I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 32: Qin's Wrath

This is a good place! Far away from the village, there are even two poisonous weeds that make the monster beasts retreat, but it\'s just that the player may approach there.

   "If it\'s only five kilometers, it\'s not too far from the village, surely no villagers will find it?"

Chen Mo asked vigilantly again. After all, he was going offline. Only Xiao Yuan might be nearby. She might have to watch out for players, villagers and monsters. Chen Mo just wanted to go offline and rest at ease. It can only be safe.

   Chen Siniang nodded: "The villagers do know where it is, but it belongs to the Wangxianlin area, and basically no one dares to go."

   "Wang Xianlin?"

Chen Siniang pondered slightly: "How do you say? There are several forbidden places in the village, which are very dangerous. This Wangxianlin is one of them. Although the name is good, there are many fogs that can make people lose their minds. Occurs from time to time. Being in the fog for a long time will produce hallucinations, which will lead to death in Wangxianlin and be eaten by monsters, or fall into Wangxian Cliff, ten deaths and no life, so no villagers dare to pass. You can rest assured. As for the neighborhood where the house is located in the central area of ​​Wangxianlin, it is precisely that there will be no fog spreading in a certain area around here, as long as it is not too far away, there will be no danger."

   "Thank you."

   Chen Mo gave a fist.

   "Just remember what you promised me during the day, and there are still six days."

   Chen Mo nodded, "Don\'t worry."

"Go! There are a lot of fruit trees near the bamboo house, which can satisfy your hunger. There are new bedding in the cabinet in the house. Hold this one and you can avoid the effect of fog within one hour after taking it." After that, Chen Siniang threw one to Chen Mo. The small bottle contains several pills of her own refinement.

   "Thank you."

   Chen Siniang nodded and walked back.

   This is a master! It is really unusual for such a strong person to be hidden in a small village.

   This novice village is isolated from the world, so there must be something special for such a strong person to live in seclusion here!

   Cursed on body?

   No, precisely because of the curse on her body, she should find a way to solve it in Tianlin Continent, right? Even if there is almost nothing to do, she wouldn\'t just stay here and wait for death, right? Even if you wait to die, you shouldn\'t be in this small village, right?

   is strange, but Chen Mo doesn\'t want to think about it for the time being.

   "Go, I\'ll take you to where you live."

   Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s messy hair and said.


Xiao Yuan wanted to hold Chen Mo\'s big hand, and then stopped, because she looked at it and found that her hands were full of oil from the big drumsticks, but she wanted to be held by Chen Mo, and then she squatted down, her little hands lush. The grass is rubbed with oil.

   Chen Mo watched her the whole time, she was really cute!

   However, those grasses will wither directly after being rubbed by Xiaoyuan and then turn yellow until they die! It takes no more than ten seconds before and after.

   Chen Mo was secretly speechless.

   What kind of power is in this little fate? Is it really just pure curse power?

   Anyway, from the current point of view, Xiao Yuan’s power is indeed bad. Any life involved will be cursed and die! In the afternoon, Chen Mo found that the wild cedar tree had withered and died. He didn\'t know how long ago Xiaoyuan had touched it for the first time.

   I just don’t know if it’s useful for monsters.

   should be useful, as for what level of monster the limit is useful for, I don’t know!

   In fact, at first Chen Mo still thought, if it is useful, take Xiaoyuan to level up, and then let Xiaoyuan touch the BOSS. After a while, the BOSS will be almost dead, and you can make up the knife yourself. Isn\'t it beautiful to brush the BOSS?

   But after that, Chen Mo gave up this idea. First, it was dangerous for Xiaoyuan, and second, it took them a month to die when Xiaoyuan touched the villagers. What\'s more? Pointless.

   "It\'s done."

   Xiaoyuan stood pretty in front of Chen Mo, stretched out a small hand, waiting expectantly for Chen Mo to pull her.

   Chen Mo Chong smiled, then took her little hand and walked away.


   Qin\'s house.

   Even though it was late at night, the living room of the Qin’s villa was lit, and Qin Heyu was leaning on the sofa. One of the two bunny girls beside him knelt down to help him pinch his legs, and the other nestled in his arms to feed him grapes.

   This is his private residence. He is not sleepy, because the humiliation of Chen Mo during the day made him extremely angry!

   A graceful woman with a mask walked up to him.

   "How\'s the investigation?"

   She shook her head slowly: "Tianlin has the strongest player identity secrecy mechanism. I went to the company that developed Tianlin and found nothing."

  \'S tone is cold, without much emotion.

   "Rice bucket!"

   Qin Heyu roared, kicked the bunny girl who pinched his leg a few meters away, and moaned painfully on the ground.

   The masked woman seemed to be commonplace, without any movement.

It can be seen that he was dissatisfied with the woman in the mask in front of him, but he didn\'t seem to dare to be angry with her, so he had to direct his anger on the woman next to him~www.novelhall.com~ The woman in the mask said indifferently: "Not long ago , Novice Village has released a mission, which all players in Novice Village of 99999 will take forcibly. The mission is to kill Chenmo. There are hundreds of thousands of players in a village. I believe he will not live long."

   Qin Heyu clenched his fists tightly!

   "What I want is not just to destroy him in the game, I want to trample on him in reality!"

   The woman did not respond.

   Then Qin Heyu raised his head and looked at her, and said, "I saved you and brought Chen Mo to me. If you helped me complete this trivial matter, then you will be regarded as repaying Ben Shao for his life-saving grace."

   "Try your best."

   After speaking, she turned and left.

   Qin Heyu\'s eyes were dark, and he hugged the girl in his arms hard, and put his hand into her clothes. The strength was so strong that her tears flickered in her eyes, but she did not dare to moan.

"Chen Mo, do you think that Master Ben is just simply abolishing you in the game? Dare to provoke me Qin Heyu, your fate will be terrible, let alone Chen Mo, even the inextricable son Mo, a few years ago He also joined the young man to do it, so what are you?"


   At this moment, Chen Mo took Xiaoyuan and saw the small bamboo house in the bamboo forest.

   Maybe it\'s good luck, they haven\'t encountered the fog, nor have they encountered any monsters or monsters.

The bamboo house is not big. There are some flowers and plants in a fence. The two plants at the door that emit a deep blue glow in the dark are particularly noticeable. It should be the poisonous weeds Chen Siniang said. Chen Mo skipped the poisonous weeds. Open the wooden door to enter the small courtyard and open the bamboo door of the bamboo house.

   There is nothing inside, a table, a stool, some tools for collecting herbs, and then there is a very simple small bed made of bamboo with a cabinet next to it...