I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 33: Kindness Lin Kexin

Chen Mo carried the new bedding in the cabinet onto the bamboo bed.

   "I see a river outside, I\'ll get you some water and take a shower, and then you can change your clothes."

   Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s hair and said, and after speaking, he walked out, Xiaoyuan followed Chen Mo all the way, just like a little cat.

   "Xiao Yuan, will you make a fire?"


   Xiao Yuan nodded his head again and again.

   "Go and set the fire to boil some hot water. I see firewood in the yard. Give the fire to you."

   Then Chen Mo handed the flint and flint to Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan ran back happily, Chen Mo packed some water back with a bucket, and Xiao Yuan literally burned his bath water there.

   "Okay, just burn it, I won\'t be here!"

   Chen Mo rubbed her hair.

   Mainly inconvenient!

   "Big Brother is going back?"

   Xiao Yuan quickly turned her head, her small face was a bit dark.

  Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I will put the clothes next to you. After washing, just put on new clothes and sleep. Don\'t mess around. I\'ll be back tomorrow day."


   Xiaoyuan then hugged Chen Mo, her little head reluctantly nestled in his arms, Chen Mo smiled and rubbed her hair and chose to go offline.

   After Chen Mo left, Xiao Yuan was dumb for a while, and then silently burned his bath water.

After he was offline, Chen Mo didn’t do anything else. It was simply sleeping, meditating and other things actually didn’t make much sense to him, because he felt that he was in a certain bottleneck period, and he didn’t know whether it was because of him or what. It has been a long, long time since he has not improved, and he has been stuck here. He tried this for several years, so Chen Mo gave up. It\'s better to go to sleep. You can\'t break your eyes and eventually ruin your body.

  Although his physique is different from that of ordinary people because of his martial arts practice, it will definitely not work for a long time!

Many players will choose to be online for twenty-four hours, or even a few days in a row, and are too lazy to go offline. This is ok, but the virtual ring does not work. They need to buy a virtual game warehouse, which contains nutrient solution, but it is not good after all. It depends on personal choice.

   The next morning, I slept for about four hours. In fact, even if Chen Mo didn\'t sleep for several days, his spirit could be maintained very well. This is the advantage of martial arts possessing realm, but he is used to it!


   "Brother Chen Mo."

   At the familiar point, the door was knocked, and a familiar voice came.

   Chen Mo opened his eyes, then fumbled out of bed and opened the door. Lin Kexin, dressed in work clothes, stood at the door pretty, but Chen Mo couldn\'t see what she was wearing.

   "Brother Chen Mo, breakfast."

   Lin Kexin smiled lightly, then put the breakfast in Chen Mo\'s hands.

   "Thank you."

   "Hey... Did Brother Chen Mo play the game yesterday?"

   Lin Kexin asked happily.

   Chen Mo nodded: "It\'s fun, it\'s fun."

   Lin Kexin was even happier hearing Chen Mo\'s words.

   "Then... Then Kexin will go home first. Brother Chen Mo, remember to have breakfast and goodbye."

   Lin Kexin finished speaking and closed the door for Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo stood at the door and paused for a long time.

He and Lin Kexin are friends, but Lin Kexin is more like his nanny. Chen Mo is also very ashamed. He delivers meals to him day after day, and regularly comes to help him clean the room and help him dry the quilt. Chen Mo said no, but she insisted very much, saying it was to repay Chen Mo\'s life-saving grace.

She said she was a wealthy daughter. Chen Mo had never doubted anything. If he knew Lin Kexin was just an ordinary working girl, he would not accept her in return for anything. He hadn\'t thought of returning for saving people. It was just a matter of convenience, but I didn\'t expect He Lin Kexin to be in the current state.

   is also fate.

   Now, because he killed the BOSS for the first time, Chen Mo has 100,000 gold coins in Tianlin, which corresponds to 100,000 cash. When the gold coin exchange system is turned on, he can convert the gold coins into RMB, and then return it to Lin Kexin.

Although in Chen Mo\'s opinion, Lin Kexin is a wealthy daughter, maybe the mere 10,000 yuan is nothing, but Chen Mo doesn\'t want to accept other people\'s love. Although he has paid back the money and has unrepayable favors, he can pay back some. Something else, Chen Mo never thought that what Lin Kexin did to herself was what she deserved for saving her.

   Lin Kexin rode her bicycle outside and paused for a while. She turned to look at the building where Chen Mo was, and then secretly clenched her powder fist.

"Come on, Kexin, now I have bought a virtual ring for Brother Chen Mo. He can see it in the game. Now you have to work hard to buy one for yourself, and you can play the game with Brother Chen Mo!" , And then rode a bicycle away. She had already planned to buy it for herself for half a year according to her salary for work, so she had to work part-time so that she could buy herself a virtual ring in three months.

  Chen Mo slowly turned around and then sat on the sofa to eat breakfast from Lin Kexin~www.novelhall.com~ After eating, he lay on the bed and put on the virtual ring, but he hadn\'t been online for a long time!

   To tell the truth, this kind of life makes him very frustrated! Chen Mo secretly clenched his fist!

   Fortunately, God opened his eyes and gave him a chance for revenge!

Perhaps in a game, it is indeed impossible to kill or torture people, but with the means of those big families, they will definitely put all their experiences in the sky, perhaps ruining his guild and ruining his chamber of commerce, Not enough, but for Chen Mo, it can only be so. This is only his goal, of course, only for the present!

   However, although being unable to kill people may not be enough to vent your anger, if you can trample on that "king" a hundred times as if you trample on that Qin Heyu in the game, and let him become a joke in front of the world, maybe you can calm down!

   But it was never more venting than killing him! But with his current situation, how difficult is it to kill someone in reality? Now, put it in heaven first!

   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

  \'S online location is the same place as the offline, and Chen Mo appeared directly in the bamboo house.

   looked away, then Chen Mo was stunned.

   Xiaoyuan put on new clothes, after taking a shower, the whole body is fragrant, and there is no dirty picture, her hair is soft, lying on the bed is really a rare super little loli!

   The one I saw in the Sea of ​​Death is exactly the same as Xiaoyuan now, and so is their beauty!

   She should be the most beautiful face in all her impressions, so beautiful that she should be difficult to appear on the earth!

   Chen Mo didn\'t bother Xiaoyuan, and walked out of the bamboo house. When he walked out, the scene in front of him frowned and showed a surprised expression.