gained a large number of true diehard fans, and also received a large number of support and admiration. Compared with all the things that Chen Mo has done before, the return is more! After all, this matter is too terrifying. It belongs to the level of the player\'s battle for the gods. Now Chen Mo has the qualifications for the gods. You only need to wait for the time and wait for the mid-term. After the later stage, he can still smile proudly. Jianghu, if you make any unbelievable move, then you can almost really try to enshrine the gods.

  Many people compare Chen Mo and Gongzi Mo. How do you say it? It\'s still not comparable. After all, they have too many honors, but Chen Mo\'s deeds today are also not comparable to them, so they are different, and many people are looking forward to the effect of their collision.

   "Well, yes, and those who are discussing the Shengshi Dynasty and the Temple of the Gods are asking them to provoke Brother Chen Mo, they panic."

  Lin Kexin said.

  "Then did they reply?" Chen Mo asked.

"Well, the replies of the Prosperity Dynasty and the Temples are similar. They think Brother Chen Mo is just a flash in the pan, because some special items are so powerful. Without these items, Brother Chen Mo is just a normal player, so they Not afraid."

  Lin Kexin said.

  This is also supported by the majority of people. After all, you said that a player can always be invincible and unleash the ultimate move indefinitely? That is also unrealistic, is it so many big tricks? In fact, it is also unrealistic. Although more people admire it, they tend to have a time limit or a limit on the number of times. Without these, he is just a slightly better player, nothing more!

  Indeed, because after all, Chen Mo hasn\'t really taken root in the hearts of the people, but Chen Mo doesn\'t care anymore.


  In the midst of the sky, the three little girls leaned on each other and fell asleep on the bed. Xiao Ruhan stretched out and sat in the courtyard.

Ultimately confused, Chen Mo’s power was too unbelievable. What she thought at the beginning was also about spirit instruments, but now she suddenly realized that it was impossible for spirit instruments to reach this level. The starry sky map of the top level spirit weapon on this continent, but it feels that there is a gap in comparison, so she thought of something!

  Yes, it is the law!

  To ask the sky above, what is the most precious, powerful, and terrifying thing, that is the law, there is absolutely no power that can surpass the power of the law, so she thinks it is the power of the law.

  As nc, they definitely don\'t have the concept of player. Perhaps there is a power that can transcend the law, that is, the player system.

  She thought for a while, and then with her hands knotted, the purple light rushed towards the sky. After a while, a woman with a veil appeared in front of her, the woman who painted the design of the sect for Chen Mo.

   "It\'s rare that you will take the initiative to find me."

  The woman looked at Xiao Ruhan, a little surprised, but her expression and tone were very calm.

  This is just her phantom, but it looks like a real person.

Xiao Ruhan walked toward the lawn and said as he walked, "You should have heard about the spirit sword pavilion? Even though Weiyang Palace doesn\'t even know what happened now, I think that with your supernatural powers, it should be You paid attention to this as soon as it happened, right?"

  After finishing Xiao Ruhan lying on the lawn looking at the stars.

  The woman walked towards Xiao Ruhan and sat beside her.

   "I saw it, I saw it all the way."

   "Then what do you think?"

  Xiao Ruhan lay on the lawn and turned to look at her.

  "This boy, should be a variable in Tianlin Continent."

   "Oh? The evaluation is so high?"

  Xiao Ruhan\'s beautiful eyes lit up.

   "Do you know what else he did?"

  The woman lowered her head and glanced at Xiao Ruhan who was lying down. The two women looked at each other.

"how could I know."

  Xiao Ruhan pulled out a piece of grass and held it in his mouth, and lay there dangling with Erlang\'s legs.

  "Fortunately, there is no one else here, or you will be gone."

  The woman glanced at Xiao Ruhan, who was wearing a skirt lying there with Erlang\'s legs tilted up. A skirt of this length is fine to sit and knock Erlang\'s legs, but lying down, from a certain angle, then...

  "Say it~www.novelhall.com~Xiao Ruhan is too lazy to pay attention to her.

   "Remember the incident when the Empress Shengyao summoned several major forces, and even the powerhouses of the imperial level, to the border some time ago?"

   "I heard that I was going to fight the Temple of Flame, but then I didn\'t know."

  Xiao Ruhandao.

   "The Temple of Flames was destroyed, and countless strong men were buried there. In the end, only a few of the Flame Demons were alive."

   "Oh? Their combat power is so strong? I see, it\'s the Empress Saint Yao, right? The Flame Demon won\'t lose to her so much, right."

  Xiao Ruhan shook his head slightly.

   "Accurately speaking, none of them did it, it was the kid who dived into it alone."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "You mean Xiao Momo?"

  The woman nodded.

  Xiao Ruhan sat up and looked at her in shock.

"As for how to do it, they don’t know, I don’t know it, I didn’t pay attention, and I didn’t think about it, but this is the fact. He caused it."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"